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Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies

Authors :
Pennells, Lisa
Kaptoge, Stephen
Wood, Angela
Sweeting, Mike
Zhao, Xiaohui
White, Ian
Burgess, Stephen
Willeit, Peter
Bolton, Thomas
Moons, Karel G M
van der Schouw, Yvonne T
Selmer, Randi
Khaw, Kay-Tee
Gudnason, Vilmundur
Assmann, Gerd
Amouyel, Philippe
Salomaa, Veikko
Kivimaki, Mika
Nordestgaard, Børge G
Blaha, Michael J
Kuller, Lewis H
Brenner, Hermann
Gillum, Richard F
Meisinger, Christa
Ford, Ian
Knuiman, Matthew W
Rosengren, Annika
Lawlor, Debbie A
Völzke, Henry
Cooper, Cyrus
Marín Ibañez, Alejandro
Casiglia, Edoardo
Kauhanen, Jussi
Cooper, Jackie A
Rodriguez, Beatriz
Sundström, Johan
Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth
Dankner, Rachel
Nietert, Paul J
Davidson, Karina W
Wallace, Robert B
Blazer, Dan G
Björkelund, Cecilia
Donfrancesco, Chiara
Krumholz, Harlan M
Nissinen, Aulikki
Davis, Barry R
Coady, Sean
Whincup, Peter H
Jørgensen, Torben
Ducimetiere, Pierre
Trevisan, Maurizio
Engström, Gunnar
Crespo, Carlos J
Meade, Tom W
Visser, Marjolein
Kromhout, Daan
Kiechl, Stefan
Daimon, Makoto
Price, Jackie F
Gómez de la Cámara, Agustin
Wouter Jukema, J
Lamarche, Benoît
Onat, Altan
Simons, Leon A
Kavousi, Maryam
Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
Gallacher, John
Dekker, Jacqueline M
Arima, Hisatomi
Shara, Nawar
Tipping, Robert W
Roussel, Ronan
Brunner, Eric J
Koenig, Wolfgang
Sakurai, Masaru
Pavlovic, Jelena
Gansevoort, Ron T
Nagel, Dorothea
Goldbourt, Uri
Barr, Elizabeth L M
Palmieri, Luigi
Njølstad, Inger
Sato, Shinichi
Monique Verschuren, W M
Varghese, Cherian V
Graham, Ian
Onuma, Oyere
Greenland, Philip
Woodward, Mark
Ezzati, Majid
Psaty, Bruce M
Sattar, Naveed
Jackson, Rod
Ridker, Paul M
Cook, Nancy R
D'Agostino, Ralph B
Thompson, Simon G
Danesh, John
Di Angelantonio, Emanuele
Simpson, Lara M
Pressel, Sara L
Couper, David J
Nambi, Vijay
Matsushita, Kunihiro
Folsom, Aaron R
Shaw, Jonathan E
Magliano, Dianna J
Zimmet, Paul Z
Wannamethee, S Goya
Willeit, Johann
Santer, Peter
Egger, Georg
Casas, Juan Pablo
Amuzu, Antointtte
Tikhonoff, Valérie
Sutherland, Susan E
Cushman, Mary
Søgaard, Anne Johanne
Håheim, Lise Lund
Ariansen, Inger
Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne
Jensen, Gorm B
Schnohr, Peter
Giampaoli, Simona
Vanuzzo, Diego
Panico, Salvatore
Balkau, Beverley
Bonnet, Fabrice
Marre, Michel
de la Cámara, Agustin Gómez
Rubio Herrera, Miguel Angel
Friedlander, Yechiel
McCallum, John
McLachlan, Stela
Guralnik, Jack
Phillips, Caroline L
Wareham, Nick
Schöttker, Ben
Saum, Kai-Uwe
Holleczek, Bernd
Tolonen, Hanna
Vartiainen, Erkki
Jousilahti, Pekka
Harald, Kennet
D’Agostino, Ralph B
Massaro, Joseph M
Pencina, Michael
Vasan, Ramachandran
Kayama, Takamasa
Kato, Takeo
Oizumi, Toshihide
Jespersen, Jørgen
Møller, Lars
Bladbjerg, Else Marie
Chetrit, A
Wilhelmsen, Lars
Lissner, Lauren
Dennison, Elaine
Kiyohara, Yutaka
Ninomiya, Toshiharu
Doi, Yasufumi
Nijpels, Giel
Stehouwer, Coen D A
Kazumasa, Yamagishi
Iso, Hiroyasu
Kurl, Sudhir
Tuomainen, Tomi-Pekka
Salonen, Jukka T
Deeg, Dorly J H
Nilsson, Peter M
Hedblad, Bo
Melander, Olle
De Boer, Ian H
DeFilippis, Andrew Paul
Verschuren, W M Monique
Watt, Graham
Tverdal, Aage
Kirkland, Susan
Shimbo, Daichi
Shaffer, Jonathan
Bakker, Stephan J L
van der Harst, Pim
Hillege, Hans L
Dallongeville, Jean
Schulte, Helmut
Trompet, Stella
Smit, Roelof A J
Stott, David J
Després, Jean-Pierre
Cantin, Bernard
Dagenais, Gilles R
Laughlin, Gail
Wingard, Deborah
Aspelund, Thor
Eiriksdottir, Gudny
Gudmundsson, Elias Freyr
Ikram, Arfan
van Rooij, Frank J A
Franco, Oscar H
Rueda-Ochoa, Oscar L
Muka, Taulant
Glisic, Marija
Tunstall-Pedoe, Hugh
Howard, Barbara V
Zhang, Ying
Jolly, Stacey
Davey-Smith, George
Can, Günay
Yüksel, Hüsniye
Nakagawa, Hideaki
Morikawa, Yuko
Miura, Katsuyuki
Ingelsson, Martin
Giedraitis, Vilmantas
Gaziano, J Michael
Shipley, Martin
Arndt, Volker
Cook, Nancy
Ibañez, Alejandro Marín
Geleijnse, Johanna M
Læknadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Medicine (UI)
Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Health Sciences (UI)
Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
Pennells, Lisa [0000-0002-8594-3061]
Kaptoge, Stephen [0000-0002-1155-4872]
Wood, Angela [0000-0002-7937-304X]
Sweeting, Michael [0000-0003-0980-8965]
Zhao, Xiaohui [0000-0001-9922-2815]
Burgess, Stephen [0000-0001-5365-8760]
Danesh, John [0000-0003-1158-6791]
Di Angelantonio, Emanuele [0000-0001-8776-6719]
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Nutrition and Health
APH - Aging & Later Life
APH - Societal Participation & Health
APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases
Cardiovascular Centre (CVC)
Groningen Kidney Center (GKC)
Groningen Institute for Organ Transplantation (GIOT)
Lifestyle Medicine (LM)
Life Course Epidemiology (LCE)
AGEM - Endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition
Internal medicine
Epidemiology and Data Science
Lisa, Pennell
Stephen, Kaptoge
Angela, Wood
Mike, Sweeting
Xiaohui, Zhao
Ian, White
Stephen, Burge
Peter, Willeit
Thomas, Bolton
Karel G M, Moon
Yvonne T, van der Schouw
Randi, Selmer
Kay-Tee, Khaw
Vilmundur, Gudnason
Gerd, Assmann
Philippe, Amouyel
Veikko, Salomaa
Mika, Kivimaki
Børge G, Nordestgaard
Michael J, Blaha
Lewis H, Kuller
Hermann, Brenner
Richard F, Gillum
Christa, Meisinger
Ian, Ford
Matthew W, Knuiman
Annika, Rosengren
Debbie A, Lawlor
Henry, Völzke
Cyrus, Cooper
Alejandro, Marín Ibañez
Edoardo, Casiglia
Jussi, Kauhanen
Jackie A, Cooper
Beatriz, Rodriguez
Johan, Sundström
Elizabeth, Barrett-Connor
Rachel, Dankner
Paul J, Nietert
Karina W, Davidson
Robert B, Wallace
Dan G, Blazer
Cecilia, Björkelund
Chiara, Donfrancesco
Harlan M, Krumholz
Aulikki, Nissinen
Barry R, Davi
Sean, Coady
Peter H, Whincup
Torben, Jørgensen
Pierre, Ducimetiere
Maurizio, Trevisan
Gunnar, Engström
Carlos J, Crespo
Tom W, Meade
Marjolein, Visser
Daan, Kromhout
Stefan, Kiechl
Makoto, Daimon
Jackie F, Price
Agustin, Gómez de la Cámara
J, Wouter Jukema
Benoît, Lamarche
Altan, Onat
Leon A, Simon
Maryam, Kavousi
Yoav, Ben-Shlomo
John, Gallacher
Jacqueline M, Dekker
Hisatomi, Arima
Nawar, Shara
Robert W, Tipping
Ronan, Roussel
Eric J, Brunner
Wolfgang, Koenig
Masaru, Sakurai
Jelena, Pavlovic
Ron T, Gansevoort
Dorothea, Nagel
Uri, Goldbourt
Elizabeth L M, Barr
Luigi, Palmieri
Inger, Njølstad
Shinichi, Sato
W M, Monique Verschuren
Cherian V, Varghese
Ian, Graham
Oyere, Onuma
Philip, Greenland
Mark, Woodward
Majid, Ezzati
Bruce M, Psaty
W Tipping, Naveerobert
M Simpson, Lara
L Pressel, Sara
J Couper, David
Nambi, Vijay
Matsushita, Kunihiro
R Folsom, Aaron
E Shaw, Jonathan
J Magliano, Dianna
Z Zimmet, Paul
W Knuiman, Matthew
H Whincup, Peter
Goya Wannamethee, S
Willeit, Johann
Santer, Peter
Egger, Georg
Pablo Casas, Juan
Amuzu, Antoinette
Ben-Shlomo, Yoav
Gallacher, John
Tikhonoff, Valérie
Casiglia, Edoardo
E Sutherland, Susan
J Nietert, Paul
Cushman, Mary
M Psaty, Bruce
Johanne Søgaard, Anne
Lund Håheim, Lise
Ariansen, Inger
Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne
B Jensen, Gorm
Schnohr, Peter
Giampaoli, Simona
Vanuzzo, Diego
Panico, Salvatore
Palmieri, Luigi
Balkau, Beverley
Bonnet, Fabrice
Marre, Michel
Gómez de la Cámara, Agustin
Angel Rubio Herrera, Miguel
Friedlander, Yechiel
Mccallum, John
Mclachlan, Stela
Guralnik, Jack
L Phillips, Caroline
Khaw, Kay-Tee
Wareham, Nick
Schöttker, Ben
Saum, Kai-Uwe
Holleczek, Bernd
Nissinen, Aulikki
Tolonen, Hanna
Donfrancesco, Chiara
Vartiainen, Erkki
Jousilahti, Pekka
Harald, Kennet
B D’Agostino, Ralph
M Massaro, Joseph
Pencina, Michael
Vasan, Ramachandran
Kayama, Takamasa
Kato, Takeo
Oizumi, Toshihide
Jespersen, Jørgen
Møller, Lar
Marie Bladbjerg, Else
Chetrit, A
Rosengren, Annika
Wilhelmsen, Lar
Björkelund, Cecilia
Lissner, Lauren
Nagel, Dorothea
Dennison, Elaine
Kiyohara, Yutaka
Ninomiya, Toshiharu
Doi, Yasufumi
Rodriguez, Beatriz
Nijpels, Giel
A Stehouwer, Coen D
Sato, Shinichi
Kazumasa, Yamagishi
Iso, Hiroyasu
Goldbourt, Uri
Salomaa, Veikko
Kurl, Sudhir
Tuomainen, Tomi-Pekka
T Salonen, Jukka
Visser, Marjolein
H Deeg, Dorly J
W Meade, Tom
M Nilsson, Peter
Hedblad, Bo
Melander, Olle
H De Boer, Ian
Paul DeFilippis, Andrew
M Monique Verschuren, W
Sattar, Naveed
Watt, Graham
Meisinger, Christa
Koenig, Wolfgang
H Kuller, Lewi
Tverdal, Aage
F Gillum, Richard
A Cooper, Jackie
Kirkland, Susan
Shimbo, Daichi
Shaffer, Jonathan
Ducimetiere, Pierre
L Bakker, Stephan J
van der Harst, Pim
L Hillege, Han
J Crespo, Carlo
Amouyel, Philippe
Dallongeville, Jean
Assmann, Gerd
Schulte, Helmut
Trompet, Stella
J Smit, Roelof A
J Stott, David
T van der Schouw, Yvonne
Després, Jean-Pierre
Cantin, Bernard
R Dagenais, Gille
Laughlin, Gail
Wingard, Deborah
Trevisan, Maurizio
Aspelund, Thor
Eiriksdottir, Gudny
Freyr Gudmundsson, Elia
Ikram, Arfan
A van Rooij, Frank J
H Franco, Oscar
L Rueda-Ochoa, Oscar
Muka, Taulant
Glisic, Marija
Tunstall-Pedoe, Hugh
Völzke, Henry
V Howard, Barbara
Zhang, Ying
Jolly, Stacey
Davey-Smith, George
Can, Günay
Yüksel, Hüsniye
Nakagawa, Hideaki
Morikawa, Yuko
Miura, Katsuyuki
Njølstad, Inger
Ingelsson, Martin
Giedraitis, Vilmanta
M Ridker, Paul
Michael Gaziano, J
Kivimaki, Mika
Shipley, Martin
J Brunner, Eric
Arndt, Volker
Brenner, Hermann
Cook, Nancy
Ford, Ian
Marín Ibañez, Alejandro
M Geleijnsed, Johanna
Rod, Jackson
Paul M, Ridker
Nancy R, Cook
Ralph B, D'Agostino
Simon G, Thompson
John, Danesh
Emanuele, Di Angelantonio
Source :
European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-+. Oxford University Press, Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Volzke, H, Cooper, C, Ibanez, A M, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundstrom, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Bjorkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engstrom, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, de la Camara, A G, Jukema, J W, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Verschuren, W M M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N, D'Agostino, R B S, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E, Tipping, R W, Simpson, L M, Pressel, S L, Couper, D J, Nambi, V, Matsushita, K, Folsom, A R, Shaw, J E, Magliano, D J, Zimmet, P Z, Knuiman, M W, Whincup, P H, Wannamethee, S G, Willeit, J, Santer, P, Egger, G, Casas, J P, Amuzu, A, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Tikhonoff, V, Casiglia, E, Sutherland, S E, Nietert, P J, Cushman, M, Psaty, B M, Sogaard, A J, Haheim, L L, Ariansen, I, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Jensen, G B, Schnohr, P, Giampaoli, S, Vanuzzo, D, Panico, S, Palmieri, L, Balkau, B, Bonnet, F, Marre, M, de la Camara, A G, Herrera, M A R, Friedlander, Y, McCallum, J, McLachlan, S, Guralnik, J, Phillips, C L, Guralnik, J, Khaw, K-T, Wareham, N, Schottker, B, Saum, K-U, Holleczek, B, Nissinen, A, Tolonen, H, Giampaoli, S, Donfrancesco, C, Jousilahti, P, Harald, K, D'Agostino, R B S, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Kayama, T, Kato, T, Oizumi, T, Jespersen, J, Møller, L, Bladbjerg, E M, Chetrit, A, Rosengren, A, Wilhelmsen, L, Bjorkelund, C, Lissner, L, Nagel, D, Dennison, E, Kiyohara, Y, Ninomiya, T, Doi, Y, Rodriguez, B, Nijpels, G, Stehouwer, C D A, Sato, S, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Goldbourt, U, Salomaa, V, Vartiainen, E, Kurl, S, Tuomainen, T-P, Salonen, J T, Visser, M, Deeg, D J H, Meade, T, Nilsson, P M, Hedblad, B, Melander, O, De Boer, I H, DeFilippis, A P, Verschuren, W M M, Sattar, N, Watt, G, Meisinger, C, Koenig, W, Verschuren, M, Rosengren, A, Kuller, L H, Tverdal, A, Gillum, R F, Cooper, J A, Kirkland, S, Shimbo, D, Shaffer, J, Sato, S, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Ducimetiere, P, Bakker, S J L, van der Harst, P, Hillege, H L, Crespo, C J, Amouyel, P, Dallongeville, J, Assmann, G, Schulte, H, Trompet, S, Smit, R A J, Stott, D J, van der Schouw, Y T, Despres, J-P, Cantin, B, Dagenais, G R, Laughlin, G, Wingard, D, Khaw, K-T, Trevisan, M, Aspelund, T, Eiriksdottir, G, Gudmundsson, E F, Ikram, A, van Rooij, F J A, Franco, O H, Rueda-Ochoa, O L, Muka, T, Glisic, M, Tunstall-Pedoe, H, Volzke, H, Howard, B V, Zhang, Y, Jolly, S, Gallacher, J, Davey-Smith, G, Can, G, Yuksel, H, Nakagawa, H, Morikawa, Y, Miura, K, Njølstad, I, Ingelsson, M, Giedraitis, V, Ridker, P M, Gaziano, J M, Kivimaki, M, Shipley, M, Brunner, E J, Arndt, V, Brenner, H, Cook, N, Ridker, P M, Ford, I, Sattar, N, Ibanez, A M & Geleijnse, J M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal, Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, Nordestgaard, B G, Jørgensen, T, Di Angelantonio, E, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Jespersen, J & Bladbjerg, E-M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal 40 (2019) 7, Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, Van Der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engström, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T W, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, Gómez De La Cámara, A, Wouter Jukema, J, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R W, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Monique Verschuren, W M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N R, D'Agostino, R B, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E, Simpson, L M, Pressel, S L, Couper, D J, Nambi, V, Matsushita, K, Folsom, A R, Shaw, J E, Magliano, D J, Zimmet, P Z, Wannamethee, S G, Willeit, J, Santer, P, Egger, G, Casas, J P, Amuzu, A, Tikhonoff, V, Sutherland, S E, Cushman, M, Søgaard, A J, Håheim, L L, Ariansen, I, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Jensen, G B, Schnohr, P, Giampaoli, S, Vanuzzo, D, Panico, S, Balkau, B, Bonnet, F, Marre, M, De La Cámara, A G, Rubio Herrera, M A, Friedlander, Y, McCallum, J, McLachlan, S, Guralnik, J, Phillips, C L, Wareham, N, Schöttker, B, Saum, K U, Holleczek, B, Tolonen, H, Vartiainen, E, Jousilahti, P, Harald, K, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Kayama, T, Kato, T, Oizumi, T, Jespersen, J, Møller, L, Bladbjerg, E M, Chetrit, A, Wilhelmsen, L, Lissner, L, Dennison, E, Kiyohara, Y, Ninomiya, T, Doi, Y, Nijpels, G, Stehouwer, C D A, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Kurl, S, Tuomainen, T P, Salonen, J T, Deeg, D J H, Nilsson, P M, Bo, H, Melander, O, De Boer, I H, DeFilippis, A P, Verschuren, W M M, Watt, G, Verschuren, W M M, Tverdal, A, Kirkland, S, Shimbo, D, Shaffer, J, Bakker, S J L, Van Der Harst, P, Hillege, H L, Dallongeville, J, Schulte, H, Trompet, S, Smit, R A J, Stott, D J, Després, J P, Cantin, B, Dagenais, G R, Laughlin, G, Wingard, D, Aspelund, T, Eiriksdottir, G, Gudmundsson, E F, Ikram, A, Van Rooij, F J A, Franco, O H, Rueda-Ochoa, O L, Muka, T, Glisic, M, Tunstall-Pedoe, H, Howard, B V, Ying, Z, Jolly, S, Davey-Smith, G, Can, G, Yüksel, H, Nakagawa, H, Morikawa, Y, Miura, K, Ingelsson, M, Giedraitis, V, Gaziano, J M, Shipley, M, Arndt, V, Ibañez, A M & Geleijnse, J M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : Individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-631, European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-631. Oxford University Press, European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-+. OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2018, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal ., Pennells, L, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Woodward, M, Thompson, S G & Di Angelantonio, E 2018, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal ., Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engström, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T W, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, de la Cámara, A G, Jukema, J W, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R W, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Verschuren, W M M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N R, D'Agostino, R B, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E & Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621–631 ., Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B R G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Visser, M, Dekker, J M, Gansevoort, R T, Woodward, M, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Angelantonio, E & Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621. Oxford University Press
Publication Year :


Publisher's version (útgefin grein)<br />Aims: There is debate about the optimum algorithm for cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk estimation. We conducted head-to-head comparisons of four algorithms recommended by primary prevention guidelines, before and after 'recalibration', a method that adapts risk algorithms to take account of differences in the risk characteristics of the populations being studied. Methods and results: Using individual-participant data on 360 737 participants without CVD at baseline in 86 prospective studies from 22 countries, we compared the Framingham risk score (FRS), Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE), pooled cohort equations (PCE), and Reynolds risk score (RRS). We calculated measures of risk discrimination and calibration, and modelled clinical implications of initiating statin therapy in people judged to be at 'high' 10 year CVD risk. Original risk algorithms were recalibrated using the risk factor profile and CVD incidence of target populations. The four algorithms had similar risk discrimination. Before recalibration, FRS, SCORE, and PCE over-predicted CVD risk on average by 10%, 52%, and 41%, respectively, whereas RRS under-predicted by 10%. Original versions of algorithms classified 29-39% of individuals aged ≥40 years as high risk. By contrast, recalibration reduced this proportion to 22-24% for every algorithm. We estimated that to prevent one CVD event, it would be necessary to initiate statin therapy in 44-51 such individuals using original algorithms, in contrast to 37-39 individuals with recalibrated algorithms. Conclusion: Before recalibration, the clinical performance of four widely used CVD risk algorithms varied substantially. By contrast, simple recalibration nearly equalized their performance and improved modelled targeting of preventive action to clinical need.<br />The work of the co-ordinating centre was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (G0800270), British Heart Foundation (SP/09/ 002), British Heart Foundation Cambridge Cardiovascular Centre of Excellence, UK National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, European Research Council (268834), and European Commission Framework Programme 7 (HEALTH-F2-2012-279233). The Emerging Risk Factor Collaboration’s website has compiled a list provided by investigators of some of the funders of the component studies in this analysis. I.W. was supported by the Medical Research Council Unit Programme MC_UU_12023/21. M.K. is supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Veni grant (Veni, 91616079). J.P. is supported by Erasmus Mundus Western Balkans (ERAWEB), a project funded by the European Commission.


0195668X and 15229645
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European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-+. Oxford University Press, Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Volzke, H, Cooper, C, Ibanez, A M, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundstrom, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Bjorkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engstrom, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, de la Camara, A G, Jukema, J W, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Verschuren, W M M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N, D'Agostino, R B S, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E, Tipping, R W, Simpson, L M, Pressel, S L, Couper, D J, Nambi, V, Matsushita, K, Folsom, A R, Shaw, J E, Magliano, D J, Zimmet, P Z, Knuiman, M W, Whincup, P H, Wannamethee, S G, Willeit, J, Santer, P, Egger, G, Casas, J P, Amuzu, A, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Tikhonoff, V, Casiglia, E, Sutherland, S E, Nietert, P J, Cushman, M, Psaty, B M, Sogaard, A J, Haheim, L L, Ariansen, I, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Jensen, G B, Schnohr, P, Giampaoli, S, Vanuzzo, D, Panico, S, Palmieri, L, Balkau, B, Bonnet, F, Marre, M, de la Camara, A G, Herrera, M A R, Friedlander, Y, McCallum, J, McLachlan, S, Guralnik, J, Phillips, C L, Guralnik, J, Khaw, K-T, Wareham, N, Schottker, B, Saum, K-U, Holleczek, B, Nissinen, A, Tolonen, H, Giampaoli, S, Donfrancesco, C, Jousilahti, P, Harald, K, D'Agostino, R B S, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Kayama, T, Kato, T, Oizumi, T, Jespersen, J, Møller, L, Bladbjerg, E M, Chetrit, A, Rosengren, A, Wilhelmsen, L, Bjorkelund, C, Lissner, L, Nagel, D, Dennison, E, Kiyohara, Y, Ninomiya, T, Doi, Y, Rodriguez, B, Nijpels, G, Stehouwer, C D A, Sato, S, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Goldbourt, U, Salomaa, V, Vartiainen, E, Kurl, S, Tuomainen, T-P, Salonen, J T, Visser, M, Deeg, D J H, Meade, T, Nilsson, P M, Hedblad, B, Melander, O, De Boer, I H, DeFilippis, A P, Verschuren, W M M, Sattar, N, Watt, G, Meisinger, C, Koenig, W, Verschuren, M, Rosengren, A, Kuller, L H, Tverdal, A, Gillum, R F, Cooper, J A, Kirkland, S, Shimbo, D, Shaffer, J, Sato, S, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Ducimetiere, P, Bakker, S J L, van der Harst, P, Hillege, H L, Crespo, C J, Amouyel, P, Dallongeville, J, Assmann, G, Schulte, H, Trompet, S, Smit, R A J, Stott, D J, van der Schouw, Y T, Despres, J-P, Cantin, B, Dagenais, G R, Laughlin, G, Wingard, D, Khaw, K-T, Trevisan, M, Aspelund, T, Eiriksdottir, G, Gudmundsson, E F, Ikram, A, van Rooij, F J A, Franco, O H, Rueda-Ochoa, O L, Muka, T, Glisic, M, Tunstall-Pedoe, H, Volzke, H, Howard, B V, Zhang, Y, Jolly, S, Gallacher, J, Davey-Smith, G, Can, G, Yuksel, H, Nakagawa, H, Morikawa, Y, Miura, K, Njølstad, I, Ingelsson, M, Giedraitis, V, Ridker, P M, Gaziano, J M, Kivimaki, M, Shipley, M, Brunner, E J, Arndt, V, Brenner, H, Cook, N, Ridker, P M, Ford, I, Sattar, N, Ibanez, A M & Geleijnse, J M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal, Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, Nordestgaard, B G, Jørgensen, T, Di Angelantonio, E, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Jespersen, J & Bladbjerg, E-M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal 40 (2019) 7, Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, Van Der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engström, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T W, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, Gómez De La Cámara, A, Wouter Jukema, J, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R W, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Monique Verschuren, W M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N R, D'Agostino, R B, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E, Simpson, L M, Pressel, S L, Couper, D J, Nambi, V, Matsushita, K, Folsom, A R, Shaw, J E, Magliano, D J, Zimmet, P Z, Wannamethee, S G, Willeit, J, Santer, P, Egger, G, Casas, J P, Amuzu, A, Tikhonoff, V, Sutherland, S E, Cushman, M, Søgaard, A J, Håheim, L L, Ariansen, I, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Jensen, G B, Schnohr, P, Giampaoli, S, Vanuzzo, D, Panico, S, Balkau, B, Bonnet, F, Marre, M, De La Cámara, A G, Rubio Herrera, M A, Friedlander, Y, McCallum, J, McLachlan, S, Guralnik, J, Phillips, C L, Wareham, N, Schöttker, B, Saum, K U, Holleczek, B, Tolonen, H, Vartiainen, E, Jousilahti, P, Harald, K, Massaro, J M, Pencina, M, Vasan, R, Kayama, T, Kato, T, Oizumi, T, Jespersen, J, Møller, L, Bladbjerg, E M, Chetrit, A, Wilhelmsen, L, Lissner, L, Dennison, E, Kiyohara, Y, Ninomiya, T, Doi, Y, Nijpels, G, Stehouwer, C D A, Kazumasa, Y, Iso, H, Kurl, S, Tuomainen, T P, Salonen, J T, Deeg, D J H, Nilsson, P M, Bo, H, Melander, O, De Boer, I H, DeFilippis, A P, Verschuren, W M M, Watt, G, Verschuren, W M M, Tverdal, A, Kirkland, S, Shimbo, D, Shaffer, J, Bakker, S J L, Van Der Harst, P, Hillege, H L, Dallongeville, J, Schulte, H, Trompet, S, Smit, R A J, Stott, D J, Després, J P, Cantin, B, Dagenais, G R, Laughlin, G, Wingard, D, Aspelund, T, Eiriksdottir, G, Gudmundsson, E F, Ikram, A, Van Rooij, F J A, Franco, O H, Rueda-Ochoa, O L, Muka, T, Glisic, M, Tunstall-Pedoe, H, Howard, B V, Ying, Z, Jolly, S, Davey-Smith, G, Can, G, Yüksel, H, Nakagawa, H, Morikawa, Y, Miura, K, Ingelsson, M, Giedraitis, V, Gaziano, J M, Shipley, M, Arndt, V, Ibañez, A M & Geleijnse, J M 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : Individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-631, European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-631. Oxford University Press, European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621-+. OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2018, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal ., Pennells, L, Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Woodward, M, Thompson, S G & Di Angelantonio, E 2018, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal ., Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Whincup, P H, Jørgensen, T, Ducimetiere, P, Trevisan, M, Engström, G, Crespo, C J, Meade, T W, Visser, M, Kromhout, D, Kiechl, S, Daimon, M, Price, J F, de la Cámara, A G, Jukema, J W, Lamarche, B, Onat, A, Simons, L A, Kavousi, M, Ben-Shlomo, Y, Gallacher, J, Dekker, J M, Arima, H, Shara, N, Tipping, R W, Roussel, R, Brunner, E J, Koenig, W, Sakurai, M, Pavlovic, J, Gansevoort, R T, Nagel, D, Goldbourt, U, Barr, E L M, Palmieri, L, Njølstad, I, Sato, S, Verschuren, W M M, Varghese, C V, Graham, I, Onuma, O, Greenland, P, Woodward, M, Ezzati, M, Psaty, B M, Sattar, N, Jackson, R, Ridker, P M, Cook, N R, D'Agostino, R B, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Di Angelantonio, E & Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration : individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621–631 ., Pennells, L, Kaptoge, S, Wood, A, Sweeting, M, Zhao, X, White, I, Burgess, S, Willeit, P, Bolton, T, Moons, K G M, van der Schouw, Y T, Selmer, R, Khaw, K-T, Gudnason, V, Assmann, G, Amouyel, P, Salomaa, V, Kivimaki, M, Nordestgaard, B R G, Blaha, M J, Kuller, L H, Brenner, H, Gillum, R F, Meisinger, C, Ford, I, Knuiman, M W, Rosengren, A, Lawlor, D A, Völzke, H, Cooper, C, Marín Ibañez, A, Casiglia, E, Kauhanen, J, Cooper, J A, Rodriguez, B, Sundström, J, Barrett-Connor, E, Dankner, R, Nietert, P J, Davidson, K W, Wallace, R B, Blazer, D G, Björkelund, C, Donfrancesco, C, Krumholz, H M, Nissinen, A, Davis, B R, Coady, S, Visser, M, Dekker, J M, Gansevoort, R T, Woodward, M, Thompson, S G, Danesh, J, Angelantonio, E & Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration 2019, ' Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies ', European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 621-631 ., European Heart Journal, 40(7), 621. Oxford University Press
Accession number :