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A Hybrid Novel Fuzzy MCDM Method for Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Pumped Storage Power Station in China

Authors :
Peipei You
Sijia Liu
Sen Guo
Source :
Mathematics, Vol 10, Iss 71, p 71 (2022), Mathematics; Volume 10; Issue 1; Pages: 71
Publication Year :
Publisher :
MDPI AG, 2022.


Considering the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, along with their related policies, pumped storage power stations are set to develop quickly in China. The comprehensive performance of pumped storage power stations must urgently be evaluated, which can help investors in decision making and provide a reference for policymakers. In this paper, a hybrid novel fuzzy multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) method combining the fuzzy best worst method (BWM) and fuzzy TOPSIS was proposed for the comprehensive performance evaluation of pumped storage power stations in China. The fuzzy BWM was utilized to determine the criteria weights describing the comprehensive performance of pumped storage power stations, while the fuzzy TOPSIS was used to rank the comprehensive performance of pumped storage power stations. The index system for the comprehensive performance evaluation of pumped storage power stations in China incorporated economic, social, and environmental aspects. The comprehensive performance of four pumped storage power stations in China was empirically evaluated using the proposed hybrid novel fuzzy MCDM method, and the results indicate that pumped storage power station PSPS2 exhibited the best comprehensive performance, followed by pumped storage power stations PSPS1 and PSPS4, whereas pumped storage power station PSPS3 had the worst comprehensive performance. A sensitivity analysis and comparative analysis were also conducted. The results indicate that the proposed hybrid novel fuzzy MCDM method, combining the fuzzy BWM and fuzzy TOPSIS for comprehensive performance evaluation of pumped storage power stations, is robust and effective.


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