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Discovery of TeV γ-ray emission from the neighbourhood of the supernova remnant G24.7+0.6 by MAGIC

Authors :
R. J. García López
P G Prada Moroni
C. Arcaro
M. Vazquez Acosta
Masahiro Teshima
Elina Lindfors
Nikola Godinovic
Victoria Moreno
Daniel Mazin
Saverio Lombardi
A. Fernández-Barral
Chiara Righi
Pratik Majumdar
M. V. Fonseca
L. Nogués
Cosimo Nigro
M. Nievas Rosillo
Lluis Font
D. Dorner
A. Lamastra
M. Minev
R. Zanin
P. Temnikov
D. Elsaesser
J. Palacio
J. M. Paredes
Antonio Stamerra
Marcel Strzys
V. D'Elia
Martin Will
Stefano Covino
D. Zarić
Adrian Biland
D.F. Torres
Dario Hrupec
R. Paoletti
Wrijupan Bhattacharyya
B. Banerjee
A. Fattorini
Marc Ribó
S. Ansoldi
P. Giammaria
M. A. Lopez
Karl Mannheim
P. Bangale
Junko Kushida
J. Delgado
J. Rico
Kyoshi Nishijima
Tomoki Saito
Giovanni Ceribella
Satoshi Masuda
John Hoang
U. Barres de Almeida
Arka Chatterjee
Tarek M. Hassan
Hidetoshi Kubo
S. Paiano
Aaron Dominguez
F. Di Pierro
D. Kuveždić
Jürgen Besenrieder
Alexander Hahn
D. Hadasch
A. Rugliancich
Marina Manganaro
Fabrizio Tavecchio
M. I. Martínez
D. Fidalgo
Juan Abel Barrio
J. Becerra González
J. E. Ward
Damir Lelas
Francesco Longo
I. Snidaric
Sidika Merve Colak
G. Ferrara
E. Colombo
Sabrina Einecke
M. Delfino
Lab Saha
D. Dominis Prester
Alessio Berti
Ievgen Vovk
Louis Antonelli
A. Arbet Engels
S. Gallozzi
Gaia Vanzo
P. Cumani
Konstancja Satalecka
A. De Angelis
D. Ninci
Michele Doro
Dorota Sobczyńska
Martin Makariev
Ana Babić
Oscar Blanch
R. Mirzoyan
Vitaly Neustroev
W. Bednarek
T. Schweizer
Jose Luis Contreras
Christian Fruck
Julian Sitarek
Juan Cortina
J. Herrera
V. Fallah Ramazani
G. Bonnoli
David Paneque
M. Mariotti
Koji Noda
A. López-Oramas
Ivica Puljak
D. Guberman
Elisa Bernardini
G. Pedaletti
G. Maneva
D. Baack
M. Persic
P. Colin
V. A. Acciari
P. Da Vela
L. Foffano
L. Maraschi
Tomislav Terzić
Kari Nilsson
Yuki Iwamura
Susumu Inoue
J. R. Garcia
Camilla Maggio
Kazuma Ishio
E. de Oña Wilhelmi
A. Niedzwiecki
Elisa Prandini
Rodolfo Carosi
M. Peresano
N. Torres-Albà
Jose Miguel Miranda
D. Galindo
Francesco Leone
T. Surić
Shimpei Tsujimoto
Abelardo Moralejo
E. Moretti
Edgar Molina
B. De Lotto
Markus Gaug
Ciro Bigongiari
M. Garczarczyk
W. Rhode
Francesco Dazzi
A. Somero
Pablo Peñil
Acciari, V. A.
Ansoldi, S.
Antonelli, L. A.
Arbet Engels, A.
Arcaro, C.
Baack, D.
Babić, A.
Banerjee, B.
Bangale, P.
De Almeida, U Barre
Barrio, J. A.
Becerra González, J.
Bednarek, W.
Bernardini, E.
Berti, A.
Besenrieder, J.
Bhattacharyya, W.
Bigongiari, C.
Biland, A.
Blanch, O.
Bonnoli, G.
Carosi, R.
Ceribella, G.
Chatterjee, A.
Colak, S. M.
Colin, P.
Colombo, E.
Contreras, J. L.
Cortina, J.
Covino, S.
Cumani, P.
D'Elia, V.
Da Vela, P.
Dazzi, F.
De Angelis, A.
De Lotto, B.
Delfino, M.
Delgado, J.
Di Pierro, F.
Domínguez, A.
Dominis Prester, D.
Dorner, D.
Doro, M.
Einecke, S.
Elsaesser, D.
Fallah Ramazani, V.
Fattorini, A.
Fernández-Barral, A.
Ferrara, G.
Fidalgo, D.
Foffano, L.
Fonseca, M. V.
Font, L.
Fruck, C.
Galindo, D.
Gallozzi, S.
García López, R. J.
Garczarczyk, M.
Gaug, M.
Giammaria, P.
Godinović, N.
Guberman, D.
Hadasch, D.
Hahn, A.
Hassan, T.
Herrera, J.
Hoang, J.
Hrupec, D.
Inoue, S.
Ishio, K.
Iwamura, Y.
Kubo, H.
Kushida, J.
Kuveždić, D.
Lamastra, A.
Lelas, D.
Leone, F.
Lindfors, E.
Lombardi, S.
Longo, F.
López, M.
López-Oramas, A.
Maggio, C.
Majumdar, P.
Makariev, M.
Maneva, G.
Manganaro, M.
Mannheim, K.
Maraschi, L.
Mariotti, M.
Martínez, M.
Masuda, S.
Mazin, D.
Minev, M.
Miranda, J. M.
Mirzoyan, R.
Molina, E.
Moralejo, A.
Moreno, V.
Moretti, E.
Neustroev, V.
Niedzwiecki, A.
Nievas Rosillo, M.
Nigro, C.
Nilsson, K.
Ninci, D.
Nishijima, K.
Noda, K.
Nogués, L.
Paiano, S.
Palacio, J.
Paneque, D.
Paoletti, R.
Paredes, J. M.
Pedaletti, G.
Peñil, P.
Peresano, M.
Persic, M.
Prada Moroni, P. G.
Prandini, E.
Puljak, I.
Garcia, J. R.
Rhode, W.
Ribó, M.
Rico, J.
Righi, C.
Rugliancich, A.
Saha, L.
Saito, T.
Satalecka, K.
Schweizer, T.
Sitarek, J.
Šnidarić, I.
Sobczynska, D.
Somero, A.
Stamerra, A.
Strzys, M.
Surić, T.
Tavecchio, F.
Temnikov, P.
Terzić, T.
Teshima, M.
Torres-Albà, N.
Tsujimoto, S.
Vanzo, G.
Vazquez Acosta, M.
Vovk, I.
Ward, J. E.
Will, M.
Zarić, D.
De Oña Wilhelmi, E.
Torres, D. F.
Zanin, R.
Source :
E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM, instname, E-Prints Complutense: Archivo Institucional de la UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483(4), 4578-4585 (2019). doi:10.1093/mnras/sty3387
Publication Year :


SNR G24.7+0.6 is a 9.5 kyrs radio and $\gamma$-ray supernova remnant evolving in a dense medium. In the GeV regime, SNR G24.7+0.6 (3FHL\,J1834.1--0706e/FGES\,J1834.1--0706) shows a hard spectral index ($\Gamma$$\sim$2) up to $200$\,GeV, which makes it a good candidate to be observed with Cherenkov telescopes such as MAGIC. We observed the field of view of \snr\ with the MAGIC telescopes for a total of 31 hours. We detect very high energy $\gamma$-ray emission from an extended source located 0.34\degr\ away from the center of the radio SNR. The new source, named \mgc\ is detected up to 5\,TeV, and its spectrum is well-represented by a power-law function with spectral index of $2.74 \pm 0.08$. The complexity of the region makes the identification of the origin of the very-high energy emission difficult, however the spectral agreement with the LAT source and overlapping position at less than 1.5$\sigma$ point to a common origin. We analysed 8 years of \fermi-LAT data to extend the spectrum of the source down to 60\,MeV. \fermi-LAT and MAGIC spectra overlap within errors and the global broad band spectrum is described by a power-law with exponential cutoff at $1.9\pm0.5$\,TeV. The detected $\gamma$-ray emission can be interpreted as the results of proton-proton interaction between the supernova and the CO-rich surrounding.<br />Comment: accepted for publication by MNRAS


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Journal :
E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM, instname, E-Prints Complutense: Archivo Institucional de la UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483(4), 4578-4585 (2019). doi:10.1093/mnras/sty3387
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