Early or prophylactic thyroidectomy in MEN 2/FMTC gene carriers: results in 71 thyroidectomized patients. The French Calcitonin Tumours Study Group (GETC)
J. C. Bigorgne, et al. “Early or Prophylactic Thyroidectomy in MEN 2/FMTC Gene Carriers: Results in 71 Thyroidectomized Patients. The French Calcitonin Tumours Study Group (GETC).” European Journal of Endocrinology, vol. 141, no. 5, Nov. 1999. EBSCOhost,
J. C. Bigorgne, Bernard Conte-Devolx, E. Modigliani, B Bstandig, Sophie Morange, C. Proye, Patricia Niccoli-Sire, Arnaud Murat, Jf Henry, M. Schlumberger, & Eric Baudin. (1999). Early or prophylactic thyroidectomy in MEN 2/FMTC gene carriers: results in 71 thyroidectomized patients. The French Calcitonin Tumours Study Group (GETC). European Journal of Endocrinology, 141(5).
J. C. Bigorgne, Bernard Conte-Devolx, E. Modigliani, B Bstandig, Sophie Morange, C. Proye, Patricia Niccoli-Sire, et al. 1999. “Early or Prophylactic Thyroidectomy in MEN 2/FMTC Gene Carriers: Results in 71 Thyroidectomized Patients. The French Calcitonin Tumours Study Group (GETC).” European Journal of Endocrinology 141 (5).