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Homalium decaryanum H. Perrier

Authors :
Applequist, Wendy L.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2018.


5. Homalium decaryanum H. Perrier in Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 13: 288. 1940. Lectotypus (designated by SLEUMER, 1973: 255): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Fianarantsoa: Befotaka, [Prov.] de Farafangana, 12.VIII.1926, fl., Decary 4776 (P [P00375089]!; isolectotype: K [K000231498] image seen, L [L0010902] image seen). Tree to 3 m; young twigs minutely pubescent. Leaves narrowly elliptical (oblanceolate), 2.1–3.3 × 0.5–0.7 cm; petiole 1.5– 3 mm; base narrowly cuneate (slightly attenuate); apex acute with rounded tip; margins serrulate, with glands small, rounded, in tooth apices; adaxial surface drying greenish, abaxial surface pale brown. Inflorescences racemose, lateral, sometimes paired, (1.3–) 2.8–3.7 cm, pilose or long-pubescent; flowers pedicellate with pedicels 0.5–1.4 mm; bracts ovate to lanceolate, 1.4–2.5 mm. Flowers 8 –9-merous; calyx tube funnelform, long-pubescent; sepals ligulate with acute apex, 1.7–2.1 mm; petals ligulate with acute apex, 1.7–2.4 mm; sepals and petals white, accrescence unknown, longer than calyx tube, ascending (few spreading to reflexed), ciliate with long soft trichomes, abaxial surface sparsely appressed-pubescent, adaxial surface densely pilose; sepal glands glabrous; filaments 0.6– 0.7 mm, glabrous or glabrate; ovary pilose; styles 3–4, 0.7–0.8 mm, pilose. Vernacular name. – “Kidravy” (Decary 4776). Distribution, ecology and conservation status. – The only known collection is from Befotaka, an area of humid forest near Midongy du Sud in Fianarantsoa, near water. Most of the remaining forest in that area is protected. However, the fact that this species has not been recollected for over 90 years suggests that it is quite rare and of limited distribution, so that all remaining individuals could be affected by a single extreme event such as a typhoon. Its conservation status is therefore suggested to be “Vulnerable” [VU D2]. Note. – SLEUMER (1973) termed the duplicate of Decary 4776 at P the “ holotype ”. That was certainly the specimen used by Perrier de la Bâthie, but he did not overtly state that only material at P was used, and there is a duplicate at K. Therefore these are syntypes (the fragment at L that must have been taken from one of them has a lesser standing) and Sleumer’s declaration actually constitutes an effective lectotypification.<br />Published as part of Applequist, Wendy L., 2018, A revision of the Malagasy species of Homalium sect. Blackwellia (Salicaceae), pp. 221-244 in Candollea 73 (2) on pages 230-231, DOI: 10.15553/c2018v732a7,<br />{"references":["SLEUMER, H. (1973). Revision du genre Homalium Jacq. (Flacourtiacees) en Afrique (y compris Madagascar et les Mascareignes). Bull. Jard. Natl. Belg. 43: 239 - 328."]}


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