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Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec PRISM

Authors :
Rustamkulov, Z.
Sing, D. K.
Mukherjee, S.
May, E. M.
Kirk, J.
Schlawin, E.
Line, M. R.
Piaulet, C.
Carter, A. L.
Batalha, N. E.
Goyal, J. M.
López-Morales, M.
Lothringer, J. D.
MacDonald, R. J.
Moran, S. E.
Stevenson, K. B.
Wakeford, H. R.
Espinoza, N.
Bean, J. L.
Batalha, N. M.
Benneke, B.
Berta-Thompson, Z. K.
Crossfield, I. J. M.
Gao, P.
Kreidberg, L.
Powell, D. K.
Cubillos, P. E.
Gibson, N. P.
Leconte, J.
Molaverdikhani, K.
Nikolov, N. K.
Parmentier, V.
Roy, P.
Taylor, J.
Turner, J. D.
Wheatley, P. J.
Aggarwal, K.
Ahrer, E.
Alam, M. K.
Alderson, L.
Allen, N. H.
Banerjee, A.
Barat, S.
Barrado, D.
Barstow, J. K.
Bell, T. J.
Blecic, J.
Brande, J.
Casewell, S.
Changeat, Q.
Chubb, K. L.
Crouzet, N.
Daylan, T.
Decin, L.
Désert, J.
Mikal-Evans, T.
Feinstein, A. D.
Flagg, L.
Fortney, J. J.
Harrington, J.
Heng, K.
Hong, Y.
Hu, R.
Iro, N.
Kataria, T.
Kempton, E. M.-R.
Krick, J.
Lendl, M.
Lillo-Box, J.
Louca, A.
Lustig-Yaeger, J.
Mancini, L.
Mansfield, M.
Mayne, N. J.
Miguel, Y.
Morello, G.
Ohno, K.
Palle, E.
Petit Dit De La Roche, D. J. M.
Rackham, B. V.
Radica, M.
Ramos-Rosado, L.
Redfield, S.
Rogers, L. K.
Shkolnik, E. L.
Southworth, J.
Teske, J.
Tremblin, P.
Tucker, G. S.
Venot, O.
Waalkes, W. C.
Welbanks, L.
Zhang, X.
Zieba, S.
University of St Andrews. School of Physics and Astronomy
Rustamkulov, Z. [0000-0003-4408-0463]
Sing, D. K. [0000-0001-6050-7645]
Line, M. R. [0000-0001-6247-8323]
Piaulet, C. [0000-0002-2875-917X]
Goyal, J. M. [0000-0002-8515-7204]
López-Morales, M. [0000-0003-3204-8183]
Lothringer, J. D. [0000-0003-3667-8633]
Stevenson, K. B. [0000-0002-7352-7941]
Wakeford, H. R. [0000-0003-4328-3867]
Benneke, B. [0000-0001-5578-1498]
Powell, D. K. [0000-0002-4250-0957]
Gibson, N. P. [0000-0002-9308-2353]
Molaverdikhani, K. [0000-0002-0502-0428]
Nikolov, N. K. [0000-0002-6500-3574]
Taylor, J. [0000-0003-4844-9838]
Wheatley, P. J. [0000-0003-1452-2240]
Aggarwal, K. [0000-0002-7004-8670]
Ahrer, E. [0000-0003-0973-8426]
Alderson, L. [0000-0001-8703-7751]
Allen, N. H. [0000-0002-0832-710X]
Banerjee, A. [0000-0002-9124-6537]
Barrado, D. [0000-0002-5971-9242]
Barstow, J. K. [0000-0003-3726-5419]
Crouzet, N. [0000-0001-7866-8738]
Daylan, T. [0000-0002-6939-9211]
Decin, L. [0000-0002-5342-8612]
Mikal-Evans, T. [0000-0001-5442-1300]
Feinstein, A. D. [0000-0002-9464-8101]
Harrington, J. [0000-0002-8955-8531]
Hu, R. [0000-0003-2215-8485]
Kempton, E. M.-R. [0000-0002-1337-9051]
Lillo-Box, J. [0000-0003-3742-1987]
Mancini, L. [0000-0002-9428-8732]
Mansfield, M. [0000-0003-4241-7413]
Mayne, N. J. [0000-0001-6707-4563]
Morello, G. [0000-0002-4262-5661]
Palle, E. [0000-0003-0987-1593]
Petit dit de la Roche, D. J. M. [0000-0002-8963-3810]
Redfield, S. [0000-0003-3786-3486]
Southworth, J. [0000-0002-3807-3198]
Tremblin, P. [0000-0001-6172-3403]
Zhang, X. [0000-0002-8706-6963]
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
University of California [Santa Cruz] (UC Santa Cruz)
University of California (UC)
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory [Laurel, MD] (APL)
Imperial College London
Steward Observatory
University of Arizona
ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE)
Arizona State University [Tempe] (ASU)
Department of Physics [Montréal]
McGill University = Université McGill [Montréal, Canada]
NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER)
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
Harvard University-Smithsonian Institution
Utah Valley University (UVU)
Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan
Carl Sagan Institute
Cornell University [New York]
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory [Tucson] (LPL)
H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory [Bristol]
University of Bristol [Bristol]
Space Telescope Science Institute (STSci)
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics [Chicago]
University of Chicago
Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences [Boulder]
University of Colorado [Boulder]
Department of Physics and Astronomy [Lawrence Kansas]
University of Kansas [Lawrence] (KU)
Earth and Planets Laboratory [Washington]
Carnegie Institution for Science
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA)
INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, Turin, Italy
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Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux [Pessac] (LAB)
Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
University Observatory Munich, Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich
Ludwig Maximilian University [Munich] (LMU)
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA)
Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
University of Oxford
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Observatories [Carnegie Institution]
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Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek (AI PANNEKOEK)
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Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [Madrid] (CSIC)
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAER)
New York University [Abu Dhabi]
NYU System (NYU)
University of Leicester
European Space Agency (Baltimore) Space Telescope Science Institute (ESA)
University of St Andrews [Scotland]
Leiden Observatory [Leiden]
Universiteit Leiden
Department of Physics, Princeton University (DPPU)
Princeton University
Université Catholique de Louvain = Catholic University of Louvain (UCL)
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics [UCSC Santa Cruz]
University of California (UC)-University of California (UC)
Florida Space Institute [Orlando] (FSI)
University of Central Florida [Orlando] (UCF)
California Institute of Technology (CALTECH)
Institut de recherches Arctiques Jean Malaurie (IRAM)
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Paris-Saclay
Maison de la Simulation (MDLS)
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA (UMR_7583))
Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA
Entomological Society of America, ESA
Space Telescope Science Institute, STScI
Heising-Simons Foundation, HSF
Canadian Space Agency, CSA, (JWST-ERS-01366, NAS 5-03127)
Rustamkulov, Z [0000-0003-4408-0463]
Sing, DK [0000-0001-6050-7645]
Line, MR [0000-0001-6247-8323]
Piaulet, C [0000-0002-2875-917X]
Goyal, JM [0000-0002-8515-7204]
López-Morales, M [0000-0003-3204-8183]
Lothringer, JD [0000-0003-3667-8633]
Stevenson, KB [0000-0002-7352-7941]
Wakeford, HR [0000-0003-4328-3867]
Benneke, B [0000-0001-5578-1498]
Powell, DK [0000-0002-4250-0957]
Gibson, NP [0000-0002-9308-2353]
Molaverdikhani, K [0000-0002-0502-0428]
Nikolov, NK [0000-0002-6500-3574]
Taylor, J [0000-0003-4844-9838]
Wheatley, PJ [0000-0003-1452-2240]
Aggarwal, K [0000-0002-7004-8670]
Ahrer, E [0000-0003-0973-8426]
Alderson, L [0000-0001-8703-7751]
Allen, NH [0000-0002-0832-710X]
Banerjee, A [0000-0002-9124-6537]
Barrado, D [0000-0002-5971-9242]
Barstow, JK [0000-0003-3726-5419]
Crouzet, N [0000-0001-7866-8738]
Daylan, T [0000-0002-6939-9211]
Decin, L [0000-0002-5342-8612]
Mikal-Evans, T [0000-0001-5442-1300]
Feinstein, AD [0000-0002-9464-8101]
Harrington, J [0000-0002-8955-8531]
Hu, R [0000-0003-2215-8485]
Kempton, EM-R [0000-0002-1337-9051]
Lillo-Box, J [0000-0003-3742-1987]
Mancini, L [0000-0002-9428-8732]
Mansfield, M [0000-0003-4241-7413]
Mayne, NJ [0000-0001-6707-4563]
Morello, G [0000-0002-4262-5661]
Palle, E [0000-0003-0987-1593]
Petit Dit de la Roche, DJM [0000-0002-8963-3810]
Redfield, S [0000-0003-3786-3486]
Southworth, J [0000-0002-3807-3198]
Tremblin, P [0000-0001-6172-3403]
Zhang, X [0000-0002-8706-6963]
Source :
Nature, Nature, 2023, 614 (7949), pp.659-663. ⟨10.1038/s41586-022-05677-y⟩
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023.


Transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets has revealed signatures of water vapor, aerosols, and alkali metals in a few dozen exoplanet atmospheres. However, these previous inferences with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes were hindered by the observations' relatively narrow wavelength range and spectral resolving power, which precluded the unambiguous identification of other chemical species$-$in particular the primary carbon-bearing molecules. Here we report a broad-wavelength 0.5-5.5 $\mu$m atmospheric transmission spectrum of WASP-39 b, a 1200 K, roughly Saturn-mass, Jupiter-radius exoplanet, measured with JWST NIRSpec's PRISM mode as part of the JWST Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Team program. We robustly detect multiple chemical species at high significance, including Na (19$\sigma$), H$_2$O (33$\sigma$), CO$_2$ (28$\sigma$), and CO (7$\sigma$). The non-detection of CH$_4$, combined with a strong CO$_2$ feature, favours atmospheric models with a super-solar atmospheric metallicity. An unanticipated absorption feature at 4$\mu$m is best explained by SO$_2$ (2.7$\sigma$), which could be a tracer of atmospheric photochemistry. These observations demonstrate JWST's sensitivity to a rich diversity of exoplanet compositions and chemical processes.<br />Comment: 41 pages, 4 main figures, 10 extended data figures, 4 tables. Under review in Nature


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