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Searching for cosmic ray anisotropy using the calorimeter in the PAMELA experiment

Authors :
A. V. Karelin
Nicola Mori
W. Menn
Y. Wu
Andrea Vacchi
S. V. Borisov
G. A. Bazilevskaya
Giovanna Jerse
M. F. Runtso
A. M. Galper
R. Belotti
S. A. Voronov
A. N. Kvashnin
A. G. Mayorov
P. Picozza
C. Pizzolotto
Mirko Boezio
G. I. Vasilyev
R. Carbone
P. Spillantini
A. Bruno
L. Consiglio
Sergey Koldobskiy
G. C. Barbarino
C. De Santis
Mark Pearce
S. B. Ricciarini
Alfonso Monaco
N. De Simone
Laura Rossetto
Yu. T. Yurkin
P. Papini
E. Vannuccini
G. Castellini
Yu. I. Stozhkov
Giuseppe Osteria
Gianluigi Zampa
S. Bottai
V. V. Malakhov
V. G. Zverev
M. P. De Pascale
S. Yu. Krutkov
M. Bongi
E. A. Bogomolov
N. Zampa
Roberta Sparvoli
A. A. Leonov
Lorenzo Bonechi
D. Campana
Marco Casolino
L. Marcelli
O. Adriani
V. V. Mikhailov
P. Carlson
F. Cafagna
I. A. Danilchenko
S. V. Koldashov
Marco Ricci
E. Mocchiutti
M. Simon
V. Di Felice
V. Malvezzi
V. Bonvicini
A., Karelin
O., Adriani
Barbarino, Giancarlo
G., Bazilevskaya
R., Belotti
M., Boezio
E., Bogomolov
L., Bonechi
M., Bongi
V., Bonvicini
S. h., Borisov
S., Bottai
A., Bruno
A., Vacchi
E., Vannuccini
G., Vasilyev
S., Voronov
Y., Wu
A., Galper
I., Danilchenko
M. D., Pascale
C. D., Santi
N. D., Simone
V. D., Felice
G., Jerse
V., Zverev
G., Zampa
N., Zampa
F., Cafagna
D., Campana
R. h., Carbone
P., Carlson
M., Casolino
G., Castellini
A., Kvashnin
S., Koldashov
S., Koldobskiy
Consiglio, Lucia
S., Krutkov
A., Leonov
V., Malvezzi
L., Marcelli
A., Mayorov
V., Malakhov
W., Menn
V., Mikhailov
E., Mocchiutti
A., Monaco
N., Mori
Osteria, Giuseppe
P., Papini
M., Pearce
P., Picozza
C., Pizzolotto
M., Ricci
S., Ricciarini
L., Rossetto
M., Runtso
M., Simon
R., Sparvoli
P., Spillantini
Y., Stozhkov
Y., Yurkin
Source :
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics 77 (2013): 1305–1308. doi:10.3103/S1062873813110154, info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Karelin A.V.; Adriani O.; Barbarino G.C.; Bazilevskaya G.A.; Belotti R.; Boezio M.; Bogomolov E.A.; Bonechi L.; Bongi M.; Bonvicini V.; Borisov S.V.; Bottai S.; Bruno A.; Vacchi A.; Vannuccini E.; Vasilyev G.I.; Voronov S.A.; Wu Y.; Galper A.M.; Danilchenko I.A.; De Pascale M.P.; De Santis C.; De Simone N.; Di Felice V.; Jerse G.; Zverev V.G.; Zampa G.; Zampa N.; Cafagna F.; Campana D.; Carbone R.; Carlson P.; Casolino M.; Castellini G.; Kvashnin A.N.; Koldashov S.V.; Koldobskiy S.A.; Consiglio L.; Krutkov S.Y.; Leonov A.A.; Malvezzi V.; Marcelli L.; Mayorov A.G.; Malakhov V.V.; Menn W.; Mikhailov V.V.; Mocchiutti E.; Monaco A.; Mori N.; Osteria G.; Papini P.; Pearce M.; Picozza P.; Pizzolotto C.; Ricci M.; Ricciarini S.; Rossetto L.; Runtso M.F.; Simon M.; Sparvoli R.; Spillantini P.; Stozhkov Y.I.; Yurkin Y.T./titolo:Searching for cosmic ray anisotropy using the calorimeter in the PAMELA experiment/doi:10.3103%2FS1062873813110154/rivista:Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics/anno:2013/pagina_da:1305/pagina_a:1308/intervallo_pagine:1305–1308/volume:77
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Allerton Press, 2013.


The satellite-borne PAMELA experiment studies cosmic ray spectra over a wide range of energies. The instrument was placed in orbit in June 2006 and remains there to the present day. A position-sensitive calorimeter is one of the main parts of the PAMELA instrument. The calorimeter data are used to determine the energy of particles that interact within it, separate the electron component of the detected radiation from the nuclear component, and reconstruct the tracks of particles passing through the instrument. The special calorimeter and S4 scintillation shower detector triggers enables us to expand our statistics considerably. Using the calorimeter data in generating these triggers means we can study the anisotropy of cosmic rays with energies in excess of tens of GeV. This method of anisotropy detection is based on reconstructing the direction of a particle's arrival from the axis of the secondary particle cascade in the calorimeter. ?????? 2013 Allerton Press, Inc.


19349432 and 10628738
Volume :
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Journal :
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Accession number :