Five-Compressions Protocol as a Valid Myotonometric Method to Assess the Stiffness of the Lower Limbs: A Brief Report
Alfredo Bravo-Sánchez, et al. “Five-Compressions Protocol as a Valid Myotonometric Method to Assess the Stiffness of the Lower Limbs: A Brief Report.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 21, Sept. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Alfredo Bravo-Sánchez, Pablo Abián, Jorge Sánchez-Infante, María Ramírez-delaCruz, Paula Esteban-García, Fernando Jiménez, & Javier Abián-Vicén. (2022). Five-Compressions Protocol as a Valid Myotonometric Method to Assess the Stiffness of the Lower Limbs: A Brief Report. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21).
Alfredo Bravo-Sánchez, Pablo Abián, Jorge Sánchez-Infante, María Ramírez-delaCruz, Paula Esteban-García, Fernando Jiménez, and Javier Abián-Vicén. 2022. “Five-Compressions Protocol as a Valid Myotonometric Method to Assess the Stiffness of the Lower Limbs: A Brief Report.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (21).