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Very high energy gamma-ray radiation from the stellar mass black hole binary Cygnus X-1

Authors :
Albert, J.
Aliu, E.
Anderhub, H.
Antoranz, P.
Armada, A.
Baixeras, C.
Barrio, J. A.
Bartko, H.
Bastieri, Denis
Becker, J. K.
Bednarek, W.
Berger, K.
Bigongiari, Ciro
Biland, A.
Bock, R. K.
Bordas, P.
Bosch Ramon, V.
Bretz, T.
Britvitch, I.
Camara, M.
Carmona, E.
Chilingarian, A.
Coarasa, J. A.
Commichau, S.
Contreras, J. L.
Cortina, J.
Costado, M. T.
Curtef, V.
Danielyan, V.
Dazzi, Francesco
De Angelis, A.
Delgado, C.
de los Reyes, R.
De Lotto, B.
Domingo Santamaría, E.
Dorner, D.
Doro, Michele
Errando, M.
Fagiolini, M.
Ferenc, D.
Fernández, E.
Firpo, R.
Flix, J.
Fonseca, M. V.
Font, L.
Fuchs, M.
Galante, N.
García López, R. J.
Garczarczyk, M.
Gaug, M.
Giller, M.
Goebel, F.
Hakobyan, D.
Hayashida, M.
Hengstebeck, T.
Herrero, A.
Höhne, D.
Hose, J.
Hsu, C. C.
Jacon, P.
Jogler, T.
Kosyra, R.
Kranich, D.
Kritzer, R.
Laille, A.
Lindfors, E.
Lombardi, Saverio
Longo, F.
López, J.
López, M.
Lorenz, E.
Majumdar, P.
Maneva, G.
Mannheim, K.
Mansutti, O.
Mariotti, Mose'
Martínez, M.
Mazin, D.
Merck, C.
Meucci, M.
Meyer, M.
Miranda, J. M.
Mirzoyan, R.
Mizobuchi, S.
Moralejo, A.
Nieto, D.
Nilsson, K.
Ninkovic, J.
Oña Wilhelmi, E.
Otte, N.
Oya, I.
Panniello, M.
Paoletti, R.
Paredes, J. M.
Pasanen, M.
Pascoli, Donatella
Pauss, F.
Pegna, R.
Persic, M.
Peruzzo, Luigi
Piccioli, A.
Prandini, Elisa
Puchades, N.
Raymers, A.
Rhode, W.
Ribó, M.
Rico, J.
Rissi, M.
Robert, A.
Rügamer, S.
Saggion, Antonio
Saito, T.
Sánchez, A.
Sartori, Paolo
Scalzotto, VILLI MARIO
Scapin, V.
Schmitt, R.
Schweizer, T.
Shayduk, M.
Shinozaki, K.
Shore, S. N.
Sidro, N.
Sillanpää, A.
Sobczynska, D.
Stamerra, A.
Stark, L. S.
Takalo, L.
Temnikov, P.
Tescaro, D.
Teshima, M.
Torres, D. F.
Turini, N.
Vankov, H.
Vitale, V.
Wagner, R. M.
Wibig, T.
Wittek, W.
Zandanel, F.
Zanin, R.
Zapatero, J.
J., Albert
E., Aliu
H., Anderhub
P., Antoranz
A., Armada
C., Baixera
J. A., Barrio
H., Bartko
D., Bastieri
J. K., Becker
W., Bednarek
K., Berger
C., Bigongiari
A., Biland
R. K., Bock
P., Borda
V., Bosch Ramon
T., Bretz
I., Britvitch
M., Camara
E., Carmona
A., Chilingarian
J. A., Coarasa
S., Commichau
J. L., Contrera
J., Cortina
M. T., Costado
V., Curtef
V., Danielyan
F., Dazzi
A. D., Angeli
C., Delgado
R., Reye
B. D., Lotto
E., Domingo SantamariA
D., Dorner
M., Doro
M., Errando
M., Fagiolini
D., Ferenc
E., Fernandez
R., Firpo
J., Flix
M. V., Fonseca
L., Font
M., Fuch
N., Galante
R. J., Garcia Lopez
M., Garczarczyk
M., Gaug
M., Giller
F., Goebel
D., Hakobyan
M., Hayashida
T., Hengstebeck
A., Herrero
D., Hohne
J., Hose
C. C., Hsu
P., Jacon
T., Jogler
R., Kosyra
D., Kranich
R., Kritzer
A., Laille
E., Lindfor
S., Lombardi
Longo, Francesco
J., Lopez
M., Lopez
E., Lorenz
P., Majumdar
G., Maneva
K., Mannheim
O., Mansutti
M., Mariotti
M., Martinez
D., Mazin
C., Merck
M., Meucci
M., Meyer
J. M., Miranda
R., Mirzoyan
S., Mizobuchi
A., Moralejo
D., Nieto
K., Nilsson
J., Ninkovic
E., Ona Wilhelmi
N., Otte
I., Oya
M., Panniello
R., Paoletti
J. M., Parede
M., Pasanen
D., Pascoli
F., Pau
R., Pegna
M., Persic
L., Peruzzo
A., Piccioli
E., Prandini
N., Puchade
A., Raymer
W., Rhode
M., Ribo
J., Rico
M., Rissi
A., Robert
S., Rugamer
A., Saggion
T., Saito
A., Sanchez
P., Sartori
V., Scalzotto
V., Scapin
R., Schmitt
T., Schweizer
M., Shayduk
K., Shinozaki
S. N., Shore
N., Sidro
A., Sillanpaa
D., Sobczynska
A., Stamerra
L. S., Stark
L., Takalo
P., Temnikov
D., Tescaro
M., Teshima
D. F., Torre
N., Turini
H., Vankov
V., Vitale
R. M., Wagner
T., Wibig
W., Wittek
F., Zandanel
R., Zanin
J., Zapatero
Source :
E-Prints Complutense: Archivo Institucional de la UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Dipòsit Digital de la UB, Universidad de Barcelona, E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM, instname
Publication Year :
Publisher :
IOP Publishing, 2007.


We report on the results from the observations in very high energy band (VHE, E_gamma > 100 GeV) of the black hole X-ray binary (BHXB) Cygnus X-1. The observations were performed with the MAGIC telescope, for a total of 40 hours during 26 nights, spanning the period between June and November 2006. Searches for steady gamma-ray signals yielded no positive result and upper limits to the integral flux ranging between 1 and 2% of the Crab nebula flux, depending on the energy, have been established. We also analyzed each observation night independently, obtaining evidence of gamma-ray signals at the 4.0 standard deviations (sigma) significance level (3.2 sigma after trial correction) for 154 minutes effective on-time (EOT) on September 24 between 20h58 and 23h41 UTC, coinciding with an X-ray flare seen by RXTE, Swift and INTEGRAL. A search for faster-varying signals within a night resulted in an excess with a significance of 4.9 sigma (4.1 sigma after trial correction) for 79 minutes EOT between 22h17 and 23h41 UTC. The measured excess is compatible with a point-like source at the position of Cygnus X-1, and excludes the nearby radio nebula powered by its relativistic jet. The differential energy spectrum is well fitted by an unbroken power-law described by dN/(dA dt dE) = (2.3+- 0.6) x 10^{-12} (E/1 TeV)^{-3.2 +- 0.6}. This is the first experimental evidence of VHE emission from a stellar-mass black hole, and therefore from a confirmed accreting X-ray binary.<br />4 ApJL-formatted pages, 4 figures. Revised version accepted for publication at ApJL (26-06-2007)


Database :
Journal :
E-Prints Complutense: Archivo Institucional de la UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Dipòsit Digital de la UB, Universidad de Barcelona, E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM, instname
Accession number :