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Secure Wireless Communications in Broadcast Channels With Confidential Messages

Authors :
Mohammed Adil Abbas
Jun-Pyo Hong
Hojin Song
Source :
IEEE Access, Vol 7, Pp 170525-170533 (2019)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
IEEE, 2019.


Delivering confidential messages in wireless network is gaining continuous attraction as a fundamental building block for the Internet of things (IoT). This paper overviews the confidential message transmission techniques in broadcast channel (BC) where a transmitter serves multiple users by delivering confidential messages to their intended users. Each confidential message must be prevented from extracting its information by any unintended users. First, we consider a basic network consisting of two users. In the two-user BC, the secret dirty paper coding (S-DPC) achieves the secrecy capacity region. However, since the DPC requires a high computational complexity for characterizing the capacity region, two sub-optimal transmission techniques with low complexities are explained. Second, we extend our discussion to the network including more than two users. For $K$ -user BC with confidential messages, the optimal transmission scheme and the secrecy capacity region have not yet been derived. Instead of presenting the optimal scheme, we explain two sub-optimal transmission techniques and compare their features and performances. In conclusion, we discuss the open problems in the confidential message transmission for networks with more than two users.


Language :
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Journal :
IEEE Access
Accession number :