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Rapidity-rank structure of pairs in hadronic Z0 decays

Authors :
P. Abreu
W. Adam
T. Adye
P. Adzic
I. Ajinenko
Z. Albrecht
T. Alderweireld
G.D. Alekseev
R. Alemany
T. Allmendinger
P.P. Allport
S. Almehed
U. Amaldi
N. Amapane
S. Amato
E.G. Anassontzis
P. Andersson
A. Andreazza
S. Andringa
P. Antilogus
W-D. Apel
Y. Arnoud
B. Åsman
J-E. Augustin
A. Augustinus
P. Baillon
P. Bambade
F. Barao
G. Barbiellini
R. Barbier
D.Y. Bardin
G. Barker
A. Baroncelli
M. Battaglia
M. Baubillier
K-H. Becks
M. Begalli
A. Behrmann
P. Beilliere
Yu. Belokopytov
N.C. Benekos
A.C. Benvenuti
C. Berat
M. Berggren
D. Bertrand
M. Besancon
M. Bigi
M.S. Bilenky
M-A. Bizouard
D. Bloch
H.M. Blom
M. Bonesini
M. Boonekamp
P.S.L. Booth
A.W. Borgland
G. Borisov
C. Bosio
O. Botner
E. Boudinov
B. Bouquet
C. Bourdarios
T.J.V. Bowcock
I. Boyko
I. Bozovic
M. Bozzo
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P. Bruckman
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M. Calvi
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W. Da Silva
G. Della Ricca
P. Delpierre
N. Demaria
A. De Angelis
W. De Boer
C. De Clercq
B. De Lotto
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L. De Paula
H. Dijkstra
L. Di Ciaccio
J. Dolbeau
K. Doroba
M. Dracos
J. Drees
M. Dris
A. Duperrin
J-D. Durand
G. Eigen
T. Ekelof
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M. Ellert
M. Elsing
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C. Gaspar
M. Gaspar
U. Gasparini
Ph. Gavillet
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N. Ghodbane
I. Gil
F. Glege
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G. Grosdidier
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J. Guy
C. Haag
F. Hahn
S. Hahn
S. Haider
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K. Hamacher
J. Hansen
F.J. Harris
V. Hedberg
S. Heising
J.J. Hernandez
P. Herquet
H. Herr
T.L. Hessing
J.-M. Heuser
E. Higon
S-O. Holmgren
P.J. Holt
S. Hoorelbeke
M. Houlden
J. Hrubec
M. Huber
K. Huet
G.J. Hughes
K. Hultqvist
J.N. Jackson
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H. Klein
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M. Krammer
E. Kriznic
Z. Krumstein
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J. Kurowska
K. Kurvinen
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V. Lapin
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F. Ledroit
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R. Marco
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D. Zavrtanik
E. Zevgolatakos
N.I. Zimin
A. Zintchenko
Ph. Zoller
G.C. Zucchelli
G. Zumerle
Source :
Physics letters: B
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2000.


The rapidity-rank structure of p pbar pairs is used to analyze the mechanism of baryon production in hadronic Z0 decay. The relative occurrence of the rapidity-ordered configuration p M pbar, where M is a meson, and that of p pbar adjacent pairs is compared. The data are found to be consistent with predictions from a mechanism producing adjacent-rank p pbar pairs, without requiring `string-ordered' p M pbar configurations. An upper limit of 15% at 90% confidence is determined for the p M pbar contribution.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Physics Letters B
Accession number :