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Defining the risk of SARS-CoV-2 variants on immune protection

Authors :
Marciela M. DeGrace
Elodie Ghedin
Matthew B. Frieman
Florian Krammer
Alba Grifoni
Arghavan Alisoltani
Galit Alter
Rama R. Amara
Ralph S. Baric
Dan H. Barouch
Jesse D. Bloom
Louis-Marie Bloyet
Gaston Bonenfant
Adrianus C. M. Boon
Eli A. Boritz
Debbie L. Bratt
Traci L. Bricker
Liliana Brown
William J. Buchser
Juan Manuel Carreño
Liel Cohen-Lavi
Tamarand L. Darling
Meredith E. Davis-Gardner
Bethany L. Dearlove
Han Di
Meike Dittmann
Nicole A. Doria-Rose
Daniel C. Douek
Christian Drosten
Venkata-Viswanadh Edara
Ali Ellebedy
Thomas P. Fabrizio
Guido Ferrari
Will M. Fischer
William C. Florence
Ron A. M. Fouchier
John Franks
Adolfo García-Sastre
Adam Godzik
Ana Silvia Gonzalez-Reiche
Aubree Gordon
Bart L. Haagmans
Peter J. Halfmann
David D. Ho
Michael R. Holbrook
Yaoxing Huang
Sarah L. James
Lukasz Jaroszewski
Trushar Jeevan
Robert M. Johnson
Terry C. Jones
Astha Joshi
Yoshihiro Kawaoka
Lisa Kercher
Marion P. G. Koopmans
Bette Korber
Eilay Koren
Richard A. Koup
Eric B. LeGresley
Jacob E. Lemieux
Mariel J. Liebeskind
Zhuoming Liu
Brandi Livingston
James P. Logue
Yang Luo
Adrian B. McDermott
Margaret J. McElrath
Victoria A. Meliopoulos
Vineet D. Menachery
David C. Montefiori
Barbara Mühlemann
Vincent J. Munster
Jenny E. Munt
Manoj S. Nair
Antonia Netzl
Anna M. Niewiadomska
Sijy O’Dell
Andrew Pekosz
Stanley Perlman
Marjorie C. Pontelli
Barry Rockx
Morgane Rolland
Paul W. Rothlauf
Sinai Sacharen
Richard H. Scheuermann
Stephen D. Schmidt
Michael Schotsaert
Stacey Schultz-Cherry
Robert A. Seder
Mayya Sedova
Alessandro Sette
Reed S. Shabman
Xiaoying Shen
Pei-Yong Shi
Maulik Shukla
Viviana Simon
Spencer Stumpf
Nancy J. Sullivan
Larissa B. Thackray
James Theiler
Paul G. Thomas
Sanja Trifkovic
Sina Türeli
Samuel A. Turner
Maria A. Vakaki
Harm van Bakel
Laura A. VanBlargan
Leah R. Vincent
Zachary S. Wallace
Li Wang
Maple Wang
Pengfei Wang
Wei Wang
Scott C. Weaver
Richard J. Webby
Carol D. Weiss
David E. Wentworth
Stuart M. Weston
Sean P. J. Whelan
Bradley M. Whitener
Samuel H. Wilks
Xuping Xie
Baoling Ying
Hyejin Yoon
Bin Zhou
Tomer Hertz
Derek J. Smith
Michael S. Diamond
Diane J. Post
Mehul S. Suthar
Ghedin, Elodie [0000-0002-1515-725X]
Frieman, Matthew B [0000-0003-0107-0775]
Krammer, Florian [0000-0003-4121-776X]
Grifoni, Alba [0000-0002-2209-5966]
Alter, Galit [0000-0002-7680-9215]
Amara, Rama R [0000-0002-6309-6797]
Baric, Ralph S [0000-0001-6827-8701]
Barouch, Dan H [0000-0001-5127-4659]
Bloom, Jesse D [0000-0003-1267-3408]
Bloyet, Louis-Marie [0000-0002-5648-3190]
Boon, Adrianus CM [0000-0002-4700-8224]
Bratt, Debbie L [0000-0002-5822-5558]
Buchser, William J [0000-0002-6675-6359]
Cohen-Lavi, Liel [0000-0001-6909-4779]
Dearlove, Bethany L [0000-0003-3653-4592]
Drosten, Christian [0000-0001-7923-0519]
Edara, Venkata-Viswanadh [0000-0001-9321-7839]
Ellebedy, Ali [0000-0002-6129-2532]
Fabrizio, Thomas P [0000-0002-8960-0728]
Fouchier, Ron AM [0000-0001-8095-2869]
García-Sastre, Adolfo [0000-0002-6551-1827]
Godzik, Adam [0000-0002-2425-852X]
Gonzalez-Reiche, Ana Silvia [0000-0003-3583-4497]
Gordon, Aubree [0000-0002-9352-7877]
Haagmans, Bart L [0000-0001-6221-2015]
Ho, David D [0000-0003-1627-149X]
Holbrook, Michael R [0000-0002-0824-2667]
Huang, Yaoxing [0000-0001-6270-1644]
James, Sarah L [0000-0002-6969-1167]
Johnson, Robert M [0000-0002-1976-7688]
Jones, Terry C [0000-0003-1120-9531]
Joshi, Astha [0000-0003-4914-8228]
Kawaoka, Yoshihiro [0000-0001-5061-8296]
Kercher, Lisa [0000-0001-6300-0452]
Koopmans, Marion PG [0000-0002-5204-2312]
Korber, Bette [0000-0002-2026-5757]
LeGresley, Eric B [0000-0002-5286-5693]
Liebeskind, Mariel J [0000-0003-4595-0651]
Liu, Zhuoming [0000-0001-8198-0976]
Logue, James P [0000-0002-7410-9741]
Luo, Yang [0000-0003-3277-8792]
McDermott, Adrian B [0000-0003-0616-9117]
Meliopoulos, Victoria A [0000-0003-1442-9177]
Menachery, Vineet D [0000-0001-8803-7606]
Munster, Vincent J [0000-0002-2288-3196]
Nair, Manoj S [0000-0002-5994-3957]
Netzl, Antonia [0000-0001-8034-2382]
Pekosz, Andrew [0000-0003-3248-1761]
Perlman, Stanley [0000-0003-4213-2354]
Rockx, Barry [0000-0003-2463-027X]
Rolland, Morgane [0000-0003-3650-8490]
Rothlauf, Paul W [0000-0002-0941-4467]
Scheuermann, Richard H [0000-0003-1355-892X]
Schotsaert, Michael [0000-0003-3156-3132]
Schultz-Cherry, Stacey [0000-0002-2021-727X]
Seder, Robert A [0000-0003-3133-0849]
Shabman, Reed S [0000-0003-3272-3484]
Shi, Pei-Yong [0000-0001-5553-1616]
Simon, Viviana [0000-0002-6416-5096]
Thackray, Larissa B [0000-0002-9380-6569]
Thomas, Paul G [0000-0001-7955-0256]
Trifkovic, Sanja [0000-0002-0710-9514]
Türeli, Sina [0000-0001-7342-9295]
van Bakel, Harm [0000-0002-1376-6916]
VanBlargan, Laura A [0000-0002-8922-8946]
Vincent, Leah R [0000-0001-9262-1813]
Wallace, Zachary S [0000-0003-0237-501X]
Wang, Pengfei [0000-0003-2454-7652]
Weaver, Scott C [0000-0001-8016-8556]
Webby, Richard J [0000-0002-4397-7132]
Weiss, Carol D [0000-0002-9965-1289]
Wentworth, David E [0000-0002-5190-980X]
Weston, Stuart M [0000-0001-9840-2953]
Whelan, Sean PJ [0000-0003-1564-8590]
Whitener, Bradley M [0000-0001-6652-0701]
Xie, Xuping [0000-0003-0918-016X]
Yoon, Hyejin [0000-0002-3344-9096]
Hertz, Tomer [0000-0002-0561-1578]
Smith, Derek J [0000-0002-2393-1890]
Diamond, Michael S [0000-0002-8791-3165]
Post, Diane J [0000-0003-3890-9116]
Suthar, Mehul S [0000-0002-2686-8380]
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022.


The global emergence of many severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants jeopardizes the protective antiviral immunity induced following infection or vaccination. To address the public health threat caused by the increasing SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) established the SARS-CoV-2 Assessment of Viral Evolution (SAVE) program. This effort was designed to provide a real-time risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 variants potentially impacting transmission, virulence, and resistance to convalescent and vaccine-induced immunity. The SAVE program serves as a critical data-generating component of the United States Government SARS-CoV-2 Interagency Group to assess implications of SARS-CoV-2 variants on diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics and for communicating public health risk. Here we describe the coordinated approach used to identify and curate data about emerging variants, their impact on immunity, and effects on vaccine protection using animal models. We report the development of reagents, methodologies, models, and pivotal findings facilitated by this collaborative approach and identify future challenges. This program serves as a template for the response against rapidly evolving pandemic pathogens by monitoring viral evolution in the human population to identify variants that could erode the effectiveness of countermeasures.


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