Urethral Bulking in the Treatment of Stress and Mixed Female Urinary Incontinence: Results from a Multicenter Cohort and Predictors of Clinical Outcomes
Alessandro Giammò, et al. “Urethral Bulking in the Treatment of Stress and Mixed Female Urinary Incontinence: Results from a Multicenter Cohort and Predictors of Clinical Outcomes.” Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 11, no. 6, Jan. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Alessandro Giammò, Paolo Geretto, Enrico Ammirati, Alberto Manassero, Luisella Squintone, Marco Falcone, Elisabetta Costantini, Giulio Del Popolo, Enrico Finazzi Agrò, Antonella Giannantoni, Vincenzo Li Marzi, Vito Mancini, Stefania Musco, Mauro Pastorello, Donatella Pistolesi, Oreste Risi, & Paolo Gontero. (2022). Urethral Bulking in the Treatment of Stress and Mixed Female Urinary Incontinence: Results from a Multicenter Cohort and Predictors of Clinical Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(6).
Alessandro Giammò, Paolo Geretto, Enrico Ammirati, Alberto Manassero, Luisella Squintone, Marco Falcone, Elisabetta Costantini, et al. 2022. “Urethral Bulking in the Treatment of Stress and Mixed Female Urinary Incontinence: Results from a Multicenter Cohort and Predictors of Clinical Outcomes.” Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (6).