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Values and principles of person-centered integrated care: a systematic literature review (SIG meeting)

Authors :
Nick Zonneveld
Mirella Minkman
Robin Miller
Source :
International Journal of Integrated Care; Vol 17: Annual Conference Supplement 2017; A251
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Ubiquity Press, 2017.


Introduction: In recent years many knowledge about integrated health services has been developed. So far research has focused on operational themes and interventions on the one side, which help decision makers in practice. On the other hand, a number of studies about generic elements of person-centered and integrated care have been published, resulting in valuable conceptual models and frameworks [1-9]. A third area of research is how to measure integrated care. However, if we want to further develop the person-centered integrated approach to improve the quality of services for civilians, a better understanding of the essence of integrated care and it’s underlying values is necessary. Shared values and principles can help to concretely identify what integrated care really is about and what integrated care thinking stands for [10,11]. Therefore, IFIC and Vilans have initiated a Special Interest Group (SIG) on values and principles of integrated care. The aim of the SIG is to develop a valuable and workable set of values and principles for person-centered integrated care. Within this context, a systematic literature review on value and principles of person-centered integrated care is carried out as a starting point. We propose a session with two objectives: A SIG-meeting with exchange of experiences A presentation and discussion about the first deliverable: the systematic literature review Theory/Methods: A systematic literature review of scientific and grey literature was conducted. Two researchers independently screened the initial results by title and abstract. Differences in interpretation were resolved by consensus. Each full text paper was independently assessed by two researchers on the criteria for inclusion. In each included article, values and principles of person-centered integrated care were identified and coded independently by two researchers. The codes were discussed in the research team. 3) Preliminary results 732 records were identified through the systematic search. After removing duplicates 396 articles remained, of which 48 were assessed for eligibility after the screening of titles and abstracts. 23 articles (48%) contained values and principles of person-centered integrated care and were coded. Currently (Dec 2016) an expert panel, mostly members of IFIC and Vilans’ SIG on Values of Integrated Care, is reflecting on the search results. Additional articles suggested by experts, are being added to the database the coming months (before ICIC2017). The experts have a range of backgrounds, including health and social care, and practice and academia. Conclusion & Discussion: A large amount of literature about integrated care is available, but less about the underlying values and principles. Preliminary results show that in the selected articles values and principles are present, which partly support the set of Ferrer and Goodwin [12]. At this moment the international expert panel is reviewing the search results, more definite results can be discussed in spring nest year. Lessons learned: Only limited literature has a focus on this level of abstraction (values and principles). The perspective appears to be quite new which is interesting a SIG topic. Limitations: Because the limited amount of literature, available conceptual models were analysed to derive values and principles. The quality of this process asks for skilled researchers; to enhance quality, all articles were independently assessed by two researchers. Suggestions for future research: To further develop the set of values and principles, a multi-perspective Delphi Study will be carried out. Multiple (SIG) experts with different backgrounds (clients, caregivers, developers, researchers) will be involved. The results of the Delphi Study will also be shared in the SIG. References: 1- Boshuizen D, Engels J, Versleijen M, Vlek H, Rebel M, Driessen S. White paper: Hoe maak je een succes van persoonsgerichte zorg?Vilans: Utrecht. 2014. 2- Cash-Gibson L, Rosenmoller M. Project INTEGRATE - a common methodological approach to understand integrated health care in Europe. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2014;14(4). DOI: 3- Kodner D, Spreeuwenberg C. Integrated care: meaning, logic, applications, and implications a dis¬cussion paper. International Journal of Integrated care. 2002;E12:2. 4- McCormack B, McCance T. Person-centred Nursing: Theory and Practice. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2002. 5- Minkman M. Developing integrated care. Towards a development model for integrated care. PhD report. Deventer: Kluwer, ISBN 9789013100266801300; 2012. 6- Schlette S, Frohlich A, Marti T. The Bellagio Model - Population-oriented Primary Care: A diagnostic grid to assess, improve and enhance primary care. Vortrag BMJ International Forum, Session B5. 2009;Berlin: 18.03.2009. 7- Valentijn P. Rainbow of Chaos. A study into the the¬ory and practice of integrated primary care. Phd report;2015. 8- Wagner E. Chronic disease management: What will it take to improve care for chronic illness? Effective Clinical Practice. 1998;1(1):2-4. 9- World Health Organization. Innovative care for chronic conditions: building blocks for action: global report. Geneva: World Health Organization Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data; 2002. 10- Minkman M. Values and Principles of Integrated Care. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2016;16(1):2. DOI: 11- Goodwin N. Taking integrated care forward: the need for shared values. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2013;13(2). DOI: 12- Ferrer L, Goodwin N. What are the principles that underpin integrated care? International Journal of Integrated Care 2014; Oct–Dec; URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-114804. 13-World Health Organization. WHO global strategy on people-centred and integrated health services. Interim report. WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland; 2015.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC)
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