Co-current toroidal rotation-driven and turbulent stresses with resonant magnetic perturbations in the edge plasmas of the J-TEXT tokamak
W. Jin, et al. Co-Current Toroidal Rotation-Driven and Turbulent Stresses with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the Edge Plasmas of the J-TEXT Tokamak. July 2016. EBSCOhost,
W. Jin, Ge Zhuang, Yuejiang Shi, Jun Cheng, L.W. Yan, Bo Rao, J-Text Team, Li Gao, Zhoujun Yang, Patrick Diamond, Fuming Li, J.Q. Xu, Yonghua Ding, Z.F. Cheng, Nengchao Wang, K.J. Zhao, Lin Nie, Hai Liu, J.Q. Dong, … Z.Y. Chen. (2016). Co-current toroidal rotation-driven and turbulent stresses with resonant magnetic perturbations in the edge plasmas of the J-TEXT tokamak.
W. Jin, Ge Zhuang, Yuejiang Shi, Jun Cheng, L.W. Yan, Bo Rao, J-Text Team, et al. 2016. “Co-Current Toroidal Rotation-Driven and Turbulent Stresses with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the Edge Plasmas of the J-TEXT Tokamak,” July. doi:10.1088/0029-5515/56/7/076005.