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Search for B$^{0}_{s}$ oscillations using inclusive lepton events

Authors :
Barate, R.
Buskulic, D.
Decamp, D.
Ghez, Philippe
Goy, C.
Lees, J.P.
Lucotte, A.
Merle, E.
Minard, M.N.
Nief, J.Y.
Pietrzyk, B.
Alemany, R.
Boix, G.
Casado, M.P.
Chmeissani, M.
Crespo, J.M.
Delfino, M.
Fernandez, E.
Fernandez-Bosman, M.
Garrido, L.
Grauges, E.
Juste, A.
Martinez, M.
Merino, G.
Miquel, R.
Mir, L.M.
Park, I.C.
Pascual, A.
Riu, I.
Sanchez, F.
Colaleo, A.
Creanza, D.
de Palma, M.
Gelao, G.
Iaselli, G.
Maggi, G.
Maggi, M.
Nuzzo, S.
Ranieri, A.
Raso, G.
Ruggieri, F.
Selvaggi, G.
Silvestris, L.
Tempesta, P.
Tricomi, A.
Zito, G.
Huang, X.
Lin, J.
Ouyang, Q.
Wang, T.
Xie, Y.
Xu, R.
Xue, S.
Zhang, J.
Zhang, L.
Zhao, W.
Abbaneo, D.
Becker, U.
Bright-Thomas, P.
Casper, D.
Cattaneo, M.
Cerutti, F.
Ciulli, V.
Dissertori, G.
Drevermann, H.
Forty, R.W.
Frank, M.
Hagelberg, R.
Halley, A.W.
Hansen, J.B.
Harvey, John
Janot, P.
Jost, B.
Lehraus, I.
Mato, P.
Minten, A.
Moneta, L.
Pacheco, A.
Ranjard, F.
Rolandi, Gigi
Rousseau, D.
Schlatter, D.
Schmitt, M.
Schneider, O.
Tejessy, W.
Teubert, F.
Tomalin, I.R.
Wachsmuth, H.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Badaud, F.
Chazelle, G.
Deschamps, O.
Falvard, A.
Ferdi, C.
Gay, P.
Guicheney, C.
Henrard, P.
Jousset, J.
Michel, B.
Monteil, S.
Montret, J.C.
Pallin, D.
Perret, P.
Podlyski, F.
Proriol, J.
Rosnet, P.
Hansen, J.D.
Hansen, J.R.
Hansen, P.H.
Nilsson, B.S.
Rensch, B.
Waananen, A.
Daskalakis, G.
Kyriakis, A.
Markou, C.
Simopoulou, E.
Siotis, I.
Vayaki, A.
Blondel, A.
Bonneaud, G.
Brient, J.C.
Bourdon, P.
Rouge, A.
Rumpf, M.
Valassi, A.
Verderi, M.
Videau, H.
Focardi, E.
Parrini, G.
Zachariadou, K.
Corden, M.
Georgiopoulos, C.
Jaffe, D.E.
Antonelli, A.
Bencivenni, G.
Bologna, G.
Bossi, F.
Campana, P.
Capon, G.
Chiarella, V.
Felici, G.
Laurelli, P.
Mannocchi, G.
Murtas, F.
Murtas, G.P.
Passalacqua, L.
Pepe-Altarelli, M.
Curtis, L.
Lynch, J.G.
Negus, P.
O'Shea, V.
Raine, C.
Scarr, J.M.
Smith, K.
Teixeira-Dias, P.
Thompson, A.S.
Thomson, Evelyn J.
Buchmuller, O.
Dhamotharan, S.
Geweniger, C.
Graefe, G.
Hanke, P.
Hansper, G.
Hepp, V.
Kluge, E.E.
Putzer, A.
Sommer, J.
Tittel, K.
Werner, S.
Wunsch, M.
Beuselinck, R.
Binnie, D.M.
Cameron, W.
Dornan, P.J.
Girone, M.
Goodsir, S.
Martin, E.B.
Marinelli, N.
Moutoussi, A.
Nash, J.
Sedgbeer, J.K.
Spagnolo, P.
Williams, M.D.
Ghete, V.M.
Girtler, P.
Kneringer, E.
Kuhn, D.
Rudolph, G.
Betteridge, A.P.
Bowdery, C.K.
Buck, P.G.
Colrain, P.
Crawford, G.
Finch, A.J.
Foster, F.
Hughes, G.
Jones, R.W.L.
Robertson, N.A.
Williams, M.I.
Giehl, I.
Hoffmann, C.
Jakobs, K.
Kleinknecht, K.
Quast, G.
Renk, B.
Rohne, E.
Sander, H.G.
van Gemmeren, P.
Zeitnitz, C.
Aubert, J.J.
Benchouk, C.
Bonissent, A.
Bujosa, G.
Carr, J.
Coyle, P.
Etienne, F.
Leroy, O.
Motsch, F.
Payre, P.
Talby, M.
Sadouki, A.
Thulasidas, M.
Trabelsi, K.
Aleppo, M.
Antonelli, M.
Ragusa, F.
Berlich, R.
Buescher, Volker
Cowan, G.
Dietl, H.
Ganis, G.
Lutjens, G.
Mannert, C.
Manner, W.
Moser, H.G.
Schael, S.
Settles, R.
Seywerd, H.
Stenzel, H.
Wiedenmann, W.
Wolf, G.
Boucrot, J.
Callot, O.
Chen, S.
Cordier, A.
Davier, M.
Duflot, L.
Grivaz, J.F.
Heusse, P.
Hocker, Andreas
Jacholkowska, A.
Kim, D.W.
Le Diberder, F.
Lefrancois, J.
Lutz, A.M.
Schune, M.H.
Tournefier, E.
Veillet, J.J.
Videau, I.
Zerwas, D.
Azzurri, P.
Bagliesi, Giuseppe
Batignani, G.
Bettarini, S.
Boccali, T.
Bozzi, C.
Calderini, G.
Carpinelli, M.
Ciocci, M.A.
Dell'Orso, R.
Fantechi, R.
Ferrante, I.
Foa, L.
Forti, F.
Giassi, A.
Giorgi, M.A.
Gregorio, A.
Ligabue, F.
Lusiani, A.
Marrocchesi, P.S.
Messineo, A.
Palla, F.
Rizzo, G.
Sanguinetti, G.
Sciaba, A.
Sguazzoni, G.
Tenchini, R.
Tonelli, G.
Vannini, C.
Venturi, A.
Verdini, P.G.
Blair, G.A.
Bryant, L.M.
Chambers, J.T.
Green, M.G.
Medcalf, T.
Perrodo, P.
Strong, J.A.
von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J.H.
Botterill, D.R.
Clifft, R.W.
Edgecock, T.R.
Norton, P.R.
Thompson, J.C.
Wright, A.E.
Bloch-Devaux, Brigitte
Colas, P.
Emery, S.
Kozanecki, W.
Lancon, E.
Lemaire, M.C.
Locci, E.
Perez, P.
Rander, J.
Renardy, J.F.
Roussarie, A.
Schuller, J.P.
Schwindling, J.
Trabelsi, A.
Vallage, B.
Black, S.N.
Dann, J.H.
Johnson, R.P.
Kim, H.Y.
Konstantinidis, N.
Litke, A.M.
McNeil, M.A.
Taylor, G.
Booth, C.N.
Cartwright, S.
Combley, F.
Kelly, M.S.
Lehto, M.H.
Thompson, L.F.
Affholderbach, K.
Boehrer, Armin
Brandt, S.
Grupen, C.
Saraiva, P.
Smolik, L.
Stephan, F.
Giannini, G.
Gobbo, B.
Musolino, G.
Rothberg, J.E.
Wasserbaech, S.
Armstrong, S.R.
Charles, E.
Elmer, P.
Ferguson, D.P.S.
Gao, Y.
Gonzalez, S.
Greening, T.C.
Hayes, O.J.
Hu, H.
Jin, S.
McNamara, P.A., III
Nachtman, J.M.
Nielsen, J.
Orejudos, W.
Pan, Y.B.
Saadi, Y.
Scott, I.J.
Walsh, J.
Wu, San Lau
Wu, X.
Zobernig, G.
Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP)
Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire - Clermont-Ferrand (LPC)
Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR)
Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM)
Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL)
Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)
Barate, R
Buskulic, D
Decamp, D
Ghez, P
Goy, C
Lees, Jp
Lucotte, A
Merle, E
Minard, Mn
Nief, Jy
Pietrzyk, B
Alemany, R
Boix, G
Casado, Mp
Chmeissani, M
Crespo, Jm
Delfino, M
Fernandez, E
Fernandez Bosman, M
Garrido, L
Grauges, E
Juste, A
Martinez, M
Merino, G
Miquel, R
Mir, Lm
Park, Ic
Pascual, A
Colaleo, A
Creanza, D
de Palma, M
Gelao, G
Iaselli, G
Maggi, G
Maggi, M
Nuzzo, S
Ranieri, A
Raso, G
Ruggieri, F
Selvaggi, G
Silvestris, L
Tempesta, P
Tricomi, A
Zito, G
Huang, X
Lin, J
Ouyang, Q
Wang, T
Xie, Y
Xu, R
Xue, S
Zhang, J
Zhang, L
Zhao, W
Abbaneo, D
Becker, U
Bright Thomas, P
Casper, D
Cattaneo, M
Cerutti, F
Ciulli, V
Dissertori, G
Drevermann, H
Forty, Rw
Frank, M
Hagelberg, R
Halley, Aw
Hansen, Jb
Harvey, J
Janot, P
Jost, B
Lehraus, I
Mato, P
Minten, A
Moneta, L
Pacheco, A
Ranjard, F
Rolandi, Luigi
Rousseau, D
Schlatter, D
Schmitt, M
Tejessy, W
Teubert, F
Tomalin, Ir
Wachsmuth, H
Ajaltouni, Z
Badaud, F
Chazelle, G
Deschamps, O
Falvard, A
Ferdi, C
Gay, P
Guicheney, C
Henrard, P
Jousset, J
Michel, B
Monteil, S
Montret, Jc
Pallin, D
Perret, P
Podlyski, F
Proriol, J
Rosnet, P
Hansen, Jd
Hansen, Jr
Hansen, Ph
Nilsson, B
Rensch, B
Waananen, A
Daskalakis, G
Kyriakis, A
Markou, C
Simopoulou, E
Siotis, I
Vayaki, A
Blondel, A
Bonneaud, G
Brient, Jc
Bourdon, P
Rouge, A
Rumpf, M
Valassi, A
Verderi, M
Videau, H
Focardi, E
Parrini, G
Zachariadou, K
Corden, M
Georgiopoulos, C
Jaffe, De
Antonelli, A
Bencivenni, G
Bologna, G
Bossi, F
Campana, P
Capon, G
Chiarella, V
Felici, G
Laurelli, P
Mannocchi, G
Murtas, F
Murtas, Gp
Passalacqua, L
Pepe Altarelli, M
Curtis, L
Lynch, Jg
Negus, P
O'Shea, V
Raine, C
Scarr, Jm
Smith, K
Teixeira Dias, P
Thompson, A
Thomson, E
Buchmuller, O
Dhamotharan, S
Geweniger, C
Graefe, G
Hanke, P
Hansper, G
Hepp, V
Kluge, Ee
Putzer, A
Sommer, J
Tittel, K
Werner, S
Wunsch, M
Beuselinck, R
Binnie, Dm
Cameron, W
Dornan, Pj
Girone, M
Goodsir, S
Martin, Eb
Marinelli, N
Moutoussi, A
Nash, J
Sedgbeer, Jk
Spagnolo, P
Williams, Md
Ghete, Vm
Girtler, P
Kneringer, E
Kuhn, D
Rudolph, G
Betteridge, Ap
Bowdery, Ck
Buck, Pg
Colrain, P
Crawford, G
Finch, Aj
Foster, F
Hughes, G
Jones, Rwl
Robertson, Na
Williams, Mi
Giehl, I
Hoffmann, C
Jakobs, K
Kleinknecht, K
Quast, G
Renk, B
Rohne, E
Sander, Hg
van Gemmeren, P
Zeitnitz, C
Aubert, Jj
Benchouk, C
Bonissent, A
Bujosa, G
Carr, J
Coyle, P
Etienne, F
Leroy, O
Motsch, F
Payre, P
Talby, M
Sadouki, A
Thulasidas, M
Trabelsi, K
Aleppo, M
Antonelli, M
Ragusa, F
Berlich, R
Buscher, V
Cowan, G
Dietl, H
Ganis, G
Lutjens, G
Mannert, C
Manner, W
Moser, Hg
Schael, S
Settles, R
Seywerd, H
Stenzel, H
Wiedenmann, W
Wolf, G
Boucrot, J
Callot, O
Chen, S
Cordier, A
Davier, H
Duflot, L
Grivaz, Jf
Heusse, P
Hocker, A
Jacholkowska, A
Kim, Dw
Le Diberder, F
Lefrancois, J
Lutz, Am
Schune, Mh
Tournefier, E
Veillet, Jj
Videau, I
Zerwas, D
Azzurri, P
Bagliesi, G
Batignani, G
Bettarini, S
Boccali, T
Bozzi, C
Calderini, G
Carpinelli, M
Ciocci, Ma
Dell'Orso, R
Fantechi, R
Ferrante, I
Foa, L
Forti, F
Giassi, A
Giorgi, Ma
Gregorio, A
Ligabue, Franco
Lusiani, Alberto
Marrocchesi, P
Messineo, A
Palla, F
Rizzo, G
Sanguinetti, G
Sciaba, A
Sguazzoni, G
Tenchini, R
Tonelli, G
Vannini, C
Venturi, A
Verdini, Pg
Blair, Ga
Bryant, Lm
Chambers, Jt
Green, Mg
Medcalf, T
Perrodo, P
Strong, Ja
von Wimmersperg Toeller, Jh
Botterill, Dr
Clifft, Rw
Edgecock, Tr
Norton, Pr
Thompson, Jc
Wright, Ae
Bloch Devaux, B
Colas, P
Emery, S
Kozanecki, W
Lancon, E
Lemaire, Mc
Locci, E
Perez, P
Rander, J
Renardy, Jf
Roussarie, A
Schuller, Jp
Schwindling, J
Trabelsi, A
Vallage, B
Black, Sn
Dann, Jh
Johnson, Rp
Kim, Hy
Konstantinidis, N
Litke, Am
Mcneil, Ma
Taylor, G
Booth, Cn
Cartwright, S
Combley, F
Kelly, M
Lehto, M
Thompson, Lf
Affholderbach, K
Bohrer, A
Brandt, S
Grupen, C
Saraiva, P
Smolik, L
Stephan, F
Giannini, G
Gobbo, B
Musolino, G
Rothberg, J
Wasserbaech, S
Armstrong, Sr
Charles, E
Elmer, P
Ferguson, Dp
Gao, Y
Gonzalez, S
Greening, Tc
Hayes, Oj
Hu, H
Jin, S
Mcnamara, Pa
Nachtman, Jm
Nielsen, J
Orejudos, W
Pan, Yb
Saadi, Y
Scott, Ij
Walsh, J
Wu, Sl
Wu, X
Zobernig, G.
Source :
European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 1999, 7, pp.553-569, European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Springer Verlag (Germany), 1999, 7, pp.553-569
Publication Year :
Publisher :
HAL CCSD, 1999.


A search for B0s oscillations is performed using a sample of semileptonic b-hadron decays collected by the ALEPH experiment during 1991-1995. Compared to previous inclusive lepton analyses, the proper time resolution and b-flavour mistag rate are significantly improved. Additional sensitivity to B0s mixing is obtained by identifying subsamples of events having a B0s purity which is higher than the average for the whole data sample. Unbinned maximum likelihood amplitude fits are performed to derive a lower limit of Deltam_s>9.5ps^-1 at 95% CL. Combining with the ALEPH D-s based analyses yields Deltam_s>9.6ps^-1 at 95% CL.<br />23 pages, 10 figures


Language :
14346044 and 14346052
Database :
Journal :
European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 1999, 7, pp.553-569, European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Springer Verlag (Germany), 1999, 7, pp.553-569
Accession number :