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Understanding the Two Sides of Online Counseling and their Ethical and Legal Ramifications

Authors :
Lau Poh Li
Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin
Haslee Sharil Lim Abdullah
Source :
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 103:1243-1251
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2013.


The rise of the Internet has drastically changed the means by which people obtain information and communicate in the Malaysian society. The Internet has become possibly the most popular medium to connect with others particularly through social networking tools, like Facebook, Twitter and other. For the field of counseling, the Internet offers a new way to reach, facilitate and communicate with individuals who need help from all over the world. Little is known, however, about the implications of interacting with clients online. The purpose of this writing, therefore, is to address the possible advantages and disadvantages of online counseling, as well as ethical and legal considerations in the use of online counseling by summarizing the past research. Additionally, suggestions for better practice are also discussed so that counselors and therapists are able to have a better preparation before practicing online counseling. Overall, this writing has several important implications for counseling practitioners in Malaysia and beyond. It contributes to a better understanding of the role of the Internet in counseling practice in an increasingly electronic world.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Accession number :