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Utilization of bio-polymeric additives for a sustainable production strategy in pulp and paper manufacturing: A comprehensive review

Authors :
Vikas Rana
P.K. Gupta
Shuank Malik
Soumya Basu
Gyanesh Joshi
Source :
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, Vol 2, Iss, Pp 100050-(2021)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2021.


Renewable and bio-based materials have gained great interest on an industrial scale owing to environmental issues. Paper industries also are constantly exploring bio-resources for intrinsic chemico-physical property enhancement of paper and paper products. These bio-resources will potentially increase their cyclability besides making paper compatible beyond traditional uses. Mechanical beating or use of chemical additives or the combination of these methods are widely used to improve critical paper characteristics such as strength, surface smoothness, density, brightness, filler retention, water and grease resistivity etc. These chemical additives as mill effluents are hazardous and have detrimental effect on environment. So, to move ahead of traditional practices, the present review discusses about the production and utility of abundantly available renewable bio-polymers and their products such as starch, cellulose, plant-based proteins, microbial biopolymers, animal-based biopolymers, and natural gums etc. They represent ample prospect in terms of research and development on their functionality and industrial applications.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications
Accession number :