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Detailed spectroscopy of doubly magic Sn 132

Detailed spectroscopy of doubly magic Sn 132

Authors :
Benito, J.
Fraile, L. M.
Korgul, A.
Piersa, M.
Adamska, E.
Andreyev, A. N.
Álvarez-Rodríguez, R.
Barzakh, A. E.
Benzoni, G.
Berry, T.
Borge, M. J.G.
Carmona, M.
Chrysalidis, K.
Costache, C.
Cubiss, J. G.
Day Goodacre, T.
De Witte, H.
Fedorov, D. V.
Fedosseev, V. N.
Fernández-Martínez, G.
Fijałkowska, A.
Fila, M.
Fynbo, H.
Galaviz, D.
Galve, P.
García-Díez, M.
Greenlees, P. T.
Grzywacz, R.
Harkness-Brennan, L. J.
Henrich, C.
Huyse, M.
Ibáñez, P.
Illana, A.
Janas, Z.
Jolie, J.
Judson, D. S.
Karayonchev, V.
Kicińska-Habior, M.
Konki, J.
Kurcewicz, J.
Lazarus, I.
Licǎ, R.
López-Montes, A.
Lund, M.
Mach, H.
Madurga, M.
Marroquín, I.
Marsh, B.
Martínez, M. C.
Mazzocchi, C.
Mǎrginean, N.
Mǎrginean, R.
Miernik, K.
Mihai, C.
Mihai, R. E.
Nácher, E.
Negret, A.
Olaizola, B.
Page, R. D.
Paulauskas, S. V.
Pascu, S.
Perea, A.
Pucknell, V.
Rahkila, P.
Raison, C.
Rapisarda, E.
Régis, J. M.
Rezynkina, K.
Rotaru, F.
Rothe, S.
Sánchez-Parcerisa, D.
Sánchez-Tembleque, V.
Schomacker, K.
Simpson, G. S.
Sotty, Ch
Stan, L.
Stǎnoiu, M.
Stryjczyk, M.
Tengblad, O.
Turturica, A.
Udías, J. M.
Van Duppen, P.
Vedia, V.
Villa-Abaunza, A.
Viñals, S.
Walters, W. B.
Wadsworth, R.
Warr, N.
European Commission
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España)
National Science Centre (Poland)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)
Institute of Atomic Physics (Romania)
Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK)
Research Foundation - Flanders
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Helsinki Institute of Physics
Source :
Physical Review C, E-Prints Complutense. Archivo Institucional de la UCM, instname, Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC, E-Prints Complutense: Archivo Institucional de la UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Publication Year :


18 pags., 11 figs., 4 tabs.<br />The structure of the doubly magic Sn8250132 has been investigated at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, populated both by the β-decay of In132 and β - delayed neutron emission of In133. The level scheme of Sn132 is greatly expanded with the addition of 68 γ transitions and 17 levels observed for the first time in the β decay. The information on the excited structure is completed by new γ transitions and states populated in the β-n decay of In133. Improved delayed neutron emission probabilities are obtained both for In132 and In133. Level lifetimes are measured via the advanced time-delayed βγγ(t) fast-timing method. An interpretation of the level structure is given based on the experimental findings and the particle-hole configurations arising from core excitations both from the N = 82 and Z = 50 shells, leading to positive- and negative-parity particle-hole multiplets. The experimental information provides new data to challenge the theoretical description of Sn132.<br />We acknowledge the support of the ISOLDE Collaboration and the ISOLDE technical teams, and by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 654002. This work was partially funded by the Spanish government via Projects No. FPA2015- 65035-P, No. FPA-64969-P, No. FPA2017-87568-P, and No. RTI2018-098868-B-I00; the Polish National Science Center under Contracts No. UMO-2015/18/E/ST2/00217, No. UMO-2015/18/M/ST2/00523, and No. UMO2019/33/N/ST2/03023; the Portuguese FCT via CERN/FIS-NUC/0004/2015 project; the German BMBF under Contract No. 05P18PKCIA; the Romanian IFA Grant CERN/ISOLDE; and by grants from the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, Belgium), the Excellence of Science program (EOS, FWO-FNRS, Belgium), and the GOA/2015/010 (BOF KU Leuven). J.B. acknowledges support from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid under the Predoctoral Grant No. CT27/16-CT28/16


24699985 and 24699993
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Journal :
Physical Review C
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