Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women regarding Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs following Oral Health Education in Pune District of Maharashtra: A Longitudinal Hospital-based Study
Nikhil Bomble, et al. “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women Regarding Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs Following Oral Health Education in Pune District of Maharashtra: A Longitudinal Hospital-Based Study.” The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, vol. 18, Jan. 2017, pp. 371–77. EBSCOhost,
Nikhil Bomble, Roshani M Chawla, Narayana Ds, Shetiya Sh, Pranjan Mitra, & Agarwal Dr. (2017). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women regarding Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs following Oral Health Education in Pune District of Maharashtra: A Longitudinal Hospital-based Study. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 18, 371–377.
Nikhil Bomble, Roshani M Chawla, Narayana Ds, Shetiya Sh, Pranjan Mitra, and Agarwal Dr. 2017. “Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Pregnant Women Regarding Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs Following Oral Health Education in Pune District of Maharashtra: A Longitudinal Hospital-Based Study.” The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 18 (January): 371–77. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2049.