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[DNA aptamers selection for breast cancer]

Authors :
Anna S. Zamay
T. N. Zamay
Galina S. Zamay
E. N. Eremina
M. A. Komarova
I V Belayanina
Alexey V. Krat
R. A. Zukov
Alexey E. Sokolov
Source :
Biomeditsinskaia khimiia. 62(4)
Publication Year :


A method of selection of DNA aptamers to breast tumor tissue based on the use of postoperative material has been developed. Breast cancer tissues were used as the positive target; the negative targets included benign tumor tissue, adjacent healthy tissues, breast tissues from mastopathy patients, and also tissues of other types of malignant tumors. During selection a pool of DNA aptamers demonstrating selective binding to breast cancer cells and tissues and insignificant binding to breast benign tissues has been obtained. These DNA aptamers can be used for identification of protein markers, breast cancer diagnostics, and targeted delivery of anticancer drugs.Opisan metod selektsii DNK-aptamerov k opukholevoĭ tkani molochnoĭ zhelezy s ispol'zovaniem posleoperatsionnogo materiala. V kachestve pozitivnykh misheneĭ byli ispol'zovany tkani raka molochnoĭ zhelezy, v kachestve negativnykh misheneĭ - tkani dobrokachestvennoĭ opukholi; uslovno zdorovye tkani molochnoĭ zhelezy, prilegaiushchie k opukholevoĭ; tkani molochnoĭ zhelezy ot bol'nykh mastopatieĭ; tkani zlokachestvennykh opukholeĭ drugikh tipov. V rezul'tate selektsii byl poluchen pul DNK-aptamerov, selektivno sviazyvaiushchiĭsia s kletkami i tkaniami raka molochnoĭ zhelezy i neznachitel'no sviazyvaiushchiĭsia s dobrokachestvennymi opukholiami molochnoĭ zhelezy. Poluchennye DNK-aptamery mogut byt' ispol'zovany dlia identifikatsii belkov-biomarkerov, diagnostiki raka molochnoĭ zhelezy, adresnoĭ dostavki protivoopukholevykh preparatov.


Volume :
Issue :
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Journal :
Biomeditsinskaia khimiia
Accession number :