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The AEGIS experiment at CERN: Measuring the free fall of antihydrogen

Authors :
F. Moia
S. Gninenko
Sebastiano Mariazzi
Antonietta Donzella
Cristina Riccardi
T. Eisel
Jan Petter Hansen
F. Prelz
Heidi Sandaker
T. Niinikoski
L. Dassa
Davide Trezzi
C. Regenfus
G. Burghart
Daniel Comparat
Y. Allkofer
L. Cabaret
Giovanni Consolati
R. Vaccarone
D. Perini
F. Haug
Germano Bonomi
Marco Giammarchi
Roberto S. Brusa
M. Spacek
J. Rochet
Aldo Zenoni
S. Haider
P. Genova
Frédéric Merkt
Alexey Dudarev
V. Petracek
L. V. Jørgensen
D. Krasnický
T. Kaltenbacher
Simone Cialdi
Claude Amsler
S. D. Hogan
Alban Kellerbauer
M. Sacerdoti
V. Lagomarsino
A. S. Belov
K. Chlouba
Gabriele Ferrari
J. Bremer
Marco Prevedelli
Ole Røhne
Rafael Ferragut
L. Di Noto
Adriano Fontana
J. Storey
Viktor Matveev
G. Testera
U. Warring
Carlo Canali
Sandra Zavatarelli
Fabrizio Castelli
Michael Doser
Alberto Rotondi
Patrick Nedelec
A. Tokareva
M. Oberthaler
Angela Gligorova
P. Bräunig
Fabio Villa
G. Nebbia
A. Kellerbauer
Y. Allkofer
C. Amsler
A. S. Belov
G. Bonomi
P. Braeunig
J. Bremer
R. S. Brusa
G. Burghart
L. Cabaret
C. Canali
F. Castelli
K. Chlouba
S. Cialdi
D. Comparat
G. Consolati
L. Dassa
L. Di Noto
A. Donzella
M. Doser
A. Dudarev
T. Eisel
R. Ferragut
G. Ferrari
A. Fontana
P. Genova
M. Giammarchi
A. Gligorova
S. N. Gninenko
S. Haider
J. P. Hansen
F. Haug
S. D. Hogan
L. V. Jorgensen
D. Krasnicki
V. Lagomarsino
S. Mariazzi
V. A. Matveev
F. Merkt
F. Moia
G. Nebbia
P. Nedelec
T. Niinikoski
M. K. Oberthaler
D. Perini
V. Petracek
F. Prelz
M. Prevedelli
C. Regenfu
C. Riccardi
O. Rohne
A. Rotondi
M. Sacerdoti
H. Sandaker
M. Špacek
J. Storey
G. Testera
A. Tokareva
D. Trezzi
R. Vaccarone
F. Villa
U. Warring
S. Zavatarelli
A. Zenoni
Publication Year :


After the first production of cold antihydrogen by the ATHENA and ATRAP experiments ten years ago, new second-generation experiments are aimed at measuring the fundamental properties of this anti-atom. The goal of AEGIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is to test the weak equivalence principle by studying the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter with a pulsed, cold antihydrogen beam. The experiment is currently being assembled at CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator. In AEGIS, antihydrogen will be produced by charge exchange of cold antiprotons with positronium excited to a high Rydberg state (n > 20). An antihydrogen beam will be produced by controlled acceleration in an electric-field gradient (Stark acceleration). The deflection of the horizontal beam due to its free fall in the gravitational field of the earth will be measured with a moiré deflectometer. Initially, the gravitational acceleration will be determined to a precision of 1%, requiring the detection of about 10^5 antihydrogen atoms. In this paper, after a general description, the present status of the experiment will be reviewed.


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