Dual-purpose PEG scaffolds for the preparation of soft and biofunctional hydrogels: the convergence between CuAAC and thiol–ene reactions
Michael Malkoch, et al. “Dual-Purpose PEG Scaffolds for the Preparation of Soft and Biofunctional Hydrogels: The Convergence between CuAAC and Thiol–ene Reactions.” Chemical Communications, vol. 49, Jan. 2013, p. 6938. EBSCOhost,
Michael Malkoch, Jonathan Kelly, Yvonne Hed, Kim Öberg, Peter Löwenhielm, & Isabella Joelsson Rahmn. (2013). Dual-purpose PEG scaffolds for the preparation of soft and biofunctional hydrogels: the convergence between CuAAC and thiol–ene reactions. Chemical Communications, 49, 6938.
Michael Malkoch, Jonathan Kelly, Yvonne Hed, Kim Öberg, Peter Löwenhielm, and Isabella Joelsson Rahmn. 2013. “Dual-Purpose PEG Scaffolds for the Preparation of Soft and Biofunctional Hydrogels: The Convergence between CuAAC and Thiol–ene Reactions.” Chemical Communications 49 (January): 6938. doi:10.1039/c3cc42084a.