Classical celiac disease is more frequent with a double dose of HLA-DQB1*02: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Orsolya Huszár, et al. “Classical Celiac Disease Is More Frequent with a Double Dose of HLA-DQB1*02: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.” PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 2, Feb. 2019. EBSCOhost,
Orsolya Huszár, Péter Varjú, Zsolt Szakács, Gabriella Pár, Áron Vincze, Patrícia Sarlós, Kata Szemes, Péter Hegyi, József Czimmer, Judit Bajor, Margit Solymár, Márta Balaskó, Ákos Szűcs, Nelli Farkas, Anita Illés, & Erika Pétervári. (2019). Classical celiac disease is more frequent with a double dose of HLA-DQB1*02: A systematic review with meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 14(2).
Orsolya Huszár, Péter Varjú, Zsolt Szakács, Gabriella Pár, Áron Vincze, Patrícia Sarlós, Kata Szemes, et al. 2019. “Classical Celiac Disease Is More Frequent with a Double Dose of HLA-DQB1*02: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.” PLoS ONE 14 (2).