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Corimbion wappesi García & Santos-Silva 2022, sp. nov

Authors :
García, Kimberly
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2022.


Corimbion wappesi sp. nov. (Figs 6–12) Description. Holotype male (Figs 6–11). Integument mostly black; palpomeres reddish brown, except apex of maxillary palpomeres I–III and labial palpomeres I–II yellowish brown; scape, pedicel, and antennomeres III–VI dark brown (slightly lighter toward VI); antennomeres VII–XI brown (gradually lighter toward XI). Elytra brown, lighter toward posterior fifth; with wide, transverse yellowish-brown band before middle, from suture to epipleural margin, oblique, gradually narrowed near suture. Femoral peduncle dark reddish brown and femoral club dark brown. Tibiae mostly dark reddish brown, more dark brown depending on light intensity. Tarsi dark reddish brown. Apex of ventrites 3–4 narrowly paler; ventrite 5 dark brown basally, gradually reddish brown toward apex. Head. Frons finely, densely rugose and punctate; with abundant, decumbent yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument (pubescence paler depending on light intensity). Area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes with sculpturing and pubescence as on frons; with a few long, erect light yellowish-brown setae interspersed close to eyes. Remaining surface of vertex transversely rugose-punctate, with a few short, decumbent yellowish setae. Area behind upper eye lobes finely, abundantly punctate close to eye, punctures coarser and shallower close to prothorax; with abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument (pubescence paler depending on light intensity), glabrous close to prothorax; with a few long, erect light yellowish-brown setae close to eye. Area behind lower eye lobes tumid close to eye; with sculpturing as behind upper eye lobes, except smooth area adjacent to tumid area; pubescence as behind upper eye lobes, sparser superiorly; with long, erect, moderately abundant light yellowish-brown setae on tumid area. Genae finely rugose-punctate, except smooth apex; with sparse yellowish pubescence and a few long, erect setae of same color, except glabrous apex. Wide central area of postclypeus with bristly yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument (pubescence paler depending on light intensity), and one long, erect yellowish seta on each side; sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus at posterior half, inclined at anterior half; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae on posterior half, longer laterally, and fringe short, erect yellowish-brown setae on anterior half. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous on posterior half; transversely striatepunctate on anterior half, with sparse yellowish pubescence interspersed with long, erect setae of same color. Upper eye lobes with three rows of ommatidia; distance between upper eye lobes 0.39 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.46 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 2.6 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at posterior third of antennomere VII. Scape subcylindrical, not sulcate dorsally; finely, abundantly punctate, with some sparse and coarse piliferous punctures interspersed, except smooth apex (smooth area wider on outer region); with moderately abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument, and long, erect yellow setae interspersed, except glabrous smooth area. Pedicel finely, sparsely punctate, except coarser piliferous punctures apically; with sparse yellowish pubescence, and long, erect, moderately abundant yellow setae apically. Antennomere III tumid (Fig. 11), coarsely, sparsely punctate; finely carinate dorsally, from base near apex (carina placed close to inner margin); with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on part of basal third of dorsal surface and entire outer side, very sparse on remaining surface; with long, erect yellow setae throughout, longer, more abundant ventrally. Antennomeres IV–VI tumid, with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, abundant dorsally and sparser ventrally; with abundant, long, erect yellow setae ventrally and apically; with dorsal carina from base near apex, less distinct on posterior half of IV. Antennomeres VII–XI slender; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence; VII–X with a few long yellowish setae on apex. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.52; pedicel = 0.11; IV = 0.72; V = 0.89; VI = 0.87; VII = 0.85; VIII = 0.80; IX = 0.74; X = 0.69; XI = 0.76. Thorax. Prothorax distinctly longer than wide; anterior and posterior constrictions well-marked; sides rounded centrally. Pronotum densely rugose on anterior and posterior third, and laterally, somehow smooth on center; with one distinct conical tubercle on each side, placed slightly before middle, and another elongated, less elevated placed centrally, from middle to posterior third; with a few coarse punctures on anterior third; with dense pubescence partially obscuring integument, yellowish-white basally, lighter toward its apex, except glabrous tubercles and area surrounding them, and band of sparse pubescence on each side of central tubercle (wide central area mostly glabrous); with long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae from anterior margin to before middle, setae yellowish-brown basally, pale yellow toward its apex. Sides of prothorax with a few coarse punctures, except transversely striate area close to anterior margin; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous anterior region (this area gradually widened toward prosternum) and posterior region; with long, erect, sparse setae, yellowish-brown basally, pale toward its apex. Prosternum transversely striate on anterior half; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence on posterior half, sparser than on sides of prothorax and a few short setae of same color on anterior half. Prosternal process with abundant yellowish-white pubescence except glabrous sides of apex; narrowest area 0.16 times procoxal width. Procoxal cavities slightly open behind (Fig. 10). Ventral surface of mesothorax with yellowish-white pubescence, denser on anterocentral area of mesoventrite, mesanepisternum and mesepimeron. Metanepisternum and sides of metaventrite with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument; central area of metaventrite with sparse yellowish-white setae anteriorly, glabrous on remaining surface; metaventrite with a few long, erect light yellowish-brown setae. Scutellum with pale yellow pubescence not obscuring integument. Elytra. Coarsely, sparsely punctate on anterior half, punctures finer on posterior half; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence on posterior quarter, reaching posterior third on sides; with long, erect light yellowish-brown seta on nearly all punctures; apex slightly obliquely truncate, with outer and sutural angle rounded, slightly projected. Legs. Femora with abundant grayish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous ventral surface of profemora, and glabrous ventral surface of posterior 2/3 of meso- and metafemoral club; with long, erect, sparse light yellowish-brown setae. Protibiae with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, not obscuring integument, dorsally and laterally, and bristly yellowish-brown pubescence ventrally; meso- and metatibiae with sparse yellowish-white pubescence dorsally and laterally, and bristly light pale yellow pubescence on ventral surface of posterior half (yellow pubescence more abundant toward apex); with long, erect, sparse pale yellow setae; meso- and metatibiae longitudinally carinate laterally. Metatarsomere I slightly longer than II–III together. Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except almost glabrous area on center of ventrite 1, posterocentral area of ventrite 2, and apex of ventrites 3–4; with long, erect, sparse light yellowish-brown setae, gradually more abundant toward ventrite 5. Female (Fig. 12). It differs from male by the shorter antennae, 2.1 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal area of antennomere IX, and antennomeres III–VI not tumid. Variation. Central tubercle of pronotum as elevated as lateral tubercles; pronotal pubescence light yellowishbrown; pronotal erect setae reaching posterior constriction and partially brownish. Dimensions (mm) (Holotype male/ paratypes male/ paratypes female). Total length, 9.95/7.55–9.70/9.05–12.20; prothoracic length, 2.20/1.75–2.10/1.95–2.65; anterior prothoracic width, 1.40/1.10–1.30/1.20–1.65; posterior prothoracic width, 1.35/1.05–1.25/1.10–1.60; maximum prothoracic width, 1.50/1.20–1.40/1.25–1.80; humeral width, 2.00/1.60–1.85/1.65–2.40; elytral length, 6.10/4.70–5.55/5.45–7.20. Type material. Holotype male from GUATEMALA, Zacapa: El Arenal, Heloderma Conservation Reserve, 14º18’N, 89º78’W, 530 m, collected at MV/UV lights, 23-15.V.2019, Wappes, Monzón & Skillman leg. (FSCA, formerly ACMT). Paratypes — GUATEMALA, Zacapa: 1 male, same data as holotype (FSCA, formerly ACMT); 1 male, 1 female, same data as holotype, except Skillman, Wappes & Monzón leg. (FWSC); Quarry Rd to San Lorenzo, Sierra Las Minas, 15º04’N, 89º67’W, 555 m, MV/UV lights, 1 male, 26.V.2019, Wappes, Monzón & Skillman leg. (MZSP, formerly ACMT); 500-600 m, MV/UV lights, 1 female, 26.V.2019, Wappes, Monzón & Skillman leg. (MZSP, formerly ACMT). Etymology. The specific epithet “ wappesi ” is in honor to the late James Wappes, in recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of Cerambycidae. Remarks. Depending on the feature and/or the interpretation of the features, the new species can be included in Compsibidion (Neoibidionina), Corimbion, Pygmodeon or Heterachthes (Compsina). Only a complete review of these genera may present reliable features to separate them or, eventually, to propose synonymies. This is because the features used to separate them are too variable in the genera studied: basal antennomeres carinate or not (Compsibidion and Heterachthes), central tubercle of the prothorax elevated or not (variable in Heterocompsa and Corimbion) procoxal cavities closed or slightly open behind (at least variable in Corimbion, Compsibidion and Pygmodeon), tibiae with or without carina (at least variable in Compsibidion and Heterachthes), presence of pubescent band on sides of the prothorax (at least variable in Compsibidion and Heterachthes), etc. For now, we think better to include the new species in Corimbion. By the elytral pattern, the new species cannot be confused with any species currently included in Corimbion. This is because there are no other species with only a transverse yellowish band about middle, and no other macula anterior and/or posterior to it.<br />Published as part of García, Kimberly & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2022, New species and new records in Neoibidionini and Hexoplonini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), pp. 399-414 in Zootaxa 5134 (3) on pages 401-404, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5134.3.4,


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