Additional file 3: of Reduced penetrance of the PSEN1 H163Y autosomal dominant Alzheimer mutation: a 22-year follow-up study
Thordardottir, Steinunn, et al. Additional File 3: Of Reduced Penetrance of the PSEN1 H163Y Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Mutation: A 22-Year Follow-up Study. Jan. 2018. EBSCOhost,
Thordardottir, S., Rodriguez-Vieitez, E., Almkvist, O., Ferreira, D., Saint-Aubert, L., Kinhult-Ståhlbom, A., Thonberg, H., Schöll, M., Westman, E., Wall, A., Eriksdotter, M., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Nordberg, A., & Graff, C. (2018). Additional file 3: of Reduced penetrance of the PSEN1 H163Y autosomal dominant Alzheimer mutation: a 22-year follow-up study.
Thordardottir, Steinunn, Elena Rodriguez-Vieitez, Ove Almkvist, Daniel Ferreira, Laure Saint-Aubert, Anne Kinhult-Ståhlbom, Håkan Thonberg, et al. 2018. “Additional File 3: Of Reduced Penetrance of the PSEN1 H163Y Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Mutation: A 22-Year Follow-up Study,” January. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6254207.