Bronze and Iron Age Urbanisation in Turkmenistan. Preliminary results from the excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab alluvial fan
Barbara Cerasetti, et al. Bronze and Iron Age Urbanisation in Turkmenistan. Preliminary Results from the Excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab Alluvial Fan. Jan. 2019. EBSCOhost,
Barbara Cerasetti, Roberto Arciero, Marialetizia Carra, Antonio Curci, Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin, Luca Forni, Elise Luneau, Lynne M. Rouse, & Robert N. Spengler III. (2019). Bronze and Iron Age Urbanisation in Turkmenistan. Preliminary results from the excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab alluvial fan.
Barbara Cerasetti, Roberto Arciero, Marialetizia Carra, Antonio Curci, Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin, Luca Forni, Elise Luneau, Lynne M. Rouse, and Robert N. Spengler III. 2019. “Bronze and Iron Age Urbanisation in Turkmenistan. Preliminary Results from the Excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab Alluvial Fan,” January.