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Parena (Parena) monticola Shibata 1987

Authors :
Shi, Hongliang
Liang, Hongbin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2023.


[35] Parena (Parena) monticola Shibata, 1987 Habitus: Figs 69C, 69D. Male genitalia: Fig. 71. Shibata, 1987: 63 (type locality: Taiwan, Nantou; holotype in KCMI: Kashihara City Museum of Insects, Kashihara, Japan); Kirschenhofer, 2006: 89. Misidentification: Parena bicolor Motschulsky: Xie & Yu, 1993: 190 (Anhui). Non-type material examined. China: 1 female (IZAS), " Huangshan, June 21 1936 ". 1 male (IZAS), " Jiangxi, Wugongshan, 1300–1900 m, 2008.VII.15-16, Yang Zaihua lgt. ". 1 female (IZAS), " Guizhou, Leishan, Fangxiang, 900 m, Liu Ye lgt., 2005.IX.18 ". 1 female (CRS), "China. C Sichuan, Emei Shan, 24.- 26.6.1996, Scepal lgt.". 1 male (NHMB), " China: Sichuan Mt. Emei, 1050 m, 18.VII.1990, L.&M. Bocak lgt." . 1 teneral male (MTMB), "Taiwan, Taipei county, Haeng-Ly Dyi, around lights, 14-24.XI.2002, L. Ronkay & O. Merkl. ". 1 female (CCCC), " Taiwan, Taichung county, Hoping, Kukuan, Chen Changchin lgt. 1994.VI.20 ". Comparisons. This species differs from other species of the genus by the combination of: elytra entirely metallic green, postgenae without suborbital setae, and males with adhesive setae on mesotarsomere 1. Compared with other species in this group, P. monticola is most similar to P. pendleburyi in having elytra without lateral stripes and microsculpture. However, P. monticola is different in having elytra without reddish copper lustre on elytral humeri and subapices, elytral striae deeper, elytra discal depressions deeper, venter lighter in color, and apical lamella of aedeagus narrower. This species is also similar to P. bicolor in having elytra entirely metallic green. However, P. monticola is slightly larger in body size, most specimens have the elytra with a slightly copperish hue, and, most importantly, the postgenae lack suborbital setae. Description. Body length 8.5–9.1 mm. Head and pronotum dark brown to piceous, strongly polished; mouthparts yellowish brown, apices of mandibles dark brown; basal four antennomeres reddish brown, apical ones dark brown; pronotal disc much darker than lateral explanations; elytra metallic copperish green in most specimens, cyanic green in some specimens, without distinct pattern, but disc often somewhat brown; elytral suture mostly brown, gradually graded to green in apical third; elytral lateral margins and epipleura brown without metallic hue; legs yellowish brown, apices of femora sometimes slightly darker; venter reddish brown to dark brown. Vertex distinctly punctate; postgenae without suborbital setae; antennae barely extended to pronotal base; labrum quadrate, apex usually very weakly pointed at middle; mentum with a pair of minute median setae, barely visible in some specimens. Pronotum sub-cordate, PW/PL = 1.34–1.37, usually slightly narrower than head, PW/HW = 0.94–1.02; widest at anterior third, strongly narrowed to base, strongly sinuate before posterior angles; posterior angles widely obtuse; disc usually with transverse wrinkles. Elytra slightly dilated to apex, without microsculpture; striae well incised, with fine puncture rows; intervals convex, with denser punctures than previous two species; disc with large shallow depressions near basal third of intervals 3 to 6. Males with biseriate adhesive setae on apical two-thirds of mesotarsomere 2, and almost full length of mesotarsomere 3. Apex of abdominal sternite VII nearly straight in males. Median lobe of aedeagus stout (AL/AW = 4.1), right margin weakly sinuate before apical lamella; apical lamella thick, rounded-triangular in dorsal view, LL slightly greater than LW, not declined to left; subuliform in lateral view, apex not bent upward. Endophallus with very large flared basal expansion of primary sclerite; flagellum extending almost to the base of apical orifice; apical sclerite narrowly V-shaped, well-defined, basal core indistinct; basal sheath coarsely scaled, apical sheath finely scaled, similar size as basal sheath; squamate sac well divided, near middle of median lobe, dorsal to squamate sheath; distal sac same size as proximal sac, closer to apex. Gonocoxite II of ovipositor nearly trapezoid, slightly longer than width, apex curved, angulate near inner apical angle, with two ensiform setae on outer apical angle, three on inner apical angle, one of them slightly distant from other two. Distribution (Map 11, green). China (Taiwan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan).<br />Published as part of Shi, Hongliang & Liang, Hongbin, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the genus Parena Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini, Metallicina), pp. 1-144 in Zootaxa 5286 (1) on pages 117-118, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5286.1.1,<br />{"references":["Shibata, T. (1987) Three new species and a new record of Carabidae from Taiwan (Truncatipennes) (Coleoptera). Entomological Review of Japan, 42 (1), 63 - 67.","Kirschenhofer, E. (2006) Neue Arten der Gattung Parena Motschulsky aus Japan, China Und Indonesien (Sulawesi) (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins E. V. Frankfurt, 31 (3 - 4), 87 - 103.","Xie, W. P. & Yu, P. Y. (1993) On the Chinese species of Parena Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Sinozoologia, 10, 185 - 195."]}


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