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Authors :
Sheidu Abdullaziz
Silifatu A. A
Igyuve T.M
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2023.


Field investigation was carried out to study the genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance of watermelon genotypes. The result of the studied showed significant differences among the nine genotypes for all the nine characters studied. Genetic analysis indicated maximum phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation among the studied traits. The results indicates high phenotypic variation for vine length (week 4, 6 and 8), number of leaves (week 6 and 8), number of tendrils (week 6 and 8), number of male flower, and fruit burst however, moderate values was observed for vine length (week 6 and 8) while high genotypic coefficient of variation was observed for number of leaves (week 6), number of branches (week 4 and 6), number of tendrils (week 4), number of male flower, number of female flower, fruit burst, while moderate values were recorded for vine length (week 4,6 and 8), number of leaves (week 4 and 8), number of branches (week 8), number of tendrils (week 6 and 8). High heritability was observed for vine length at (6 weeks), vine length at (8 weeks), number of branches at (6 weeks), and number of tendrils at (8 weeks). High genetic advance was recorded for vine length at (6 weeks), vine length at (8 weeks), and number of leaves at (6 weeks). Coefficient of correlation showed positive and highly significant association for most of the studied traits. These traits can be modified based on the variability observedand can be exploited in watermelon breeding programs for improvement of other traits.<br />{"references":["[1] Bisognin D. A. (2002). Origin and evolution of cultivated cucurbits. Ciência Rural, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 715–723.","[2] Collins J. K. (2007). Watermelon consumption increases plasma arginine concentrations in adults. Nutrition 23, 261-266","[3] FAOSTAT, (2018). Statistical databases, In Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.","[4] Damor A. S., Patil J. N., Parmer H. K., and Vyas N. D. 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