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A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing

Authors :
Durbin, Richard M.
Altshuler, David L.
Abecasis, Gonçalo R.
Bentley, David R.
Chakravarti, Aravinda
Clark, Andrew G.
Collins, Francis S.
De La Vega, Francisco M.
Donnelly, Peter
Egholm, Michael
Flicek, Paul
Gabriel, Stacey B.
Gibbs, Richard A.
Knoppers, Bartha M.
Lander, Eric S.
Lehrach, Hans
Mardis, Elaine R.
McVean, Gil A.
Nickerson, Debbie A.
Peltonen, Leena
Schafer, Alan J.
Sherry, Stephen T.
Wang, Jun
Wilson, Richard K.
Deiros, David
Metzker, Mike
Muzny, Donna
Reid, Jeff
Wheeler, David
Li, Jingxiang
Jian, Min
Li, Guoqing
Li, Ruiqiang
Liang, Huiqing
Tian, Geng
Wang, Bo
Wang, Jian
Wang, Wei
Yang, Huanming
Zhang, Xiuqing
Zheng, Huisong
Ambrogio, Lauren
Bloom, Toby
Cibulskis, Kristian
Fennell, Tim J.
Jaffe, David B.
Shefler, Erica
Sougnez, Carrie L.
Gormley, Niall
Humphray, Sean
Kingsbury, Zoya
Koko-Gonzales, Paula
Stone, Jennifer
McKernan, Kevin J.
Costa, Gina L.
Ichikawa, Jeffry K.
Lee, Clarence C.
Sudbrak, Ralf
Borodina, Tatiana A.
Dahl, Andreas
Davydov, Alexey N.
Marquardt, Peter
Mertes, Florian
Nietfeld, Wilfiried
Rosenstiel, Philip
Schreiber, Stefan
Soldatov, Aleksey V.
Timmermann, Bernd
Tolzmann, Marius
Affourtit, Jason
Ashworth, Dana
Attiya, Said
Bachorski, Melissa
Buglione, Eli
Burke, Adam
Caprio, Amanda
Celone, Christopher
Clark, Shauna
Conners, David
Desany, Brian
Gu, Lisa
Guccione, Lorri
Kao, Kalvin
Kebbel, Andrew
Knowlton, Jennifer
Labrecque, Matthew
McDade, Louise
Mealmaker, Craig
Minderman, Melissa
Nawrocki, Anne
Niazi, Faheem
Pareja, Kristen
Ramenani, Ravi
Riches, David
Song, Wanmin
Turcotte, Cynthia
Wang, Shally
Dooling, David
Fulton, Lucinda
Fulton, Robert
Weinstock, George
Burton, John
Carter, David M.
Churcher, Carol
Coffey, Alison
Cox, Anthony
Palotie, Aarno
Quail, Michael
Skelly, Tom
Stalker, James
Swerdlow, Harold P.
Turner, Daniel
De Witte, Anniek
Giles, Shane
Bainbridge, Matthew
Challis, Danny
Sabo, Aniko
Yu, Fuli
Yu, Jin
Fang, Xiaodong
Guo, Xiaosen
Li, Yingrui
Luo, Ruibang
Tai, Shuaishuai
Wu, Honglong
Zheng, Hancheng
Zheng, Xiaole
Zhou, Yan
Marth, Gabor T.
Garrison, Erik P.
Huang, Weichun
Indap, Amit
Kural, Deniz
Lee, Wan-Ping
Fung Leong, Wen
Quinlan, Aaron R.
Stewart, Chip
Stromberg, Michael P.
Ward, Alistair N.
Wu, Jiantao
Lee, Charles
Mills, Ryan E.
Shi, Xinghua
Daly, Mark J.
DePristo, Mark A.
Ball, Aaron D.
Banks, Eric
Browning, Brian L.
Garimella, Kiran V.
Grossman, Sharon R.
Handsaker, Robert E.
Hanna, Matt
Hartl, Chris
Kernytsky, Andrew M.
Korn, Joshua M.
Li, Heng
Maguire, Jared R.
McCarroll, Steven A.
McKenna, Aaron
Nemesh, James C.
Philippakis, Anthony A.
Poplin, Ryan E.
Price, Alkes
Rivas, Manuel A.
Sabeti, Pardis C.
Schaffner, Stephen F.
Shlyakhter, Ilya A.
Cooper, David N.
Ball, Edward V.
Mort, Matthew
Phillips, Andrew D.
Stenson, Peter D.
Sebat, Jonathan
Makarov, Vladimir
Ye, Kenny
Yoon, Seungtai C.
Bustamante, Carlos D.
Boyko, Adam
Degenhardt, Jeremiah
Gravel, Simon
Gutenkunst, Ryan N.
Kaganovich, Mark
Keinan, Alon
Lacroute, Phil
Ma, Xin
Reynolds, Andy
Clarke, Laura
Cunningham, Fiona
Herrero, Javier
Keenen, Stephen
Kulesha, Eugene
Leinonen, Rasko
McLaren, William M.
Radhakrishnan, Rajesh
Smith, Richard E.
Zalunin, Vadim
Zheng-Bradley, Xiangqun
Korbel, Jan O.
Stütz, Adrian M.
Bauer, Markus
Keira Cheetham, R.
Cox, Tony
Eberle, Michael
James, Terena
Kahn, Scott
Murray, Lisa
Ye, Kai
Fu, Yutao
Hyland, Fiona C. L.
Manning, Jonathan M.
McLaughlin, Stephen F.
Peckham, Heather E.
Sakarya, Onur
Sun, Yongming A.
Tsung, Eric F.
Batzer, Mark A.
Konkel, Miriam K.
Walker, Jerilyn A.
Albrecht, Marcus W.
Amstislavskiy, Vyacheslav S.
Herwig, Ralf
Parkhomchuk, Dimitri V.
Agarwala, Richa
Khouri, Hoda M.
Morgulis, Aleksandr O.
Paschall, Justin E.
Phan, Lon D.
Rotmistrovsky, Kirill E.
Sanders, Robert D.
Shumway, Martin F.
Xiao, Chunlin
Auton, Adam
Iqbal, Zamin
Lunter, Gerton
Marchini, Jonathan L.
Moutsianas, Loukas
Myers, Simon
Tumian, Afidalina
Knight, James
Winer, Roger
Craig, David W.
Beckstrom-Sternberg, Steve M.
Christoforides, Alexis
Kurdoglu, Ahmet A.
Pearson, John V.
Sinari, Shripad A.
Tembe, Waibhav D.
Haussler, David
Hinrichs, Angie S.
Katzman, Sol J.
Kern, Andrew
Kuhn, Robert M.
Przeworski, Molly
Hernandez, Ryan D.
Howie, Bryan
Kelley, Joanna L.
Cord Melton, S.
Li, Yun
Anderson, Paul
Blackwell, Tom
Chen, Wei
Cookson, William O.
Ding, Jun
Min Kang, Hyun
Lathrop, Mark
Liang, Liming
Moffatt, Miriam F.
Scheet, Paul
Sidore, Carlo
Snyder, Matthew
Zhan, Xiaowei
Zöllner, Sebastian
Awadalla, Philip
Casals, Ferran
Idaghdour, Youssef
Keebler, John
Stone, Eric A.
Zilversmit, Martine
Jorde, Lynn
Xing, Jinchuan
Eichler, Evan E.
Aksay, Gozde
Alkan, Can
Hajirasouliha, Iman
Hormozdiari, Fereydoun
Kidd, Jeffrey M.
Cenk Sahinalp, S.
Sudmant, Peter H.
Chen, Ken
Chinwalla, Asif
Ding, Li
Koboldt, Daniel C.
McLellan, Mike D.
Wallis, John W.
Wendl, Michael C.
Zhang, Qunyuan
Albers, Cornelis A.
Ayub, Qasim
Balasubramaniam, Senduran
Barrett, Jeffrey C.
Chen, Yuan
Conrad, Donald F.
Danecek, Petr
Dermitzakis, Emmanouil T.
Hu, Min
Huang, Ni
Hurles, Matt E.
Jin, Hanjun
Jostins, Luke
Keane, Thomas M.
Quang Le, Si
Lindsay, Sarah
Long, Quan
MacArthur, Daniel G.
Montgomery, Stephen B.
Parts, Leopold
Tyler-Smith, Chris
Walter, Klaudia
Zhang, Yujun
Gerstein, Mark B.
Snyder, Michael
Abyzov, Alexej
Balasubramanian, Suganthi
Bjornson, Robert
Du, Jiang
Grubert, Fabian
Habegger, Lukas
Haraksingh, Rajini
Jee, Justin
Khurana, Ekta
Lam, Hugo Y. K.
Leng, Jing
Jasmine Mu, Xinmeng
Urban, Alexander E.
Zhang, Zhengdong
Coafra, Cristian
Dinh, Huyen
Kovar, Christie
Lee, Sandy
Nazareth, Lynne
Wilkinson, Jane
Coffey, Allison
Scott, Carol
Gharani, Neda
Kaye, Jane S.
Kent, Alastair
Li, Taosha
McGuire, Amy L.
Ossorio, Pilar N.
Rotimi, Charles N.
Su, Yeyang
Toji, Lorraine H.
Brooks, Lisa D.
Felsenfeld, Adam L.
McEwen, Jean E.
Abdallah, Assya
Juenger, Christopher R.
Clemm, Nicholas C.
Duncanson, Audrey
Green, Eric D.
Guyer, Mark S.
Peterson, Jane L.
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute [Cambridge]
Centre National de Génotypage (CNG)
Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
University of Michigan [Ann Arbor]
University of Michigan System
The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium
Harvard University--MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Biology
Lander, Eric S.
Altshuler, David
Daly, Mark J.
Grossman, Sharon Rachel
Jaffe, David B.
Korn, Joshua M.
Dermitzakis, Emmanouil
Source :
Nature, Nature, 2010, 467 (7319), pp.1061-1073. ⟨10.1038/nature09534⟩, Nature; Vol 467, PMC, ResearcherID, Nature, 467(7319), 1061-1073, Durbin, R M, Altshuler, D, Abecasis, G R, Bentley, D R, Chakravarti, A, Clark, A G, Collins, F S, de la Vega, F M, Donnelly, P, Egholm, M, Flicek, P, Gabriel, S B, Gibbs, R A, Knoppers, B M, Lander, E S, Lehrach, H, Mardis, E R, McVean, G A, Nickerson, D A, Peltonen, L, Schafer, A J, Sherry, S T, Wang, J, Wilson, R K, Li, R & The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium 2010, ' A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing ', Nature, vol. 467, no. 7319, pp. 1061–1073 ., Nature, Vol. 467, No 7319 (2010) pp. 1061-73
Publication Year :
Publisher :
HAL CCSD, 2010.


April 1, 2011<br />The 1000 Genomes Project aims to provide a deep characterization of human genome sequence variation as a foundation for investigating the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Here we present results of the pilot phase of the project, designed to develop and compare different strategies for genome-wide sequencing with high-throughput platforms. We undertook three projects: low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 179 individuals from four populations; high-coverage sequencing of two mother–father–child trios; and exon-targeted sequencing of 697 individuals from seven populations. We describe the location, allele frequency and local haplotype structure of approximately 15 million single nucleotide polymorphisms, 1 million short insertions and deletions, and 20,000 structural variants, most of which were previously undescribed. We show that, because we have catalogued the vast majority of common variation, over 95% of the currently accessible variants found in any individual are present in this data set. On average, each person is found to carry approximately 250 to 300 loss-of-function variants in annotated genes and 50 to 100 variants previously implicated in inherited disorders. We demonstrate how these results can be used to inform association and functional studies. From the two trios, we directly estimate the rate of de novo germline base substitution mutations to be approximately 10[superscript −8] per base pair per generation. We explore the data with regard to signatures of natural selection, and identify a marked reduction of genetic variation in the neighbourhood of genes, due to selection at linked sites. These methods and public data will support the next phase of human genetic research.<br />Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (973 program no. 2011CB809200)<br />National Natural Science Foundation (China) (30725008)<br />National Natural Science Foundation (China) (30890032)<br />National Natural Science Foundation (China) (30811130531)<br />National Natural Science Foundation (China) (30221004)<br />China (Chinese 863 program 2006AA02Z177)<br />China (Chinese 863 program 2006AA02Z334)<br />China (Chinese 863 program 2006AA02A302)<br />China (Chinese 863 program 2009AA022707)<br />National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant U54HG2750)<br />National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant U01HG5208)<br />National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant U54HG3067)


Language :
00280836 and 14764687
Database :
Journal :
Nature, Nature, 2010, 467 (7319), pp.1061-1073. ⟨10.1038/nature09534⟩, Nature; Vol 467, PMC, ResearcherID, Nature, 467(7319), 1061-1073, Durbin, R M, Altshuler, D, Abecasis, G R, Bentley, D R, Chakravarti, A, Clark, A G, Collins, F S, de la Vega, F M, Donnelly, P, Egholm, M, Flicek, P, Gabriel, S B, Gibbs, R A, Knoppers, B M, Lander, E S, Lehrach, H, Mardis, E R, McVean, G A, Nickerson, D A, Peltonen, L, Schafer, A J, Sherry, S T, Wang, J, Wilson, R K, Li, R & The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium 2010, ' A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing ', Nature, vol. 467, no. 7319, pp. 1061–1073 ., Nature, Vol. 467, No 7319 (2010) pp. 1061-73
Accession number :