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Uloga apostolskog delegata Pierrea Bastiena oko ne/uvođenja kongrue za katolički kler u Bosni i Hercegovini (1911. – 1914.)

Authors :
Milenko Krešić
Source :
Croatica Christiana periodica, Volume 46, Issue 90
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Catholic Faculty of Theology, 2023.


Autor u radu obrađuje ulogu apostolskog delegata Pierrea Bastiena oko uvođenja, odnosno neuvođenja kongrue za katolički kler u Bosni i Hercegovini. Congrua (prikladno uzdržavanje svećenika) bio je jedan od »kamena spoticanja« u odnosima između nadbiskupa Stadlera i dijecezanskog klera s jedne strane i franjevaca i biskupa iz njihova reda s druge strane. Kako se pitanje nije moglo riješiti međusobnim dogovorom, Sveta Stolica je rješenje tog pitanja pridržala sebi. Ulogu istražitelja povjerila je apostolskom delegatu Pierreu Bastienu, koji se pitanjem kongrue bavio od 1911. do 1914. godine. U radu su obrađena Bastienova izvješća i prijedlozi, prijedlog austrougarskih vlasti i Bastienove objekcije, odluka Svete Stolice o tom pitanju i reakcije klera na tu odluku.<br />The author investigates the role of apostolic delegate Pierre Bastien in introducing or not introducing congruent for the Catholic clergy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Congruity (orderly maintenance of priests) was one of the “stumbling blocks” in the relations between Archbishop Stadler and the diocesan clergy, but at the same time this issue also provoked conflicts between the Franciscans and the bishops of their order. Since this matter could not be resolved amicably, the Holy See reserved the resolution to this issue for itself. Thus, Pope entrusted the role of investigator in this matter to the apostolic delegate Pierre Bastien, who dealt with the issue of congruence in the period from 1911 to 1914. The article deals not only with Bastien’s reports and his proposals / solutions, but also discusses the proposal of the Austro-Hungarian authorities and Bastien’s objections to this matter, and finally the decision of the Holy See on this issue, as well ass the reactions of the clergy to the decision of the Holy See.


18489982 and 03507823
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Croatica Christiana periodica
Accession number :