Evaluation of β-endorphin concentration, mood, and pain intensity in men with idiopathic hip osteoarthritis treated with variable magnetic field
Monika Białkowska, et al. “Evaluation of β-Endorphin Concentration, Mood, and Pain Intensity in Men with Idiopathic Hip Osteoarthritis Treated with Variable Magnetic Field.” Medicine, vol. 98, no. 30, July 2019. EBSCOhost,
Monika Białkowska, Alina Ostałowska, Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Bogdan Koczy, Grzegorz Cieślar, Szymon Czech, Sławomir Kasperczyk, & Maria Leksowska-Pawliczek. (2019). Evaluation of β-endorphin concentration, mood, and pain intensity in men with idiopathic hip osteoarthritis treated with variable magnetic field. Medicine, 98(30).
Monika Białkowska, Alina Ostałowska, Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Bogdan Koczy, Grzegorz Cieślar, Szymon Czech, Sławomir Kasperczyk, and Maria Leksowska-Pawliczek. 2019. “Evaluation of β-Endorphin Concentration, Mood, and Pain Intensity in Men with Idiopathic Hip Osteoarthritis Treated with Variable Magnetic Field.” Medicine 98 (30).