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Campanula cochleromena Gardere. A. Habit 2021, sp. nov

Authors :
Gardère, Mathieu L.
Florence, Jacques
Muller, Serge
Savriama, Yoland
Dubuisson, Jean-Yves
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2021.


7. Campanula cochleromena Gard��re, sp. nov. (Fig. 1, 3G, 11). Holotypus: CABO VERDE. E S��o Nicolau: Alto das Caba��as, v��g��tation rupicole au bord des falaises sommitales, 16��35'57"N 24��06'20"W, c. 650 m, 14.XII.2015, Gard��re 1120 (P [P02091100]!; iso-: CECV!, LISC!). Campanulae jacobaeae C. Sm. ex Webb affinis, sed calycis deltatis lobis (vs. triangulares lobos), corolla campanulata sine constrictione (vs. campanulatam corollam fauce paulo constricta), stylo corollae subexserto (vs. stylum corollae inclusum), praecipue differt. Sub-frutex 5���20 cm tall, prostrate in dense clump, highly woody in lower part; floriferous stems branched, procumbent to decumbent arising from the base of one or several sterile basal rosettes, glabrous to glabrescent in the woody basal parts with indument hispid toward the extremity, consisting of trichomes �� 0.5 mm long. Leaves: rosette-leaves elliptic to narrowly elliptic (1.5���)2.5���3.5(���4) �� (0.7���)1���1.5(���2) cm, base cuneiform to attenuate, apex �� obtuse to acute; cauline-leaves elliptic to narrowly elliptic, (1���)1.5���3.5(���4) �� (0.7���)1���1.3(���1.5) cm, base cuneiform to attenuate, apex �� obtuse; margin weakly revolute, crenelate to slightly denticulate; adaxial side medium green in vivo, glabrescent or scattered by hispidulous to hispid of trichomes 0.2��� 0.5 mm long, indument generally more pronounced around the apex; abaxial side light green in vivo, venation whitish, hispidulous to hispid indument on primary and secondary veins consisting of trichomes 0.2���0.5 mm long and glabrescent on tertiary and ultimate veins, lamina glabrous. Inflorescences in monochasial pauciflorous cyme. Flowers erect, pedicel 0.5���1.5(���2) cm long, with the same indument as the stem; axillate by one or two bracts subopposite, ovato-triangular or ovate to narrowly ovate, base semi-amplexicaul, apex acute, with the same indument as the leaf. Calyx, calyx-lobes deltoid, 5���8 �� 4���6 mm, pressed up against the corolla, margin distinctly revolute; appendages ovate, reflexed, 1���1.5 mm long; lobe edges, appendage and median main vein hispid, 0.5���0.75 mm long, lamina glabrous to weakly hispidulous, 0.35 ���0.5 mm long. Corolla campanulate with inflexion point in the middle, purplish-blue; base wide round c. 6 ��� 8 mm large; tube, 20���22 mm long, gradually widening and reach the maximum diameter of 11 ��� 13 mm in the middle then widening up to 22���28 mm large at the mouth, constrictions absent; throat straight; lobes spreading to obliquely erect, 2���4 �� 8���10 mm, apex apiculate; external lamina entirely covered with indument microhispidulous c. 0.1 mm long, except the primary veins micro-hispidulous to hispidous, 0.1���0.2 mm long. Stamens with glabrous filaments; anthers, 2���4 mm long. Ovary, roof of the ovary glabrous to glabrescent, flat, topped by a yellowishwith nectary disk. Style thick, fleshy, 16���20 mm long, slightly exserted from the corolla, stigma trifid and papillose. Etymology. ��� The species epithet cochleromena meaning ���loved by snails���, is a compound of two words of ancient Greek: cochlos, ���snail��� and eromenos, ���loved, desired by���. Indeed, a rare phenomenon of pollination by snails was recently observed in the species (GARD��RE, 2018). Vernacular name. ��� ���Flor-de-caracol��� literally ���snail flower���, the name is not very widespread and only known by a few shepherds working on the summits of Alto das Caba��as (GARD��RE, 2018). Distribution and habitat. ��� Campanula cochleromena is endemic to E S��o Nicolau, between 550 and 650 m. The species is mainly confined to the edges of cliffs, on summit ridges of Alto Joaquina and Alto Caba��as, facing completely north, windblown and regularly covered by the fog. Campanula cochleromena is part of rupicolous vegetation principally made up of microendemic species such as Conyza schlechtendalii Bolle (Asteraceae), Helichrysum nicolai N. Kilian et al. (Asteraceae), Diplotaxis sundingii Rustan (Brassicaceae) and Limonium sundingii Leyens et al. (Plumbaginaceae) with other more broadly ranging Cabo Verdean endemic species like Daucus sp. (Apiaceae), Verbascum capitis-viridis Hub. -Mor. (Scrophulariaceae) and some Euphorbia tuckeyana (Euphorbiaceae). One locality is an exception, as being located in a stabilized landslide in Tope Simon around 500 m elevation, where the floristic community is poorer and composed of Daucus sp. (Apiaceae) and Echium stenosiphon (Boraginaceae). Notes. ��� The populations from E S��o Nicolau, identified until now as C. jacobaea (ERIKSSON et al., 1979; HANSEN & SUNDING, 1985, 1993; SUNDING, 1982; RUSTAN & BROCHMANN, 1993; LEYENS & LOBIN, 1995; GARD��RE, 2018), are described here as new under C. cochleromena. The discovery of this bellflowers is relatively recent, the first collect dates back to Sunding in 1976 from the locality of Alto Joaquina followed by those of Brochmann & Rustan in 1982 for the locality of Alto das Caba��as. Campanula cochleromena is distinguished from all other CVB species by its typically campanulate corolla without constriction (Fig. 1, 11C) and by its deltoid calyx-lobes (Fig. 11D). Additional specimens examined. ��� CABO VERDE. E S��o Nicolau: Alto das Caba��as, 640 m, 2.II.1982, Brochmann & Rustan CB -688/82 (O); ibid. loco, c. 650 m, 20.XI.2014, Gard��re 872 (P); ibid. loco, c. 650 m, 14.XII.2015, Gard��re 1119 (P); ibid. loco, c. 550���650 m, 14.I.1994, Kilian & Leyens 3182 (B, FR); Alto Joaquina, 615 m, 11.XII.2017, Gard��re 1590 (CECV, LISC, MARS, P); ibid. loco, 570 m, 24.XI.1976, Sunding 3835 (O); in den Bergen s��dlich Juncalinho, 600 m, 6.I.1986, Kilian 1063 (FR); Tope Jalunga, 29.XI.1996, Schmidt CV / KS -1996-22 (FR); Tope Simon, 550 m, 17.XII.2017, Gard��re 1127 (CECV, P). Nomen dubium Campanula jacobaea var. hispida Bolle in Bonplandia 9: 51. 1861. Typus: CABO VERDE. Santiago: ���loco natali specialiore ignoto���, s.d., Bocand�� s.n. (not found). Notes. ��� We transcribe here the note of BOLLE (1861: 51) on the variety hispida: ��� Hab. in insula Santiago, loco natali specialiore ignoto. Inter reliquias B. Bocand�� inventam e pessimis exemplis imperfecte tantum novimus. Fieri potest, hanc propriam esse speciem; eximia setositate florumque exiguitate habitu saltem a stirpe Webbiana, quae probabiliter et Smithiana, magnopere recedit; tamen ab hac eam separare non ausi sumus ���; and we give here-after this loose translation: ���Grows on the island of Santiago, the exact locality is unknown. We only know it [var. hispida] imperfectly from poor specimens of B. Bocand��. It may be a particular species. By the extreme hairiness of the flower and the weakness of the habit, it differentiates itself strongly from that of Webb and is probably that of Smith; however, we dare not separate it from that [C. jacobaea]���. BOLLE (1861) described the var. hispida for the island of Santiago based on the Bocand�����s collection, currently untraceable. The specimens from B used by Bolle for the description of his varieties were destroyed in the fire of Berlin in 1943 (HIEPKO, 1987) and probably alongside those of Bocand��. LEYENS & LOBIN (1995) treated the variety as a synonym of C. jacobaea but the same authors saw and identified a specimen of Bocand�� conserved at ���D��� as C. bravensis. However, ���D��� does not correspond any indexed herbarium (THIERS, 2019) and it is probably a typing error (W. Lobin, pers. comm.). The only known European Herbaria to hold Bocand�����s collections are B, FI-W and S (M. L. Gard��re, unpubl. data) but S is temporarily closed for renovation. We were unable to check this specimen and to confirm or not the identification of LEYENS & LOBIN (1995). The description of Bolle is insufficient to place the variety hipida among the CVB species. Given that Santiago harbors both C. jacobaea and C. bravensis, we prefer a precautionary approach and rather consider it to be a nomen dubium. Campanula jacobaea var. hispida Bolle in Bonplandia 9: 51. 1861. Typus: CABO VERDE. Santiago: ���loco natali specialiore ignoto���, s.d., Bocand�� s.n. (not found). Notes. ��� We transcribe here the note of BOLLE (1861: 51) on the variety hispida: ��� Hab. in insula Santiago, loco natali specialiore ignoto. Inter reliquias B. Bocand�� inventam e pessimis exemplis imperfecte tantum novimus. Fieri potest, hanc propriam esse speciem; eximia setositate florumque exiguitate habitu saltem a stirpe Webbiana, quae probabiliter et Smithiana, magnopere recedit; tamen ab hac eam separare non ausi sumus ���; and we give here-after this loose translation: ���Grows on the island of Santiago, the exact locality is unknown. We only know it [var. hispida] imperfectly from poor specimens of B. Bocand��. It may be a particular species. By the extreme hairiness of the flower and the weakness of the habit, it differentiates itself strongly from that of Webb and is probably that of Smith; however, we dare not separate it from that [C. jacobaea]���. BOLLE (1861) described the var. hispida for the island of Santiago based on the Bocand�����s collection, currently untraceable. The specimens from B used by Bolle for the description of his varieties were destroyed in the fire of Berlin in 1943 (HIEPKO, 1987) and probably alongside those of Bocand��. LEYENS & LOBIN (1995) treated the variety as a synonym of C. jacobaea but the same authors saw and identified a specimen of Bocand�� conserved at ���D��� as C. bravensis. However, ���D��� does not correspond any indexed herbarium (THIERS, 2019) and it is probably a typing error (W. Lobin, pers. comm.). The only known European Herbaria to hold Bocand�����s collections are B, FI-W and S (M. L. Gard��re, unpubl. data) but S is temporarily closed for renovation. We were unable to check this specimen and to confirm or not the identification of LEYENS & LOBIN (1995). The description of Bolle is insufficient to place the variety hipida among the CVB species. Given that Santiago harbors both C. jacobaea and C. bravensis, we prefer a precautionary approach and rather consider it to be a nomen dubium. Campanula jacobaea var. hispida Bolle in Bonplandia 9: 51. 1861. Typus: CABO VERDE. Santiago: ���loco natali specialiore ignoto���, s.d., Bocand�� s.n. (not found). Notes. ��� We transcribe here the note of BOLLE (1861: 51) on the variety hispida: ��� Hab. in insula Santiago, loco natali specialiore ignoto. Inter reliquias B. Bocand�� inventam e pessimis exemplis imperfecte tantum novimus. Fieri potest, hanc propriam esse speciem; eximia setositate florumque exiguitate habitu saltem a stirpe Webbiana, quae probabiliter et Smithiana, magnopere recedit; tamen ab hac eam separare non ausi sumus ���; and we give here-after this loose translation: ���Grows on the island of Santiago, the exact locality is unknown. We only know it [var. hispida] imperfectly from poor specimens of B. Bocand��. It may be a particular species. By the extreme hairiness of the flower and the weakness of the habit, it differentiates itself strongly from that of Webb and is probably that of Smith; however, we dare not separate it from that [C. jacobaea]���. BOLLE (1861) described the var. hispida for the island of Santiago based on the Bocand�����s collection, currently untraceable. The specimens from B used by Bolle for the description of his varieties were destroyed in the fire of Berlin in 1943 (HIEPKO, 1987) and probably alongside those of Bocand��. LEYENS & LOBIN (1995) treated the variety as a synonym of C. jacobaea but the same authors saw and identified a specimen of Bocand�� conserved at ���D��� as C. bravensis. However, ���D��� does not correspond any indexed herbarium (THIERS, 2019) and it is probably a typing error (W. Lobin, pers. comm.). The only known European Herbaria to hold Bocand�����s collections are B, FI-W and S (M. L. Gard��re, unpubl. data) but S is temporarily closed for renovation. We were unable to check this specimen and to confirm or not the identification of LEYENS & LOBIN (1995). The description of Bolle is insufficient to place the variety hipida among the CVB species. Given that Santiago harbors both C. jacobaea and C. bravensis, we prefer a precautionary approach and rather consider it to be a nomen dubium.<br />Published as part of Gard��re, Mathieu L., Florence, Jacques, Muller, Serge, Savriama, Yoland & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves, 2021, Codonographia Gorgonum, or the description of a pleiad of bellflowers (Campanula, Campanulaceae) from the Cabo Verde archipelago, pp. 13-40 in Candollea 76 (1) on pages 35-36, DOI: 10.15553/c2021v761a2,<br />{"references":["GARDERE, M. L. (2018). Snails in the flowers of Campanula jacobaea C. Sm. ex Webb (Campanulaceae) from the island of Sao Nicolau archipelago. Adansonia ser. 3, 40: 183 - 186.","ERIKSSON, O., A. HANSEN, & P. SUNDING (1979). Flora of Macaronesia. 2. rev. ed. Part 1. Botanical Garden and Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo.","SUNDING, P. (1982). Additions to the flora of Cape Verde Islands - III. Garcia de Orta, Ser. Bot. 5: 125 - 138.","HIEPKO, P. (1987). The collections of the Botanical Museum Berlin- Dahlem (B) and their history. Englera 7: 219 - 252.","THIERS, B. (2019). Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. [http: // sweetgum. nybg. org / science / ih]"]}


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