All-cause mortality in treated HIV-infected adults with CD4 ≥500/mm3 compared with the general population: evidence from a large European observational cohort collaboration
Lewden, C., et al. “All-Cause Mortality in Treated HIV-Infected Adults with CD4 ≥500/Mm3 Compared with the General Population: Evidence from a Large European Observational Cohort Collaboration.” International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 41, no. 2, Jan. 2012, pp. 433–45. EBSCOhost,
Lewden, C., Bouteloup, V., De Wit, S., Sabin, C., Mocroft, A., Wasmuth, J., van Sighem, A., Kirk, O., Obel, N., Panos, G., Ghosn, J., Dabis, F., Mary Krause, M., Leport, C., Perez Hoyos, S., Sobrino Vegas, P., Stephan, C., Castagna, A., Antinori, A., … Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe in EuroCoord. (2012). All-cause mortality in treated HIV-infected adults with CD4 ≥500/mm3 compared with the general population: evidence from a large European observational cohort collaboration. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41(2), 433–445.
Lewden, C, V Bouteloup, S De Wit, C Sabin, A Mocroft, Jc Wasmuth, A van Sighem, et al. 2012. “All-Cause Mortality in Treated HIV-Infected Adults with CD4 ≥500/Mm3 Compared with the General Population: Evidence from a Large European Observational Cohort Collaboration.” International Journal of Epidemiology 41 (2): 433–45. doi:10.1093/ije/dyr164.