MIFlowCyt: The minimum information about a flow cytometry experiment
Richard H. Scheuermann, et al. “MIFlowCyt: The Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment.” Cytometry Part A, Oct. 2008, pp. 926–30. EBSCOhost,
Richard H. Scheuermann, Olga Tchuvatkina, Wayne A. Moore, Megan Kong, Yu Qian, Clayton A. Smith, Tobias R. Kollmann, Jamie A. Lee, Peter Wilkinson, Josef Spidlen, James C. S. Wood, Maura Gasparetto, Garry P. Nolan, Keith S. Boyce, Thomas D. Moloshok, Mark E. Dalphin, Shannon K. McWeeney, Barclay Purcell, Jennifer Cai, … Elizabeth M. Goralczyk. (2008). MIFlowCyt: The minimum information about a flow cytometry experiment. Cytometry Part A, 926–930.
Richard H. Scheuermann, Olga Tchuvatkina, Wayne A. Moore, Megan Kong, Yu Qian, Clayton A. Smith, Tobias R. Kollmann, et al. 2008. “MIFlowCyt: The Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment.” Cytometry Part A, October, 926–30. doi:10.1002/cyto.a.20623.