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The DAWN Youth WebTalk Study: methods, findings, and implications

Authors :
Peyrot M
The DAWN Youth Survey Study Group: Henk-Jan Aanstoot
Barbara Anderson
Thomas Danne
Larry Deeb
Alexandra Greene Francine Kaufman
Karin Lange
Anja Østergren Nielsen
Mark Peyrot
Karin Rosenfeld
Luıs Eduardo Calliari
Fernanda Isposito
Fani Eta KornMalerbi
Vanessa Vivancos Pirolo
Katarina Braune
Richard Schlomann
Ralph Ziegler
Hansruedi Stahel
Massimo Massi Benedetti
Antonio Cabras
Marco Cappa
Franco Cerutti
Alessandro Cicognani
Valerio Cherubini
Francesco Chiarelli
Giuseppe Chiumello
Massimo Cipolli
Roberto Cocci
Gerardo Corigliano
Maria Iole Colombini
Simone Donadello
Simona Frontoni
Rosangela Ghidelli
Dario Iafusco
Niels Birkebæk
Ib Borly
Pernille Christoffersen
Thomas Hertel
JenniferWikre Jørgensen
Lene Juel Kristensen
Birthe Olsen
Lene Rasmussen
Kathrine Rayce
Mikael Tastum
A K Jhingan
Sanjay Kalra
Deepak Dalal
Archana Juneja
Santosh Singh
Sreejith Kumar
Yasuko Uchigata
Shin Amemiya
Shigeo Aono
Naoki Fukushima
Yutaka Igarashi
Rieko Maeda
Masato Matsushima
Masae Minami
Keiko Nakamura
Taisuke Okada
Eisuke Takazakura
Akira Takeda
Masato Takii
Tatsuhiko Urakami
M, Peyrot
DAWN Youth Survey Study Group: Henk-Jan Aanstoot, The
Anderson, Barbara
Danne, Thoma
Deeb, Larry
Greene Francine Kaufman, Alexandra
Lange, Karin
Østergren Nielsen, Anja
Peyrot, Mark
Rosenfeld, Karin
Eduardo Calliari, Luı
Isposito, Fernanda
Eta KornMalerbi, Fani
Vivancos Pirolo, Vanessa
Braune, Katarina
Schlomann, Richard
Ziegler, Ralph
Stahel, Hansruedi
Massi Benedetti, Massimo
Cabras, Antonio
Cappa, Marco
Cerutti, Franco
Cicognani, Alessandro
Cherubini, Valerio
Chiarelli, Francesco
Chiumello, Giuseppe
Cipolli, Massimo
Cocci, Roberto
Corigliano, Gerardo
Iole Colombini, Maria
Donadello, Simone
Frontoni, Simona
Ghidelli, Rosangela
Iafusco, Dario
Birkebæk, Niel
Borly, Ib
Christoffersen, Pernille
Hertel, Thoma
Jørgensen, Jenniferwikre
Juel Kristensen, Lene
Olsen, Birthe
Rasmussen, Lene
Rayce, Kathrine
Tastum, Mikael
K Jhingan, A
Kalra, Sanjay
Dalal, Deepak
Juneja, Archana
Singh, Santosh
Kumar, Sreejith
Uchigata, Yasuko
Amemiya, Shin
Aono, Shigeo
Fukushima, Naoki
Igarashi, Yutaka
Maeda, Rieko
Matsushima, Masato
Minami, Masae
Nakamura, Keiko
Okada, Taisuke
Takazakura, Eisuke
Takeda, Akira
Takii, Masato
Urakami, Tatsuhiko
Source :
Peyrot, M, International DAWN Youth Survey Group & Birkebæk, N 2009, ' The DAWN Youth WebTalk Study: methods, findings, and implications ', Pediatric Diabetes, vol. 10 Suppl 13, pp. 37-45 .
Publication Year :


It has long been understood that psychosocial issues are important to an understanding of diabetes among young people. The diagnosis and management of diabetes places a substantial burden on youths and their families. This burden may disrupt normal developmental processes, and can have a major impact on psychosocial adjustment and successful disease management. The multinational DAWN Study was a pioneering effort to identify psychosocial barriers to optimal health and quality of life of people with diabetes and new ways to overcome those barriers. The DAWN Study interviewed more than 5000 adults with diabetes and almost 4000 diabetes care professionals, but did not include children and young people with diabetes, their families, or their care providers because it was recognized that diabetes in young people presents different psychosocial issues and challenges than diabetes in adults, and that a separate study would be required to identify opportunities to improve outcomes among young people with diabetes and their families. This realization gave rise to theDAWNYouth WebTalk Study. The objectives of this study were to: • gain understanding of the challenges and issues facing young people with diabetes and those with responsibility for supporting them; • identify new avenues for improving the psychosocial management of diabetes among young people; • stimulate new efforts to improve care for young people with diabetes and their families. This paper presents an initial overview of the methods and findings of theDAWNYouthWebTalk Study and discusses some of the implications of those findings.


Language :
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Journal :
Peyrot, M, International DAWN Youth Survey Group & Birkebæk, N 2009, ' The DAWN Youth WebTalk Study: methods, findings, and implications ', Pediatric Diabetes, vol. 10 Suppl 13, pp. 37-45 .
Accession number :