A Machine Learning Approach for the Differential Diagnosis between Sars-COV19 Infection and Influenza Viruses with Hematological Morphologic DATA (CELL MORPHOLOGIC DATA)
Joaquin Martinez Lopez, et al. “A Machine Learning Approach for the Differential Diagnosis between Sars-COV19 Infection and Influenza Viruses with Hematological Morphologic DATA (CELL MORPHOLOGIC DATA).” Blood, vol. 136, Aug. 2021, p. 43. EBSCOhost,
Joaquin Martinez Lopez, Sandra Gomez Gomez Rojas, Fernando Calvo Boyero, Gonzalo Carreño Gomez-Tarragona, Buenaventura Buendía Ureña, Ana Jiménez, Miguel Pedrera Jimenez, & Gloria Perez Segura. (2021). A Machine Learning Approach for the Differential Diagnosis between Sars-COV19 Infection and Influenza Viruses with Hematological Morphologic DATA (CELL MORPHOLOGIC DATA). Blood, 136, 43.
Joaquin Martinez Lopez, Sandra Gomez Gomez Rojas, Fernando Calvo Boyero, Gonzalo Carreño Gomez-Tarragona, Buenaventura Buendía Ureña, Ana Jiménez, Miguel Pedrera Jimenez, and Gloria Perez Segura. 2021. “A Machine Learning Approach for the Differential Diagnosis between Sars-COV19 Infection and Influenza Viruses with Hematological Morphologic DATA (CELL MORPHOLOGIC DATA).” Blood 136 (August): 43.