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Chamanismo, desarrollo económico y políticas estatales: notas de investigación desde una asociación de chamanes Shuar (Ecuador)
- Publication Year :
- 2017
- Publisher :
- Zenodo, 2017.
- This short chapter explores the challenges of entrepreneurship experiments related to shamanism in an Amazonian region of Ecuador. Most ethnographic data are based on the activities of the "Consejo de Uwishin Shuar", one of the very first association of Shuar shamans. It leads to many questions: is it a revitalization of a practice or its commodification? Is it indigenous emancipation or State regulation? Is it "development with identity" or identity at the service of the market economy? Is it an economic opportunities or the emergence of inequalities? Is it a private revalorization or a privatization of a common good? Some answers to these questions can be found in the chapter.<br />Published in: (2012). Iniciativas empresariales y culturales. Estudios de casos en América Indígena (eds) A.G. Bilhaut & S. Macedo. Quito: Abya-Yala/Fabriq'am. Pp. 177-202. See:<br />{"references":["Beyer, S. V. (2009). Singing to the plants. A guide to mestizo shamanism in the upper amazon. 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- Language :
- Spanish; Castilian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.doi.dedup.....20bd8929df36d4133f03619d5ca92b46
- Full Text :