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Bruceloza pasa na teritoriji Republike Srbije u periodu od 2004. do 2011. godine

Authors :
Miroslav Valčić
Sonja Radojičić
Nataša Stević
Danica Bogunović
Source :
Veterinarski glasnik (2013) 67(5-6):395-404, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 67, Iss 5-6, Pp 395-404 (2013), Veterinarski Glasnik
Publication Year :
Publisher :
National Library of Serbia, 2013.


This study includes examination of dogs from the territory of Serbia during the period from 2004. To 2011. Most of the dogs were from the territory of Belgrade. The total of 193 blood serum samples of proprietary dogs and 120 blood serum samples of stray dogs were tested for the presence of antibodies against Brucella canis. For diagnostics there was used the method of slow serum agglutination in test tubes with 2- mercaptoethanol. During eight years' period of investigation, out of 193 tested serums taken from proprietary dogs, 29 serum samples, or 15.03%, had undoubtedly positive titre of 1/200. During 2011. Out of 120 tested blood samples taken from stray dogs from Belgrade territory, positive titre of 1/200 had 8 samples, or 6.67%. The results of this investigation point out to a very high seroprevalence of antibodies against B.canis in dogs population from the teritiry of the Republic of Serbia. Ovim radom obuhvaćeno je ispitivanje pasa sa teritorije Republike Srbije, u periodu od 2004. do 2011. godine. Većina testiranih pasa poticala je sa teritorije grada Beograda. Na prisustvo antitela protiv Brucella canis, ukupno su ispitana 193 uzorka krvnih seruma pasa poznatih vlasnika i 120 uzoraka krvnih seruma pasa lutalica. Za dijagnostiku je korišćena metoda spore serumske aglutinacije u epruveti, sa 2-merkaptoetanolom. U toku osmogodišnjeg ispitivanja pasa poznatih vlasnika, od 193 ispitana seruma, sigurno pozitivan titar 1/200 imalo je 29 uzoraka seruma ili 15,03%. U toku 2011. godine ispitano je 120 uzoraka krvnih seruma pasa lutalica sa teritorije Beograda, od kojih je sigurno pozitivan titar 1/200 imalo 8 uzoraka ili 6,67%. Rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju na vrlo visoku seroprevalenciju antitela protiv B. canis u populaciji pasa sa teritorije Republike Srbije.


24060771 and 03502457
Volume :
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Journal :
Veterinarski glasnik
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