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Neocompsa pilosa García & Santos-Silva 2022, sp. nov

Authors :
García, Kimberly
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2022.


Neocompsa pilosa sp. nov. (Figs 13–18) Description. Holotype male (Figs 13–17). Head brown dorsally, dark reddish brown laterally and ventrally, reddish brown on frons and antennal tubercles; apex of palpomeres pale yellow; antennae and legs reddish brown. Prothorax and ventral surface of meso- and metathorax dark reddish brown, darker than on dorsal surface of head, with lighter irregular areas. Elytra dark reddish brown basally, gradually lighter toward apex, except yellowish-white longitudinal band dorsally, from anterior quarter to slightly after middle. Ventral surface of abdomen brown basally, gradually orangish brown toward ventrite 5. Head. Frons finely, densely rugose-punctate; with sparse straw-colored pubescence, denser close to clypeus. Antennal tubercles smooth, almost glabrous, elevated and abruptly inclined posteriorly. Vertex and area behind upper eye lobes finely, densely rugose-punctate; with straw-colored pubescence not obscuring integument, denser close to lower eye lobe, and long, erect light yellowish-brown setae interspersed close to eyes. Area behind lower eye lobes tumid close to eye; coarsely, shallowly punctate on tumid area, almost smooth close to prothorax; with a few short, decumbent straw-colored setae on tumid area, absent close to prothorax, and long, erect light yellowish-brown setae on tumid area (erect setae more abundant than behind upper eye lobes). Genae finely rugose-punctate; with sparse straw-colored pubescence. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant, bristly straw-colored pubescence not obscuring integument, and one long, erect yellowish-brown seta on each side; sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus at posterior third, inclined at anterior 2/3; with sparse, erect yellowish-brown setae, both short and long, directed forward laterally. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous on posterior half; anterior half transversely striate, with sparse, suberect straw-colored setae, and sparse, long, erect setae, yellowish-brown basally, gradually paler toward apex. Upper eye lobes with three rows of ommatidia (Fig. 17); distance between upper eye lobes 0.31 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.45 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 2.0 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere IX. Scape subpiriform; finely, somewhat sparsely punctate, except smooth apex; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence, and long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed. Pedicel finely punctate except smooth apex; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence and long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed. Antennomeres III–VI wide and tumid, decreasing the width toward the VI; with distinct longitudinal carinae dorsally and ventrally; with sparse, straw-colored pubescence, almost absent on entire inner surface of III–V; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae, longer ventrally, more abundant especially on III–V.Antennomeres VII–XI cylindrical; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence; VII–X with long, erect yellowish-brown setae apically, longer ventrally. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.44; pedicel = 0.14; IV = 0.53; V = 0.78; VI = 0.78; VII = 0.64; VIII = 0.61; IX = 0.55; X = 0.50; XI = 0.58. Thorax. Prothorax cylindrical, distinctly longer than wide; sides slightly narrowed close to posterior sixth. Pronotum coarsely, sparsely punctate, punctures slightly more abundant laterally, almost smooth centrally; sides with dense, wide straw-colored pubescent band; central area with sparse straw-colored pubescence close to anterior and posterior margins (denser on posterior margin); with long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae. Sides of prothorax coarsely, sparsely punctate, except transversely striate area close to anterior margin (this area gradually widened toward prosternum); with dense straw-colored pubescent band close to prosternum and posterior margin, not reaching striate anterior area; remaining surface almost glabrous. Prosternum finely, sparsely punctate about posterior half, transversely striate on remaining surface; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence on posterior third, except dense pubescence close to procoxal cavities, a few short, decumbent setae of same color centrally, glabrous anteriorly. Prosternal process with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument; narrowest area 0.15 times procoxal width. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, slightly denser on inferior area of mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, and sparser on part of mesoventrite. Mesoventral process distinctly widened posteriorly; maximum width 0.85 times mesocoxal width. Scutellum with dense straw-colored pubescence. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate on anterior half, except fine and sparse punctures on yellowish-white band, punctures finer, distinctly sparer on posterior half; with short yellowish-white seta within nearly all punctures on anterior half, except sides from anterior third with dense yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument; and long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae throughout, denser on lateral sides of apical fourth; apex obliquely truncate, slightly emarginate, with outer angle projected. Legs. Femora with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, absent on ventral surface of femoral club and mostly of outer surface of profemora and ventral surface of meso- and metafemora; with long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae interspersed; outer apex of meso- and metafemora with short, fine longitudinal carina. Tibiae with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except bristly yellowish-brown pubescence on posterior third of ventral surface; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed. Tarsomeres with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, and long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed; metatarsomere I about as long as II–III together. Abdomen. Ventrites with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, and a few long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed; apex of ventrite 5 emarginate. Female (Fig. 18). It differs from male by the shorter antennae, 1.9 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at apex of antennomere IX. Apex of ventrite 5 truncate, slightly emarginate centrally. Variation. The paratype female has part of the yellowish-white band surrounded by dark brown. Dimensions (mm) (Holotype male/ paratype female). Total length, 8.05/6.80; prothoracic length, 1.90/1.50; anterior prothoracic width, 1.00/0.80; posterior prothoracic width, 0.95/0.80; maximum prothoracic width, 1.05/0.90; humeral width, 1.35/1.20; elytral length, 5.00/4.10. Type material. Holotype male from PARAGUAY, Itapúa: Hotel Tirol, 27º11’00”S, 55º50’42”W, 827 ft., 25- 26.II.2019, J.E. Eger & L. Bezark leg. (FSCA, formerly RFMC). Paratype female, same data as holotype (RFMC). Etymology. Latin “pilosus”, meaning hairy, referring to the abundant setae on the antennae, elytra, and legs. Remarks. Neocompsa pilosa sp. nov. differs from N. aspasia Martins, 1974 as follows: antennomeres unicolorous; pronotum with dense pubescent band laterally; elytra with one longitudinal yellowish-white band; elytra with dense pubescence on posterior half; elytral apex obliquely truncate with outer angle projected. In N. aspasia, the antennomeres V–XI are bicolorous; pronotal pubescence is sparse laterally, elytra with two longitudinal yellowish bands, sparse pubescence on posterior half, and rounded apex. The new species is also similar to N. albopilosa (Martins, 1962), N. tucumana (Martins, 1962), N. serrana (Martins, 1962), N. vogti Martins, 1970, and N. lineolata (Bates, 1870), especially by having a single longitudinal yellowish band on each elytron, but it differs by the pronotum with dense lateral pubescence (absent in these species). Also, it differs from N. serrana and N. vogti by having dense pubescence only on apical half of the elytra (elytral pubescence is present throughout in N. serrana and N. vogti). Lastly, the new species is similar to N. santarensis Martins & Galileo, 1998 by having sparse pubescence only on the posterior half of the elytra; however, it differs from N. santarensis by having a single longitudinal band on each elytron (N. santarensis has two bands, one of them elliptical). In the key to species of Neocompsa from Martins (2009), the new species can be included in the alternative of couplet “10,” modified: 10(9). Elytra pubescent on posterior half, glabrous or almost glabrous on anterior half..................................10’ - Elytra almost entirely pubescent....................................................................... 11 10’(10). Pronotum with dense pubescent band laterally; elytra with one longitudinal yellowish band, and with dense pubescence on posterior half. Paraguay.................................................................. N. pilosa sp. nov. - Pronotum without dense pubescent band laterally; elytra with two yellowish bands, one longitudinal anteriorly, another rounded posteriorly, and with sparse pubescence on posterior half. Brazil (Pará)...................................................................................................... N. santarensis Martins & Galileo, 1998<br />Published as part of García, Kimberly & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2022, New species and new records in Neoibidionini and Hexoplonini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), pp. 399-414 in Zootaxa 5134 (3) on pages 404-407, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5134.3.4,<br />{"references":["Martins, U. R. (2009) Tribo Ibidionini, Subtribo Compsina. In: Martins, U. R. (Org.), Cerambycidae Sul-Americanos (Coleoptera). Volume 10. Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, Sao Paulo, pp. 1 - 199."]}


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