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Conus textile Linnaeus 1758

Conus textile Linnaeus 1758

Authors :
Franklin, J. Benjamin
Subramanian, K. A.
Fernando, S. Antony
Krishnan, K. S.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2009.


54. Conus textile Linnaeus, 1758 (Figure 55) Conus textile Linnaeus, 1758: 717, no. 278 (lectotype, LSL (67 x 33 mm) (Kohn 1963); "Banda"). Conus archiepiscopus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792: 747–748, no. 141 (lectotype, MHNG (68 x 36 mm) (Kohn 1968); "aux mers des grandes Indes"). Cucullus auriger Röding, 1798: 49, no. 632/119 (representation of lectotype, Martini 1773: pl. 54, fig. 599 (Kohn 1975); locality unknown). Cucullus gloriamaris Röding, 1798: 49, no. 633/120 (representation of lectotype, Martini 1773: pl. 54, fig. 598 (Kohn 1975); locality unknown). Cucullus auratus Röding, 1798: 5, no. 635/122 (representation of lectotype, Knorr 1764: pl. 8, fig. 3 (Kohn 1975); locality unknown). Conus panniculus Lamarck, 1810: 435, no. 170 (type, MHNG (63 x 31 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "Mers des grandes Indes"). Conus pyramidalis Lamarck, 1810: 438, no. 170 (representation of lectotype, Cuvier 1798: pl. 347, fig. 5 (56 x 19 mm) (Walls 1979); "Indes Orientales"). Conus gloriamaris Perry, 1810: pl. 16 (representation of holotype, Perry, 1810: pl. 16 (104 x 49 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "South Seas"). Conus reteaureum Perry, 1811: pl. 25, fig. 5 (representation of holotype, Perry 1811: pl. 25, fig. 5 (96 x 50 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "African Seas"). Conus (Textilia) communis Swainson, 1840: 312 (lectotype same as that of C. archiepiscopus Hwass (Coomans et al. 1985a)). Conus verriculum Reeve, 1843: pl. 38, sp. 208a, b (type, Mus. Stainforth; " Ceylon "). Conus textilinus Kiener, 1845: pl. 103, fig. 5 (holotype, NMWC (38.5 x 21.5 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); locality unknown). Conus concatenatus Kiener, 1845: pl. 103, fig. 5. Conus dilectus Gould, 1850: 172 (holotype, USNM (13 x 6 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "Feejee Islands"). Conus scriptus Sowerby II, 1858: 41, no. 357, pl. 23, fig. 569 (three syntypes, BMNH (59 x 27; 54 x 22; 50 x 22 mm); locality unknown). Conus tigrinus Sowerby II, 1858: 41, no. 355, pl. 23, fig. 569 (type, BMNH (43 x 19 mm); " Madagascar "). Conus corbula Sowerby II, 1858: 41, no. 365, pl. 23, fig. 573 (type, BMNH (69.5 x 34.5 mm); locality unknown). Conus textile var. euetrios Sowerby III, 1882: 12, fig. 13c (holotype, NMWC (49 x 24 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); locality unknown). Conus cholmondeleyi Melvill, 1900: 308 (holotype, MM (43 x 18 mm); locality unknown). Conus eumitus Tomlin, 1926: 288–289, pl. 16, fig. 3 (lectotype, BMNH (53 x 28 mm); "Scottburgh"). Dariconus textiles osullivani Iredale, 1931: 224, pl. 25, fig. 13 (holotype, AMS (42.5 x 20 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "Black Rock, Richmond River, New South Wales "). Conus textile var. ponderosa Dautzenberg, 1932: 16 (type, IRSN (57 x 33.5 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "Ste Marie"). Conus textile var. loman Dautzenberg, 1937: 257 (type, IRSN; "de 1’ île Maurice et de 1’ île Cargados "). Conus sirventi Fenaux, 1943: 4, fig. 10 (" Madagascar "). Conus textile dahlakensis da Motta, 1982: 5–6, pl figs. 5a, b (holotype, MHNG (87 x 40 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "in the area of Dahlak Archipelago, off Massawa in the Red Sea "). Conus textile neovicarius da Motta, 1982: 4–5, pl figs. 4a, b (holotype, MHNG (76 x 45 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); "in Sharem-el-Shech, Gulf of Aqueba "). Conus suzannae van Rossum, 1990: 29–31 (holotype, van Rossum coll. (39 x 17.5 mm) (Röckel et al. 1995); " Malindi coasts of Kenya, Indian Ocean"). Material examined: MBMCS154, 26 specimens, SL 35–104 mm; SW 11–42 mm. Description. Shell medium sized to large, moderately light to moderately heavy, with high gloss. Body whorl ventricosely conical to ovate, outline strongly convex to nearly straight; left side straight to strongly concave near base. Shoulder usually rounded, but sometimes sharply angulate. Spire generally of moderate height, sides nearly straight to convex, sharply pointed. Aperture variably wider at base than near shoulder; outer lip sharp, slightly convex to nearly straight. Body whorl with variably weak spiral ribs near base. Ground colour white, sometimes suffused with blue, violet, orange or pink. Body whorl generally with a network of light to dark brown lines edging tiny to moderately large tents, sometimes also small quadrangular to round markings. Yellowish-brown flecks and blotches arranged in two to three interrupted to solid spiral bands on both sides of the centre and often below shoulder; bands interspersed with broad, dark brown, straight to wavy axial lines. Occasionally one to two additional but similar but narrower spiral bands at base. Spire and shoulder whitish with many axial brown lines continued from body whorl. Aperture usually white to bluish white. Periostracum grey to yellow, thin, smooth and translucent. Distribution. Conus textile has been reported from Madras (Frauenfeld 1869; Gravely 1942) to Tuticorin (Thurston 1890, 1895) on the east coast and from Ohka (Kohn 1978) to Bombay (Melvill & Abercrombie 1893; Hornell & Tomlin 1951; Subrahmanyam et al. 1952) on the west coast. We collected specimens from several stations (Table 6) by trawling in 10– 80 m. In contrast, at stations 4, 5, 6 and 7, specimens were collected only at shallow depths of 10–20 m (Table 6). Remarks. Conus textile shows wide variations in shape and colour patterns between and within stations along the TamilNadu Coast (Figure 62Q). Dead shells were rarely found in the trawl collection during this survey.<br />Published as part of Franklin, J. Benjamin, Subramanian, K. A., Fernando, S. Antony & Krishnan, K. S., 2009, 2250, pp. 1-63 in Zootaxa 2250 on pages 47-49<br />{"references":["Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae. 10 th ed., 1 Stockholm.","Kohn, A. J. (1963) Type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus, I. The species described by Linnaeus, 1758 - 1767. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, London, 44, 740 - 768.","Bruguiere, J. G. (1792) Cone. In: Encyclopedie Methodique. Histoire Naturelle des Vers, des mollusques, Paris, Panckoucke, 1, 586 - 757.","Roding, P. F. (1798) Museum Boltenianum sive Catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturae quae olim collegerat Joa, Fried, Bolten, Hamburg, 2, 1 - 8, 199 pp.","Martini, F. H. W. (1773) Neues Sytematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, Nurnberg, G. N. Rapse, Vol. 2.","Lamarck, J. B. P. (1810) Systeme des Animaux sans Vertebres, ou Tableau General des Classes, des Ordres et des Genres de ces Animaux. Paris, 432 pp.","Rockel, D., Korn, W. & Kohn, A. J. (1995) Manual of the living Conidae. Vol. 1: Indo-Pacific. Christa Hemmen Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 516, pl. 84.","Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. (1798) Tableau elementaire de l' ' histoire des animaux. Baudouin, Paris, 16, 710 pp.","Walls, J. G. (1979) Cone shells: A Synopsis of the Living Conidae. TFH Publications, Neptune City, pp. 1011.","Perry, G. (1810) Arcana, or the Museum of Natural History; containing the most recent discovered objects. London, George Smeeton, pp. 84, pl. 251.","Perry, G. (1811) Conchology, or the natural history of shells: containing a new arrangement of the genera and species, illustrated by coloured engravings executed from natural specimens and including the latest discoveries. London, Blumer & Co., pp. 1 - 4, pl. 61.","Swainson, W. (1840) A Treatise on Malacology; or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-fish, Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia, London, 419 pp.","Coomans, H. E., Moolenbeek, R. G. & Wils, E. (1985 a) Alphabetical revision of the (sub) species in recent Conidae 7, cingulatus to cylindraceus, including Conus shikamai nomen novum. Basteria, 48, 223 - 311.","Reeve, L. A. (1843 - 1849) Monograph of the genus Conus. Conchologia Iconica, Reeve Bros., London, Vol. 1.","Kiener, L. C. (1845 - 1850) Species general et iconographie des coquilles vivantes. Rousseau, Paris, Vol. 2, 379 pp, 111 pls.","Gould, A. A. (1850) Descriptions with drawings of several new species of shells brought home from the United States Exploring Expedition. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 3, 169 - 172.","Sowerby II, G. B. (1858) Monograph of the genus Conus In: Thesaurus conchyliorum or monographs of genera of shells. London, Vol. 3, 18, pp. 25 - 56, pls. 196 (10) - 210 (24).","Sowerby III, G. B. (1882) Descriptions of new species of shells in the collection of Mr. J. Cosmo Melvill. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, pp. 117 - 121.","Melvill, J. C. (1900) A Revision of the Textile Cones, with a Description of C. cholmondeleyi, n. sp. Journal of Conchology, 9 (10), 303 - 311.","Tomlin, J. R. le (1926) On South African Marine Mollusca, with Descriptions of New Species. Annals of the Natal Government Museum, 5 (3), 298 - 301.","Iredale, T. (1931) Australian Molluscan Notes No. 1. Records of the Australian Museum, 18 (4), 201 - 235.","Dautzenberg, P. (1932) Mollusques Testaces Marins de Madagascar Supplement. Journal de Conchyliologie, 76, 5 - 119.","Dautzenberg, P. (1937) Gastropodes Marins. 3. Familie Conidae. Memoires du Musee royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique, 2 (18), 1 - 184.","Fenaux, A. (1943) Descriptions de Scalidae nouveaux. Observations sur la classification de cette famille. Descriptions de Connidae nouveaux. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique (Monaco), 834, 1 - 4.","Rossum, H. M. van (1990) A New Cone from the coasts of Kenya (Indian Ocean) (Gastropoda: Conidae). La Conchiglia. International Shell Magazine, 22 (250 - 252), 29 - 31.","Frauenfeld, G. R. Von. (1869) Beitrage zur Fauna der Nicobaren. III. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft, Wien, 19, 853 - 900.","Gravely, F. H. 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Journal of University of Bombay, 21 (3), 26 - 73."]}


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