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Etrolizumab versus infliximab for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (GARDENIA): a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, phase 3 study

Authors :
Silvio Danese
Jean-Frederic Colombel
Milan Lukas
Javier P Gisbert
Geert D'Haens
Bu'hussain Hayee
Remo Panaccione
Hyun-Soo Kim
Walter Reinisch
Helen Tyrrell
Young S Oh
Swati Tole
Akiko Chai
Kirsten Chamberlain-James
Meina Tao Tang
Stefan Schreiber
Nazimuddin Aboo
Tariq Ahmad
Xavier Aldeguer Mante
Matthieu Allez
Sven Almer
Romain Altwegg
Montserrat Andreu Garcia
Ramesh Arasaradnam
Sandro Ardizzone
Alessandro Armuzzi
Ian Arnott
Guy Aumais
Irit Avni-Biron
Peter Barrow
Ian Beales
Fernando Bermejo San Jose
Abraham Bezuidenhout
Livia Biancone
Michael Blaeker
Stuart Bloom
Bernd Bokemeyer
Fabrizio Bossa
Peter Bossuyt
Guillaume Bouguen
Yoram Bouhnik
Gerd Bouma
Raymond Bourdages
Arnaud Bourreille
Christian Boustiere
Tomas Brabec
Stephan Brand
Carsten Buening
Anthony Buisson
Guillaume Cadiot
Xavier Calvet Calvo
Franck Carbonnel
Daniel Carpio
Jae Hee Cheon
Naoki Chiba
Camelia Chioncel
Nicoleta-Claudia Cimpoeru
Martin Clodi
Gino Roberto Corazza
Rocco Cosintino
Jose Cotter
Thomas Creed
Fraser Cummings
Gian Luigi de' Angelis
Marc De Maeyer
Milind Desai
Etienne Desilets
Pierre Desreumaux
Olivier Dewit
Johanna Dinter
Ecaterina Daniela Dobru
Tomas Douda
Dan Lucian Dumitrascu
Matthias Ebert
Ana Echarri Piudo
Magdy Elkhashab
Chang Soo Eun
Brian Feagan
Roland Fejes
Catarina Fidalgo
Sigal Fishman
Bernard Flourié
Sharyle Fowler
Walter Fries
Csaba Fulop
Mathurin Fumery
Gyula G Kiss
Sonja Gassner
Daniel Gaya
Bastianello Germanà
Liliana Simona Gheorghe
Cyrielle Gilletta de Saint Joseph
Paolo Gionchetti
Adrian-Eugen Goldis
Raquel Gonçalves
Jean-Charles Grimaud
Tibor Gyökeres
Herve Hagege
Andrei Haidar
Heinz Hartmann
Peter Hasselblatt
Buhussain Hayee
Xavier Hebuterne
Per Hellström
Pieter Hindryckx
Helena Hlavova
Frank Hoentjen
Stefanie Howaldt
Ludek Hrdlicka
Kyu Chan Huh
Maria Isabel Iborra Colomino
Florentina Ionita-Radu
Peter Irving
Jørgen Jahnsen
ByungIk Jang
Jeroen Jansen
Seong Woo Jeon
Rodrigo Jover Martinez
Pascal Juillerat
Per Karlén
Arthur Kaser
Radan Keil
Deepak Kejariwal
Dan Keret
Reena Khanna
Dongwoo Kim
Duk Hwan Kim
Hyo-Jong Kim
Joo Sung Kim
Kueongok Kim
Kyung-Jo Kim
Sung Kook Kim
Young-Ho Kim
Jochen Klaus
Anna Kohn
Vladimir Kojecky
Ja Seol Koo
Robert Kozak
Milan Kremer
Tunde Kristof
Frederik Kruger
David Laharie
Adi Lahat-zok
Evgeny Landa
Jonghun Lee
Kang-Moon Lee
Kook Lae Lee
YooJin Lee
Frank Lenze
Wee Chian Lim
Jimmy Limdi
James Lindsay
Pilar Lopez Serrano
Edouard Louis
Stefan Lueth
Giovanni Maconi
Fazia Mana
Steven Mann
John Mansfield
Santino Marchi
Marco Marino
John Marshall
Maria Dolores Martin Arranz
Radu-Bogdan Mateescu
John McLaughlin
Simon McLaughlin
Ehud Melzer
Jessica Mertens
Paul Mitrut
Tamas Molnar
Vinciane Muls
Pushpakaran Munuswamy
Charles Murray
Timna Naftali
Visvakuren Naidoo
Yusuf Nanabhay
Lucian Negreanu
Augustin Nguyen
Thomas Ochsenkuehn
Ambrogio Orlando
Julian Panes Diaz
Maya Paritsky
Dong Il Park
Jihye Park
Luca Pastorelli
Markus Peck-Radosavljevic
Farhad Peerani
Javier Perez Gisbert
Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
Laurence Picon
Marieke Pierik
Terry Ponich
Francisco Portela
Maartens Jeroen Prins
Istvan Racz
Khan Fareed Rahman
Jean-Marie Reimund
Max Reinshagen
Xavier Roblin
Rodolfo Rocca
Francesca Rogai
Gerhard Rogler
Agnes Salamon
Ennaliza Salazar
Zoltan Sallo
Sunil Samuel
Miquel de los Santos Sans Cuffi
Edoardo Vincenzo Savarino
Vincenzo Savarino
Guillaume Savoye
Andrada Seicean
Christian Selinger
David Martins Serra
Hang Hock Shim
SungJae Shin
Britta Siegmund
Jesse Siffledeen
Wayne Simmonds
Jan Smid
Jose Sollano
Geun Am Song
Alexander Speight
Ioan Sporea
Dirk Staessen
George Stancu
Alan Steel
David Stepek
Victor Stoica
Andreas Sturm
Gyorgy Szekely
Teck Kiang Tan
Carlos Taxonera Samso
John Thomson
Michal Tichy
Gabor Tamas Toth
Zsolt Tulassay
Marcello Vangeli
Marta Varga
Ana Vieira
Stephanie Viennot
Erica Villa
Petr Vitek
Harald Vogelsang
Petr Vyhnalek
Peter Wahab
Jens Walldorf
Byong Duk Ye
Christopher Ziady
Danese S.
Colombel J.-F.
Lukas M.
Gisbert J.P.
D'Haens G.
Hayee B.
Panaccione R.
Kim H.-S.
Reinisch W.
Tyrrell H.
Oh Y.S.
Tole S.
Chai A.
Chamberlain-James K.
Tang M.T.
Schreiber S.
Aboo N.
Ahmad T.
Aldeguer Mante X.
Allez M.
Almer S.
Altwegg R.
Andreu Garcia M.
Arasaradnam R.
Ardizzone S.
Armuzzi A.
Arnott I.
Aumais G.
Avni-Biron I.
Barrow P.
Beales I.
Bermejo San Jose F.
Bezuidenhout A.
Biancone L.
Blaeker M.
Bloom S.
Bokemeyer B.
Bossa F.
Bossuyt P.
Bouguen G.
Bouhnik Y.
Bouma G.
Bourdages R.
Bourreille A.
Boustiere C.
Brabec T.
Brand S.
Buening C.
Buisson A.
Cadiot G.
Calvet Calvo X.
Carbonnel F.
Carpio D.
Cheon J.H.
Chiba N.
Chioncel C.
Cimpoeru N.-C.
Clodi M.
Corazza G.R.
Cosintino R.
Cotter J.
Creed T.
Cummings F.
de' Angelis G.L.
De Maeyer M.
Desai M.
Desilets E.
Desreumaux P.
Dewit O.
Dinter J.
Dobru E.D.
Douda T.
Dumitrascu D.L.
Ebert M.
Echarri Piudo A.
Elkhashab M.
Eun C.S.
Feagan B.
Fejes R.
Fidalgo C.
Fishman S.
Flourie B.
Fowler S.
Fries W.
Fulop C.
Fumery M.
G Kiss G.
Gassner S.
Gaya D.
Germana B.
Gheorghe L.S.
Gilletta de Saint Joseph C.
Gionchetti P.
Goldis A.-E.
Goncalves R.
Grimaud J.-C.
Gyokeres T.
Hagege H.
Haidar A.
Hartmann H.
Hasselblatt P.
Hebuterne X.
Hellstrom P.
Hindryckx P.
Hlavova H.
Hoentjen F.
Howaldt S.
Hrdlicka L.
Huh K.C.
Iborra Colomino M.I.
Ionita-Radu F.
Irving P.
Jahnsen J.
Jang B.
Jansen J.
Jeon S.W.
Jover Martinez R.
Juillerat P.
Karlen P.
Kaser A.
Keil R.
Kejariwal D.
Keret D.
Khanna R.
Kim D.
Kim D.H.
Kim H.-J.
Kim J.S.
Kim K.
Kim K.-J.
Kim S.K.
Kim Y.-H.
Klaus J.
Kohn A.
Kojecky V.
Koo J.S.
Kozak R.
Kremer M.
Kristof T.
Kruger F.
Laharie D.
Lahat-zok A.
Landa E.
Lee J.
Lee K.-M.
Lee K.L.
Lee Y.
Lenze F.
Lim W.C.
Limdi J.
Lindsay J.
Lopez Serrano P.
Louis E.
Lueth S.
Maconi G.
Mana F.
Mann S.
Mansfield J.
Marchi S.
Marino M.
Marshall J.
Martin Arranz M.D.
Mateescu R.-B.
McLaughlin J.
McLaughlin S.
Melzer E.
Mertens J.
Mitrut P.
Molnar T.
Muls V.
Munuswamy P.
Murray C.
Naftali T.
Naidoo V.
Nanabhay Y.
Negreanu L.
Nguyen A.
Ochsenkuehn T.
Orlando A.
Panes Diaz J.
Paritsky M.
Park D.I.
Park J.
Pastorelli L.
Peck-Radosavljevic M.
Peerani F.
Perez Gisbert J.
Peyrin-Biroulet L.
Picon L.
Pierik M.
Ponich T.
Portela F.
Prins M.J.
Racz I.
Rahman K.F.
Reimund J.-M.
Reinshagen M.
Roblin X.
Rocca R.
Rogai F.
Rogler G.
Salamon A.
Salazar E.
Sallo Z.
Samuel S.
Sans Cuffi M.D.L.S.
Savarino E.V.
Savarino V.
Savoye G.
Seicean A.
Selinger C.
Serra D.M.
Shim H.H.
Shin S.
Siegmund B.
Siffledeen J.
Simmonds W.
Smid J.
Sollano J.
Song G.A.
Speight A.
Sporea I.
Staessen D.
Stancu G.
Steel A.
Stepek D.
Stoica V.
Sturm A.
Szekely G.
Tan T.K.
Taxonera Samso C.
Thomson J.
Tichy M.
Toth G.T.
Tulassay Z.
Vangeli M.
Varga M.
Vieira A.
Viennot S.
Villa E.
Vitek P.
Vogelsang H.
Vyhnalek P.
Wahab P.
Walldorf J.
Ye B.D.
Ziady C.
Source :
Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 7, 118-127, Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 7, 2, pp. 118-127
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Elsevier BV, 2022.


Item does not contain fulltext BACKGROUND: Etrolizumab is a gut-targeted anti-β7 integrin monoclonal antibody. In a previous phase 2 induction study, etrolizumab significantly improved clinical remission versus placebo in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis. We aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of etrolizumab with infliximab in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis. METHODS: We conducted a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel-group, phase 3 study (GARDENIA) across 114 treatment centres worldwide. We included adults (age 18-80 years) with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (Mayo Clinic total score [MCS] of 6-12 with an endoscopic subscore of ≥2, a rectal bleeding subscore of ≥1, and a stool frequency subscore of ≥1) who were naive to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors. Patients were required to have had an established diagnosis of ulcerative colitis for at least 3 months, corroborated by both clinical and endoscopic evidence, and evidence of disease extending at least 20 cm from the anal verge. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive subcutaneous etrolizumab 105 mg once every 4 weeks or intravenous infliximab 5 mg/kg at 0, 2, and 6 weeks and every 8 weeks thereafter for 52 weeks. Randomisation was stratified by baseline concomitant treatment with corticosteroids, concomitant treatment with immunosuppressants, and baseline disease activity. All participants and study site personnel were masked to treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients who had both clinical response at week 10 (MCS ≥3-point decrease and ≥30% reduction from baseline, plus ≥1-point decrease in rectal bleeding subscore or absolute rectal bleeding score of 0 or 1) and clinical remission at week 54 (MCS ≤2, with individual subscores ≤1); efficacy was analysed using a modified intention-to-treat population (all randomised patients who received at least one dose of study drug). GARDENIA was designed to show superiority of etrolizumab over infliximab for the primary endpoint. This trial is registered with, NCT02136069, and is now closed to recruitment. FINDINGS: Between Dec 24, 2014, and June 23, 2020, 730 patients were screened for eligibility and 397 were enrolled and randomly assigned to etrolizumab (n=199) or infliximab (n=198). 95 (48%) patients in the etrolizumab group and 103 (52%) in the infliximab group completed the study through week 54. At week 54, 37 (18·6%) of 199 patients in the etrolizumab group and 39 (19·7%) of 198 in the infliximab group met the primary endpoint (adjusted treatment difference -0·9% [95% CI -8·7 to 6·8]; p=0·81). The number of patients reporting one or more adverse events was similar between treatment groups (154 [77%] of 199 in the etrolizumab group and 151 [76%] of 198 in the infliximab group); the most common adverse event in both groups was ulcerative colitis (55 [28%] patients in the etrolizumab group and 43 [22%] in the infliximab group). More patients in the etrolizumab group reported serious adverse events (including serious infections) than did those in the infliximab group (32 [16%] vs 20 [10%]); the most common serious adverse event was ulcerative colitis (12 [6%] and 11 [6%]). There was one death during follow-up, in the infliximab group due to a pulmonary embolism, which was not considered to be related to study treatment. INTERPRETATION: To our knowledge, this trial is the first phase 3 maintenance study in moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis to use infliximab as an active comparator. Although the study did not show statistical superiority for the primary endpoint, etrolizumab performed similarly to infliximab from a clinical viewpoint. FUNDING: F Hoffmann-La Roche.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Accession number :