Cross sections and mean angular momenta for 64Ni + 92,96Zr fusion near and below the Coulomb barrier
G.F. Segato, et al. “Cross Sections and Mean Angular Momenta for 64Ni + 92,96Zr Fusion near and below the Coulomb Barrier.” Nuclear Physics A, vol. 548, Oct. 1992, pp. 453–70. EBSCOhost,
G.F. Segato, Jesus Alvarez Ruiz, H. Moreno, D. Fabris, C. Signorini, L. Corradi, G.F. Prete, F. Gramegan, A. Facco, A. M. Stefanini, L. Mueller, G. Nebbia, Giuseppe Viesti, D. R. Napoli, S. Beghini, G. Montagnoli, Dieter Ackermann, & P. Spolaore. (1992). Cross sections and mean angular momenta for 64Ni + 92,96Zr fusion near and below the Coulomb barrier. Nuclear Physics A, 548, 453–470.
G.F. Segato, Jesus Alvarez Ruiz, H. Moreno, D. Fabris, C. Signorini, L. Corradi, G.F. Prete, et al. 1992. “Cross Sections and Mean Angular Momenta for 64Ni + 92,96Zr Fusion near and below the Coulomb Barrier.” Nuclear Physics A 548 (October): 453–70. doi:10.1016/0375-9474(92)90695-g.