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The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe

Authors :
Adams, Corey
Adams, David
Akiri, Tarek
Alion, Tyler
Anderson, Kris
Andreopoulos, Costas
Andrews, Mike
Anghel, Ioana
Costa Dos Anjos, João Carlos
Maddalena Antonello
Arrieta-Diaz, Enrique
Artuso, Marina
Asaadi, Jonathan
Bai, Xinhua
Baibussinov, Bagdat
Baird, Michael
Balantekin, Baha
Baller, Bruce
Baptista, Brian
Barker, D. Ann
Barker, Gary
Barletta, William A.
Barr, Giles
Bartoszek, Larry
Bashyal, Amit
Bass, Matt
Bellini, Vincenzo
Benetti, Pietro Angelo
Berger, Bruce E.
Bergevin, Marc
Berman, Eileen
Berns, Hans-Gerd
Bernstein, Adam
Bernstein, Robert
Bhandari, Babu
Bhatnagar, Vipin
Bhuyan, Bipul
Bian, Jianming
Bishai, Mary
Blake, Andrew
Blaszczyk, Flor
Blaufuss, Erik
Bleakley, Bruce
Blucher, Edward
Blusk, Steve
Bocean, Virgil
Boffelli, F.
Boissevain, Jan
Bolton, Timothy
Bonesini, Maurizio
Boyd, Steve
Brandt, Andrew
Breedon, Richard
Bromberg, Carl
Brown, Ralph
Brunetti, Giullia
Buchanan, Norman
Bugg, Bill
Busenitz, Jerome
Calligarich, E.
Camilleri, Leslie
Carminati, Giada
Carr, Rachel
Castromonte, Cesar
Cavanna, Flavio
Centro, Sandro
Chen, Alex
Chen, Hucheng
Chen, Kai
Cherdack, Daniel
Chi, Cheng-Yi
Childress, Sam
Choudhary, Brajesh Chandra
Duyang, H.
Christodoulou, Georgios
Christofferson, Cabot-Ann
Church, Eric
Cline, David
Coan, Thomas
Cocco, Alfredo
Coelho, Joao
Coleman, Stephen
Conrad, Janet M.
Convery, Mark
Corey, Robert
Corwin, Luke
Cranshaw, Jack
Cronin-Hennessy, Daniel
Curioni, A.
Da Motta, Helio
Davenne, Tristan
Davies, Gavin S.
Dazeley, Steven
De, Kaushik
Gouvea, Andre
Jong, Jeffrey K.
Demuth, David
Densham, Chris
Diwan, Milind
Djurcic, Zelimir
Dolfini, R.
Dolph, Jeffrey
Drake, Gary
Dye, Stephen
Dyuang, Hongue
Edmunds, Daniel
Elliott, Steven
Habib, S.
Elnimr, Muhammad
Eno, Sarah
Enomoto, Sanshiro
Escobar, Carlos O.
Evans, Justin
Falcone, A.
Falk, Lisa
Farbin, Amir
Farnese, Christian
Fava, Angela
Felde, John
Fernandes, S.
Ferroni, Fernando
Feyzi, Farshid
Fields, Laura
Finch, Alex
Fitton, Mike
Fleming, Bonnie
Fowler, Jack
Fox, Walt
Friedland, Alex
Fuess, Stu
Fujikawa, Brian
Gallagher, Hugh
Gandhi, Raj
Garvey, Gerald
Gehman, Victor M.
Geronimo, Gianluigi
Gibin, Daniele
Gill, Ronald
Gomes, Ricardo A.
Goodman, Maury C.
Goon, Jason
Johnson, R.
Graf, Nicholas
Graham, Mathew
Gran, Rik
Grant, Christopher
Grant, Nick
Greenlee, Herbert
Greenler, Leland
Grullon, Sean
Guardincerri, Elena
Guarino, Victor
Guarnaccia, Evan
Guedes, Germano
Guenette, Roxanne
Guglielmi, Alberto
Guzzo, Marcelo M.
Habig, Alec T.
Hackenburg, Robert W.
Hadavand, Haleh
Hahn, Alan
Haigh, Martin
Haines, Todd
Handler, Thomas
Hans, Sunej
Hartnell, Jeff
Harton, John
Hatcher, Robert
Hatzikoutelis, Athans
Hays, Steven
Hazen, Eric
Headley, Mike
Heavey, Anne
Heeger, Karsten
Heise, Jaret
Hellauer, Robert
Hewes, V.
Himmel, Alexander
Hogan, Matthew
Holanda, Pedro
Holin, Anna
Horton-Smith, Glenn
Howell, Joe
Hurh, Patrick
Huston, Joey
Hylen, James
Imlay, Richard
Insler, Jonathan
Introzzi, G.
Isvan, Zeynep
Jackson, Chris
Jacobsen, John
Jaffe, David E.
James, Cat
Mann, W. A.
Jen, Chun-Min
Johnson, Marvin
Johnson, Scott
Johnston, William
Johnstone, John
Jones, Ben J. P.
Jostlein, H.
Junk, Thomas
Kadel, Richard
Kaess, Karl
Karagiorgi, Georgia
Kaspar, Jarek
Katori, Teppei
Kayser, Boris
Kearns, Edward
Keener, Paul
Kemp, Ernesto
Kettell, Steve H.
Kirby, Mike
Klein, Joshua
Koizumi, Gordon
Kopp, Sacha
Kormos, Laura
Kropp, William
Kudryavtsev, Vitaly A.
Kumar, Ashok
Kumar, Jason
Kutter, Thomas
La Zia, Franco
Lande, Kenneth
Lane, Charles
Lang, Karol
Lanni, Francesco
Lanza, Richard
Latorre, Tony
Learned, John
Lee, David
Lee, Kevin
Mercurio, B.
Moed Sher, S.
Li, Qizhong
Li, Shaorui
Li, Yichen
Li, Zepeng
Libo, Jiang
Linden, Steve
Ling, Jiajie
Link, Jonathan
Littenberg, Laurence
Liu, H.
Liu, Qiuguang
Liu, Tiankuan
Losecco, John
Louis, William
Lundberg, Byron
Lundin, Tracy
Lundy, Jay
Machado, Ana Amelia
Maesano, Cara
Magill, Steve
Mahler, George
Malon, David
Malys, Stephen
Mammoliti, Francesco
Mandal, Samit Kumar
Mann, Anthony
Paul Mantsch
Marchionni, Alberto
Marciano, William
Mariani, Camillo
Maricic, Jelena
Marino, Alysia
Marshak, Marvin
Marshall, John
Matsuno, Shiegenobu
Mauger, Christopher
Perdue, G.
Rajendran, R.
Mavrokoridis, Konstantinos
Mayer, Nate
Mccauley, Neil
Mccluskey, Elaine
Mcdonald, Kirk
Mcfarland, Kevin
Mckee, David
Mckeown, Robert
Mctaggart, Robert
Mehdiyev, Rashid
Mei, Dongming
Rosenfeld, C.
Menegolli, A.
Meng, Guang
Meng, Yixiong
Mertins, David
Messier, M. D.
Metcalf, William
Milincic, Radovan
Miller, William
Mills, Geoff
Mishra, Sanjib R.
Mokhov, Nikolai
Montanari, Claudio
Montanari, David
Moore, Craig
Morfin, Jorge
Morgan, Ben
Morse, William
Moss, Zander
Moura, Célio A.
Mufson, Stuart
Muller, David
Musser, Jim
Naples, Donna
Napolitano, Jim
Newcomer, Mitch
Nichol, Ryan
Nicholls, Tim
Niner, Evan
Norris, Barry
Nowak, Jaroslaw
O Keeffe, Helen
Oliveira, Roberto
Olson, Travis
Page, Brian
Pakvasa, Sandip
Palamara, Ornella
Paley, Jon
Paolone, Vittorio
Papadimitriou, Vaia
Park, Seongtae
Parsa, Zohreh
Partyka, Kinga
Paulos, Bob
Pavlovic, Zarko
Peeters, Simon
Perch, Andy
Perkin, Jon D.
Petti, Roberto
Petukhov, Andre
Pietropaolo, Francesco
Plunkett, Robert
Polly, Chris
Pordes, Stephen
Potekhin, Maxim
Potenza, Renato
Prakash, Arati
Prokofiev, Oleg
Qian, Xin
Raaf, Jennifer L.
Radeka, Veljko
Rakhno, Igor
Ramachers, Yorck
Rameika, Regina
Ramsey, John
Rappoldi, A.
Raselli, G. L.
Ratoff, Peter
Ravindra, Shreyas
Rebel, Brian
Wachala, T.
Reichenbacher, Juergen
Reitzner, Dianne
Rescia, Sergio
Richardson, Martin
Wendell, R.
Rielage, Kieth
Riesselmann, Kurt
Robinson, Matt
Rochester, Leon
Ronquest, Michael
Rosen, Marc
Meyhandan, R.
Rubbia, Carlo
Rucinski, Russ
Sahijpal, Sandeep
Sahoo, Himansu
Willis, W.
Sala, Paola
Salmiera, Delia
Samios, Nicholas
Sanchez, Mayly
Wyman, T.
Scaramelli, Alberto
Schellman, Heidi
Schmitt, Richard
Schmitz, David
Schneps, Jack
Scholberg, Kate
Segreto, Ettore
Seibert, Stanley
Sexton-Kennedy, Liz
Shaevitz, Mike
Shanahan, Peter
Sharma, Rahul
Shaw, Terri
Simos, Nikolaos
Singh, Venktesh
Sinnis, Gus
Sippach, William
Skwarnicki, Tomasz
Smy, Michael
Sobel, Henry
Soderberg, Mitch
Sondericker, John
Sondheim, Walter
Sousa, Alexandre
Spooner, Neil J. C.
Stancari, Michelle
Stancu, Ion
Stefan, Dorota
Stefanik, Andy
Stewart, James
Stone, Sheldon
Strait, James
Strait, Matthew
Striganov, Sergei
Sullivan, Gregory
Sun, Yujing
Suter, Louise
Svenson, Andrew
Svoboda, Robert
Szczerbinska, Barbara
Szelc, Andrzej
Szydagis, Matthew
Söldner-Rembold, Stefan
Talaga, Richard
Tamsett, Matthew
Tariq, Salman
Tayloe, Rex
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, David
Teymourian, Artin
Themann, Harry
Thiesse, Matthew
Thomas, Jenny
Thompson, Lee F.
Thomson, Mark
Thorn, Craig
Thorpe, Matt
Tian, Xinchun
Tiedt, Doug
Toki, Walter
Tolich, Nikolai
Torti, M.
Toups, Matt
Touramanis, Christos
Tripathi, Mani
Tropin, Igor
Tsai, Yun-Tse
Tull, Craig
Tzanov, Martin
Urheim, Jon
Usman, Shawn
Vagins, Mark
Valdiviesso, Gustavo
Berg, Rick
Water, Richard
Gemmeren, Peter
Varanini, Filippo
Varner, Gary
Vaziri, Kamran
Velev, Gueorgui
Ventura, Sandro
Vignoli, Chiara
Viren, Brett
Wahl, Dan
Waldron, Abby
Walter, Christopher W.
Wang, Hanguo
Wang, Wei
Warburton, Karl
Warner, David
Wasserman, Ryan
Watson, Blake
Weber, Alfons
Wei, Wenzhao
Wells, Douglas
Wetstein, Matthew
White, Andy
White, Hywel
Whitehead, Lisa
Whittington, Denver
Willhite, Joshua
Wilson, Robert J.
Winslow, Lindley
Wood, Kevin
Worcester, Elizabeth
Worcester, Matthew
Xin, Tian
Yarritu, Kevin
Ye, Jingbo
Yeh, Minfang
Yu, B.
Yu, Jae
Yuan, Tianlu
Zani, A.
Zeller, Geralyn P.
Zhang, Chao
Zimmerman, Eric D.
Zwaska, Robert
Center for Neutrino Physics
Source :


The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early Universe, the dynamics of the supernova bursts that produced the heavy elements necessary for life and whether protons eventually decay --- these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our Universe, its current state and its eventual fate. The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) represents an extensively developed plan for a world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions. LBNE is conceived around three central components: (1) a new, high-intensity neutrino source generated from a megawatt-class proton accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (2) a near neutrino detector just downstream of the source, and (3) a massive liquid argon time-projection chamber deployed as a far detector deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. This facility, located at the site of the former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is approximately 1,300 km from the neutrino source at Fermilab -- a distance (baseline) that delivers optimal sensitivity to neutrino charge-parity symmetry violation and mass ordering effects. This ambitious yet cost-effective design incorporates scalability and flexibility and can accommodate a variety of upgrades and contributions. With its exceptional combination of experimental configuration, technical capabilities, and potential for transformative discoveries, LBNE promises to be a vital facility for the field of particle physics worldwide, providing physicists from around the globe with opportunities to collaborate in a twenty to thirty year program of exciting science. In this document we provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess.<br />Major update of previous version. This is the reference document for LBNE science program and current status. Chapters 1, 3, and 9 provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess. 288 pages, 116 figures


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