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God’s present oblivion: Orthodoxy, ideology and religious populism from Raimon Panikkar’s Philosophy of Religion

Authors :
Antonio de Diego González
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Thémata, 2021.


espanolEste articulo explora el concepto de ortodoxia que ha suscitado uno de los temas de debate mas intensos en Filosofia de la Religion y en la Teologia de las principales religiones. Asi, partiendo de los planteamientos de Raimon Panikkar se pretende caracterizar de forma sintetica la ortodoxia dentro de la experiencia religiosa, su relacion con la teofania, el mito y el rito incluyendo el problema filosofico. Finalmente, reflexionaremos sobre como esta convirtio en populismo religioso y olvido que el creyente necesita libertad y multivocidad para experimentar lo divino y su propia creencia. EnglishThis paper explores the concept of orthodoxy. This has been one of the most intensely debated topics in Philosophy of Religion and also in the Theology of the main religions. Thus, starting from Raimon Panikkar’s philosophical approaches, this paper intends to characterize synthetically orthodoxy within religious experience, its triple relationship with theophany, myth and rite, and from the philosophical approach. Finally, this paper reflects on how orthodoxy became religious populism and it forgot that the believer needs freedom and plurality of meanings to experience the divine and his own belief


Language :
Spanish; Castilian
Database :
Accession number :