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Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity

Authors :
Michael R. Brown
Christian Gieger
André G. Uitterlinden
Diana van Heemst
Alison D. Murray
Stephen B. Kritchevsky
Timo A. Lakka
Karen Schwander
Federica Laguzzi
Stephen S. Rich
Rajkumar Dorajoo
Yun Ju Sung
Xiaofeng Zhu
Hugues Aschard
Jing Hua Zhao
Gregory P. Wilson
Kenneth Rice
Barbara Sternfeld
Kent D. Taylor
Paul Elliott
Ei-Ei Khaing Nang
Ilja M. Nolte
Heather M. Stringham
Bruce M. Psaty
Heming Wang
Tangchun Wu
Caroline Hayward
Vilmundur Gudnason
Fernando Pires Hartwig
Paolo Gasparini
Jingjing Liang
Neil Risch
Albertine J. Oldehinkel
Ani Manichaikul
Tibor V. Varga
Michael Y. Tsai
Niek Verweij
Xueling Sim
Norihiro Kato
Evangelos Evangelou
Philippe Froguel
Xiuqing Guo
Traci M. Bartz
Nicholette D. Palmer
Woon-Puay Koh
Rozenn N. Lemaitre
Caizheng Yu
Mike A. Nalls
Mariaelisa Graff
Eric Boerwinkle
Dabeeru C. Rao
Thomas Meitinger
Virginia Fisher
Mario Sims
Charles Kooperberg
Carl D. Langefeld
Jaakko Tuomilehto
Reedik Mägi
Wei Zhao
Wanqing Wen
Donna K. Arnett
Ervin R. Fox
Lynda M. Rose
Maris Alver
Ayse Demirkan
Solomon K. Musani
Dennis O. Mook-Kanamori
Andres Metspalu
Jerome I. Rotter
Barry I. Freedman
Jiang He
Hermina Jakupović
Steven C. Hunt
Marco Brumat
Maria Pina Concas
Rob M. van Dam
Rico Rueedi
Jonathan Marten
Chi Charles Gu
Tõnu Esko
Peter Vollenweider
Zoltán Kutalik
Olli T. Raitakari
Ya X. Wang
Yong-Bing Xiang
Pamela J. Schreiner
Antonietta Robino
Tanika N. Kelly
Igor Rudan
Mathilde Boissel
Claudia Langenberg
Yii-Der Ida Chen
Anne U. Jackson
Lawrence F. Bielak
Brenda W.J.H. Penninx
Brigitte Kühnel
Christopher P. Nelson
Konstantin Strauch
Albert V. Smith
Daniel I. Chasman
Jasmin Divers
Lisa R. Yanek
M. Arfan Ikram
Melissa A. Richard
Nilesh J. Samani
Lisa de las Fuentes
H. Janaka de Silva
Jana V. van Vliet-Ostaptchouk
Yongmei Liu
Peter J. van der Most
Fang-Chi Hsu
Jeffrey R. O'Connell
Alexandre C. Pereira
Raymond Noordam
Changwei Li
Jie Yao
Trudy Voortman
Zhe Wang
Thomas H. Mosley
Diane M. Becker
Charles N. Rotimi
Sami Heikkinen
Archie Campbell
John M. C. Connell
Lenore J. Launer
Hua Tang
Rainer Rauramaa
Ruth J. F. Loos
Pirjo Komulainen
Amy R. Bentley
Patrik Wennberg
Chew-Kiat Heng
Kari E. North
Salman M. Tajuddin
Renée de Mutsert
David J. Porteous
Susan Redline
Sarah E. Harris
Tamara B. Harris
Raha Pazoki
Mickaël Canouil
Robert A. Scott
Jingzhong Ding
Mary F. Feitosa
Jost B. Jonas
José Eduardo Krieger
John M. Starr
Karin Leander
Jennifer A. Smith
Paul W. Franks
Charles B. Eaton
Sharon L.R. Kardia
E. Shyong Tai
Jill M. Norris
Annette Peters
Chiamaka Vivian Nwuba
Jianjun Liu
Stella Aslibekyan
Nora Franceschini
Kurt Lohman
Myriam Fornage
Dina Vojinovic
Erin B. Ware
Xiaoyin Li
Najaf Amin
Johanna Kuusisto
M. Yldau van der Ende
Cora E. Lewis
Lynne E. Wagenknecht
Jennifer G. Robinson
Franco Giulianini
Ulf de Faire
Yechiel Friedlander
Nicholas J. Wareham
Meian He
George J. Papanicolau
Nancy L. Pedersen
Bernardo L. Horta
Karen L. Mohlke
Kelley Pettee Gabriel
Minjung Kho
Michele K. Evans
Ozren Polasek
Markku Laakso
Tuomas O. Kilpeläinen
Ching-Ti Liu
Michael Boehnke
Jin-Fang Chai
Ioanna Ntalla
Cornelia M. van Duijn
L. Adrienne Cupples
Yuri Milaneschi
Stephen Sidney
Alan B. Zonderman
Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen
Mohsen Ghanbari
Harold Snieder
Donald W. Bowden
Aldi T. Kraja
Alaitz Poveda
Terho Lehtimäki
Paul S. de Vries
Dongfeng Gu
Sotoodehnia Nona
Thomas W. Winkler
Muhammad Riaz
Ian J. Deary
Fumihiko Takeuchi
Pim van der Harst
Alisa K. Manning
Michael A. Province
Andrea R. V. R. Horimoto
David R. Weir
Wei Zheng
Alanna C. Morrison
Marzyeh Amini
Jian-Min Yuan
W. James Gauderman
Paul M. Ridker
Melanie Waldenberger
Chuan Gao
Xiao-Ou Shu
Patricia B. Munroe
Patricia A. Peyser
Jessica D. Faul
Xu Chen
Brian E. Cade
Patrik K. E. Magnusson
Tamar Sofer
Home Office
Medical Research Council (MRC)
National Institute for Health Research
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- BRC Funding
Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics
APH - Mental Health
APH - Digital Health
IT University of Copenhagen
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai [New York] (MSSM)
National Institutes of Health [Bethesda] (NIH)
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Washington University in Saint Louis (WUSTL)
University of Regensburg
Brigham and Women's Hospital [Boston]
Harvard Medical School [Boston] (HMS)
Massachusetts General Hospital [Boston]
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)
Département de Biologie Computationnelle - Department of Computational Biology
Institut Pasteur [Paris]-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
Institut Pasteur de Lille
Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)
University of Washington [Seattle]
The present work was largely supported by a grant from the US National Heart, Lung,and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (R01HL118305).
Kilpeläinen, Tuomas O.
Bentley, Amy R.
Noordam, Raymond
Sung, Yun Ju
Schwander, Karen
Winkler, Thomas W.
Jakupović, Hermina
Chasman, Daniel I.
Manning, Alisa
Ntalla, Ioanna
Aschard, Hugue
Brown, Michael R.
de las Fuentes, Lisa
Franceschini, Nora
Guo, Xiuqing
Vojinovic, Dina
Aslibekyan, Stella
Feitosa, Mary F.
Kho, Minjung
Musani, Solomon K.
Richard, Melissa
Wang, Heming
Wang, Zhe
Bartz, Traci M.
Bielak, Lawrence F.
Campbell, Archie
Dorajoo, Rajkumar
Fisher, Virginia
Hartwig, Fernando P.
Horimoto, Andrea R. V. R.
Li, Changwei
Lohman, Kurt K.
Marten, Jonathan
Sim, Xueling
Smith, Albert V.
Tajuddin, Salman M.
Alver, Mari
Amini, Marzyeh
Boissel, Mathilde
Chai, Jin Fang
Chen, Xu
Divers, Jasmin
Evangelou, Evangelo
Gao, Chuan
Graff, Mariaelisa
Harris, Sarah E.
He, Meian
Hsu, Fang-Chi
Jackson, Anne U.
Zhao, Jing Hua
Kraja, Aldi T.
Kühnel, Brigitte
Laguzzi, Federica
Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka
Nolte, Ilja M.
Rauramaa, Rainer
Riaz, Muhammad
Robino, Antonietta
Rueedi, Rico
Stringham, Heather M.
Takeuchi, Fumihiko
van der Most, Peter J.
Varga, Tibor V.
Verweij, Niek
Ware, Erin B.
Wen, Wanqing
Li, Xiaoyin
Yanek, Lisa R.
Amin, Najaf
Arnett, Donna K.
Boerwinkle, Eric
Brumat, Marco
Cade, Brian
Canouil, Mickaël
Chen, Yii-Der Ida
Concas, Maria Pina
Connell, John
de Mutsert, Renée
de Silva, H. Janaka
de Vries, Paul S.
Demirkan, Ayşe
Ding, Jingzhong
Eaton, Charles B.
Faul, Jessica D.
Friedlander, Yechiel
Gabriel, Kelley P.
Ghanbari, Mohsen
Giulianini, Franco
Gu, Chi Charle
Gu, Dongfeng
Harris, Tamara B.
He, Jiang
Heikkinen, Sami
Heng, Chew-Kiat
Hunt, Steven C.
Ikram, M. Arfan
Jonas, Jost B.
Koh, Woon-Puay
Komulainen, Pirjo
Krieger, Jose E.
Kritchevsky, Stephen B.
Kutalik, Zoltán
Kuusisto, Johanna
Langefeld, Carl D.
Langenberg, Claudia
Launer, Lenore J.
Leander, Karin
Lemaitre, Rozenn N.
Lewis, Cora E.
Liang, Jingjing
Alizadeh, Behrooz Z.
Boezen, H. Marike
Franke, Lude
Navis, Gerjan
Rots, Marianne
Swertz, Morri
Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H. R.
Wijmenga, Cisca
Liu, Jianjun
Mägi, Reedik
Manichaikul, Ani
Meitinger, Thoma
Metspalu, Andre
Milaneschi, Yuri
Mohlke, Karen L.
Mosley, Thomas H.
Murray, Alison D.
Nalls, Mike A.
Nang, Ei-Ei Khaing
Nelson, Christopher P.
Nona, Sotoodehnia
Norris, Jill M.
Nwuba, Chiamaka Vivian
O’Connell, Jeff
Palmer, Nicholette D.
Papanicolau, George J.
Pazoki, Raha
Pedersen, Nancy L.
Peters, Annette
Peyser, Patricia A.
Polasek, Ozren
Porteous, David J.
Poveda, Alaitz
Raitakari, Olli T.
Rich, Stephen S.
Risch, Neil
Robinson, Jennifer G.
Rose, Lynda M.
Rudan, Igor
Schreiner, Pamela J.
Scott, Robert A.
Sidney, Stephen S.
Sims, Mario
Smith, Jennifer A.
Snieder, Harold
Sofer, Tamar
Starr, John M.
Sternfeld, Barbara
Strauch, Konstantin
Tang, Hua
Taylor, Kent D.
Tsai, Michael Y.
Tuomilehto, Jaakko
Uitterlinden, André G.
van der Ende, M. Yldau
van Heemst, Diana
Voortman, Trudy
Waldenberger, Melanie
Wennberg, Patrik
Wilson, Gregory
Xiang, Yong-Bing
Yao, Jie
Yu, Caizheng
Yuan, Jian-Min
Zhao, Wei
Zonderman, Alan B.
Becker, Diane M.
Boehnke, Michael
Bowden, Donald W.
de Faire, Ulf
Deary, Ian J.
Elliott, Paul
Esko, Tõnu
Freedman, Barry I.
Froguel, Philippe
Gasparini, Paolo
Gieger, Christian
Kato, Norihiro
Laakso, Markku
Lakka, Timo A.
Lehtimäki, Terho
Magnusson, Patrik K. E.
Oldehinkel, Albertine J.
Penninx, Brenda W. J. H.
Samani, Nilesh J.
Shu, Xiao-Ou
van der Harst, Pim
Van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V.
Vollenweider, Peter
Wagenknecht, Lynne E.
Wang, Ya X.
Wareham, Nicholas J.
Weir, David R.
Wu, Tangchun
Zheng, Wei
Zhu, Xiaofeng
Evans, Michele K.
Franks, Paul W.
Gudnason, Vilmundur
Hayward, Caroline
Horta, Bernardo L.
Kelly, Tanika N.
Liu, Yongmei
North, Kari E.
Pereira, Alexandre C.
Ridker, Paul M.
Tai, E. Shyong
van Dam, Rob M.
Fox, Ervin R.
Kardia, Sharon L. R.
Liu, Ching-Ti
Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O.
Province, Michael A.
Redline, Susan
van Duijn, Cornelia M.
Rotter, Jerome I.
Kooperberg, Charles B.
Gauderman, W. Jame
Psaty, Bruce M.
Rice, Kenneth
Munroe, Patricia B.
Fornage, Myriam
Cupples, L. Adrienne
Rotimi, Charles N.
Morrison, Alanna C.
Rao, Dabeeru C.
Loos, Ruth J. F.
Bentley, Amy R [0000-0002-0827-9101]
Jakupović, Hermina [0000-0001-9667-9406]
Manning, Alisa [0000-0003-0247-902X]
Aschard, Hugues [0000-0003-0907-2548]
de Las Fuentes, Lisa [0000-0002-4689-325X]
Richard, Melissa [0000-0003-0129-9860]
Liu, Ching-Ti [0000-0002-0703-0742]
Rice, Kenneth [0000-0002-3071-7278]
Munroe, Patricia B [0000-0002-4176-2947]
Loos, Ruth JF [0000-0002-8532-5087]
Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Erasmus MC other
Internal Medicine
Læknadeild (HÍ)
Faculty of Medicine (UI)
Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ)
School of Health Sciences (UI)
Háskóli Íslands
University of Iceland
IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
Universiteit Leiden
Institut Pasteur [Paris] (IP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Life Course Epidemiology (LCE)
Groningen Institute for Gastro Intestinal Genetics and Immunology (3GI)
Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD (GRIAC)
Lifestyle Medicine (LM)
Groningen Kidney Center (GKC)
Value, Affordability and Sustainability (VALUE)
Damage and Repair in Cancer Development and Cancer Treatment (DARE)
Restoring Organ Function by Means of Regenerative Medicine (REGENERATE)
Interdisciplinary Centre Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE)
Cardiovascular Centre (CVC)
Center for Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (CLDM)
Stem Cell Aging Leukemia and Lymphoma (SALL)
Real World Studies in PharmacoEpidemiology, -Genetics, -Economics and -Therapy (PEGET)
Lifelines Cohort Study
Alizadeh, B.Z.
Boezen, H.M.
Franke, L.
Navis, G.
Rots, M.
Swertz, M.
Wolffenbuttel, BHR
Wijmenga, C.
Source :
Nature Communications, 10(1):376. Nature Publishing Group, Nature Communications, Vol 10, Iss 1, Pp 1-11 (2019), Nature Communications, Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2019, 10 (1), pp.376. ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-08008-w⟩, Kilpeläinen, T O, Bentley, A R & Loos, R J F 2019, ' Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 376 ., Kilpeläinen, T O, Bentley, A R, Noordam, R, Sung, Y J, Schwander, K, Winkler, T W, Jakupović, H, Chasman, D I, Manning, A, Ntalla, I, Aschard, H, Brown, M R, de las Fuentes, L, Franceschini, N, Guo, X, Vojinovic, D, Aslibekyan, S, Feitosa, M F, Kho, M, Musani, S K, Richard, M, Wang, H, Wang, Z, Bartz, T M, Bielak, L F, Campbell, A, Dorajoo, R, Fisher, V, Hartwig, F P, Horimoto, A R V R, Li, C, Lohman, K K, Marten, J, Sim, X, Smith, A V, Tajuddin, S M, Alver, M, Amini, M, Boissel, M, Chai, J F, Chen, X, Divers, J, Evangelou, E, Gao, C, Graff, M, Harris, S E, He, M, Hsu, F C, Zhao, J H, Loos, R J F, LifeLines Cohort Study & V Varga, T 2019, ' Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, 376 ., Kilpeläinen, T O, Bentley, A R, Noordam, R, Sung, Y J, Schwander, K, Winkler, T W, Jakupović, H, Chasman, D I, Manning, A, Ntalla, I, Aschard, H, Brown, M R, de las Fuentes, L, Franceschini, N, Guo, X, Vojinovic, D, Aslibekyan, S, Feitosa, M F, Kho, M, Musani, S K, Richard, M, Wang, H, Wang, Z, Bartz, T M, Bielak, L F, Campbell, A, Dorajoo, R, Fisher, V, Hartwig, F P, Horimoto, A R V R, Li, C, Lohman, K K, Marten, J, Sim, X, Smith, A V, Tajuddin, S M, Alver, M, Amini, M, Boissel, M, Chai, J F, Chen, X, Divers, J, Evangelou, E, Gao, C, Graff, M, Harris, S E, He, M, Milaneschi, Y, Yuan, J-M, Penninx, B W J H, Lifelines Cohort Study, Weir, D R, Franks, P W, Rotter, J I, Kooperberg, C B, Gauderman, W J, Psaty, B M, Rice, K M, Munroe, P B, Fornage, M, Cupples, L A, Rotimi, C N, Morrison, A C, Rao, D C & Loos, R J F 2019, ' Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 376 ., Nature Communications, 10, Nature Communications, 10:376. Nature Publishing Group, Nature Communications, 2019, 10 (1), pp.376. ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-08008-w⟩, Nat. Commun. 10:376 (2019), Nature communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 376
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Nature Research (part of Springer Nature), 2018.


Publisher's version (útgefin grein)<br />Many genetic loci affect circulating lipid levels, but it remains unknown whether lifestyle factors, such as physical activity, modify these genetic effects. To identify lipid loci interacting with physical activity, we performed genome-wide analyses of circulating HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in up to 120,979 individuals of European, African, Asian, Hispanic, and Brazilian ancestry, with follow-up of suggestive associations in an additional 131,012 individuals. We find four loci, in/near CLASP1, LHX1, SNTA1, and CNTNAP2, that are associated with circulating lipid levels through interaction with physical activity; higher levels of physical activity enhance the HDL cholesterol-increasing effects of the CLASP1, LHX1, and SNTA1 loci and attenuate the LDL cholesterol-increasing effect of the CNTNAP2 locus. The CLASP1, LHX1, and SNTA1 regions harbor genes linked to muscle function and lipid metabolism. Our results elucidate the role of physical activity interactions in the genetic contribution to blood lipid levels.<br />The present work was largely supported by a grant from the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (R01HL118305). The full list of acknowledgments appears in the Supplementary Notes 3 and 4.


Subjects :
Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
Genome-wide association study
02 engineering and technology
MESH: Genotype
MESH: Nerve Tissue Proteins
MESH: Lipid Metabolism
Aged, 80 and over
[STAT.AP]Statistics [stat]/Applications [stat.AP]
MESH: Middle Aged
MESH: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Hispanic or Latino
MESH: Transcription Factors
MESH: European Continental Ancestry Group
3. Good health
MESH: Young Adult
Science & Technology - Other Topics
MESH: Membrane Proteins
MESH: Cholesterol, HDL
Hispanic Americans
0210 nano-technology
MESH: Cholesterol, LDL
MESH: Triglycerides
Genetic Loci
Lipid Metabolism
European Continental Ancestry Group
LIM-Homeodomain Proteins
Locus (genetics)
African Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
Calcium-Binding Proteins/genetics
Cholesterol, HDL/blood
Cholesterol, HDL/genetics
Cholesterol, LDL/blood
Cholesterol, LDL/genetics
European Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
Genetic Loci/genetics
Genome-Wide Association Study
Hispanic Americans/genetics
LIM-Homeodomain Proteins/genetics
Lipid Metabolism/genetics
Membrane Proteins/genetics
Microtubule-Associated Proteins/genetics
Middle Aged
Muscle Proteins/genetics
Nerve Tissue Proteins/genetics
Transcription Factors/genetics
Young Adult
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
White People
03 medical and health sciences
Physics and Astronomy (all)
MESH: Muscle Proteins
Asian People
Lifelines Cohort Study
MESH: Adolescent
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all)
MESH: Humans
Science & Technology
Calcium-Binding Proteins
MESH: Adult
MESH: Microtubule-Associated Proteins
030104 developmental biology
MESH: Genome-Wide Association Study
MESH: African Continental Ancestry Group
Chemistry (all)
[INFO.INFO-BI]Computer Science [cs]/Bioinformatics [q-bio.QM]
MESH: Brazil
MESH: Female
Transcription Factors
0301 basic medicine
General Physics and Astronomy
Blood lipids
Muscle Proteins
MESH: Calcium-Binding Proteins
MESH: Aged, 80 and over
MESH: Cholesterol
African Continental Ancestry Group
MESH: Aged
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology
Multidisciplinary Sciences
lipids (amino acids, peptides, and proteins)
Medical Genetics
[STAT.ME]Statistics [stat]/Methodology [stat.ME]
Microtubule-Associated Proteins
Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Black People
Nerve Tissue Proteins
MESH: Genetic Loci
MD Multidisciplinary
Medicinsk genetik
MESH: LIM-Homeodomain Proteins
MESH: Hispanic Americans
Cholesterol, HDL
Genome-wide analyses
Membrane Proteins
Lipid metabolism
General Chemistry
Cholesterol, LDL
MESH: Lipids
MESH: Male
Folkhälsovetenskap, global hälsa, socialmedicin och epidemiologi
[SDV.GEN.GH]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics/Human genetics
MESH: Exercise
[SDV.SPEE]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Santé publique et épidémiologie


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Nature Communications, 10(1):376. Nature Publishing Group, Nature Communications, Vol 10, Iss 1, Pp 1-11 (2019), Nature Communications, Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2019, 10 (1), pp.376. ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-08008-w⟩, Kilpeläinen, T O, Bentley, A R & Loos, R J F 2019, ' Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 376 ., Kilpeläinen, T O, Bentley, A R, Noordam, R, Sung, Y J, Schwander, K, Winkler, T W, Jakupović, H, Chasman, D I, Manning, A, Ntalla, I, Aschard, H, Brown, M R, de las Fuentes, L, Franceschini, N, Guo, X, Vojinovic, D, Aslibekyan, S, Feitosa, M F, Kho, M, Musani, S K, Richard, M, Wang, H, Wang, Z, Bartz, T M, Bielak, L F, Campbell, A, Dorajoo, R, Fisher, V, Hartwig, F P, Horimoto, A R V R, Li, C, Lohman, K K, Marten, J, Sim, X, Smith, A V, Tajuddin, S M, Alver, M, Amini, M, Boissel, M, Chai, J F, Chen, X, Divers, J, Evangelou, E, Gao, C, Graff, M, Harris, S E, He, M, Hsu, F C, Zhao, J H, Loos, R J F, LifeLines Cohort Study & V Varga, T 2019, ' Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, 376 ., Kilpeläinen, T O, Bentley, A R, Noordam, R, Sung, Y J, Schwander, K, Winkler, T W, Jakupović, H, Chasman, D I, Manning, A, Ntalla, I, Aschard, H, Brown, M R, de las Fuentes, L, Franceschini, N, Guo, X, Vojinovic, D, Aslibekyan, S, Feitosa, M F, Kho, M, Musani, S K, Richard, M, Wang, H, Wang, Z, Bartz, T M, Bielak, L F, Campbell, A, Dorajoo, R, Fisher, V, Hartwig, F P, Horimoto, A R V R, Li, C, Lohman, K K, Marten, J, Sim, X, Smith, A V, Tajuddin, S M, Alver, M, Amini, M, Boissel, M, Chai, J F, Chen, X, Divers, J, Evangelou, E, Gao, C, Graff, M, Harris, S E, He, M, Milaneschi, Y, Yuan, J-M, Penninx, B W J H, Lifelines Cohort Study, Weir, D R, Franks, P W, Rotter, J I, Kooperberg, C B, Gauderman, W J, Psaty, B M, Rice, K M, Munroe, P B, Fornage, M, Cupples, L A, Rotimi, C N, Morrison, A C, Rao, D C & Loos, R J F 2019, ' Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity ', Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 376 ., Nature Communications, 10, Nature Communications, 10:376. Nature Publishing Group, Nature Communications, 2019, 10 (1), pp.376. ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-08008-w⟩, Nat. Commun. 10:376 (2019), Nature communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 376
Accession number :
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