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Cumulative and current exposure to potentially nephrotoxic antiretrovirals and development of chronic kidney disease in HIV-positive individuals with a normal baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate: a prospective international cohort study

Authors :
Steering, D
Powderly, B
Shortman, N
Moecklinghoff, C
Reilly, G
Franquet, X
Ryom, L
Hatleberg, Ci
Sabin, Ca
Kamara, D
Smith, C
Phillips, A
Mocroft, A
Bojesen, A
Grevsen, A
Matthews, C
Raben, D
Lundgren, Jd
Brandt, Rs
Rickenbach, M
Fanti, I
Hillebreght, M
Zaheri, S
Gras, L
Pernot, E
Mourabi, J
Sundström, A
Delforge, M
Fontas, E
Torres, F
Mcmanus, H
Wright, S
Kristensen, D
Sjøl, A
Meidahl, P
Helweg-Larsen, J
Schmidt Iversen, J
Kirk, O
Reiss, P
Smit, C
Ross, M
Fux, Ca
Morlat, P
Moranne, O
Kamara, Da
Weber, R
Pradier, C
Friis-Møller, N
Kowalska, J
Sabin, C
Law, M
d'Arminio Monforte, A
Dabis, F
Bruyand, M
Bonnet, F
Bower, M
Fätkenheuer, G
Donald, A
Grulich, A
Prins, Jm
Kuijpers, Tw
Scherpbier, Hj
van der Meer JT
Wit, Fw
Godfried, Mh
van der Poll, T
Nellen, Fj
Geerlings, Se
van Vugt, M
Pajkrt, D
Bos, Jc
Wiersinga, Wj
van der Valk, M
Goorhuis, A
Hovius, Jw
van Eden, J
Henderiks, A
van Hes AM
Mutschelknauss, M
Nobel, He
Pijnappel, Fj
Westerman, Am
Jurriaans, S
Back, Nk
Zaaijer, Hl
Berkhout, B
Cornelissen, Mt
Schinkel, Cj
Thomas, Xv
De Ruyter Ziekenhuis, A
van den Berge, M
Stegeman, A
Baas, S
de Looff, L
Versteeg, D
Pronk, Mj
Ammerlaan, Hs
Korsten-Vorstermans, Em
de Munnik ES
Jansz, Ar
Tjhie, J
Wegdam, Mc
Deiman, B
Scharnhorst, V
Kinderziekenhuis, E
van der Plas, A
Weijsenfeld, Am
van der Ende ME
de Vries-Sluijs TE
van Gorp EC
Schurink, Ca
Nouwen, Jl
Verbon, A
Rijnders, Bj
Bax, Hi
Hassing, Rj
van der Feltz, M
Bassant, N
van Beek JE
Vriesde, M
van Zonneveld LM
de Oude-Lubbers, A
van den Berg-Cameron HJ
Bruinsma-Broekman, Fb
de Groot, J
de Man de, Z
Broekhoven-Kruijne, Mj
Schutten, M
Osterhaus, Ad
Boucher, Ca
Driessen, Gj
van Rossum AM
van der Knaap LC
Visser, E
Branger, J
Duijf-van de Ven CJ
Haag, D
Schippers, Ef
van Nieuwkoop, C
Brimicombe, Rw
van IJperen, M
van der Hut, G
Franck, Pf
van Eeden, A
Brokking, W
Groot, M
Damen, M
Kwa, Is
Groeneveld, Ph
Bouwhuis, Jw
van den Berg JF
van Hulzen AG
van der Bliek GL
Bor, Pc
Bloembergen, P
Wolfhagen, Mj
Ruijs, Gj
Gasthuis, K
van Lelyveld SF
Soetekouw, R
Hulshoff, N
van der Prijt LM
Schoemaker, M
Bermon, N
van der Reijden WA
Jansen, R
Herpers, Bl
Veenendaal, D
Kroon, Fp
Arend, Sm
de Boer MG
Bauer, Mp
Jolink, H
Vollaard, Am
Dorama, W
Moons, C
Claas, Ec
Kroes, Ac
den Hollander JG
Pogany, K
Kastelijns, M
Smit, Jv
Smit, E
Bezemer, M
van Niekerk, T
Pontesilli, O
Lowe, Sh
Oude Lashof, A
Posthouwer, D
Ackens, Rp
Schippers, J
Vergoossen, R
Weijenberg Maes, B
Savelkoul, Ph
Loo, Ih
Zuiderzee, Mc
Weijer, S
El Moussaoui, R
Heitmuller, M
Kortmann, W
van Twillert, G
Cohen Stuart JW
Diederen, Bm
Pronk, D
van Truijen-Oud FA
van der Reijden, W
Leyten, Em
Gelinck, Lb
van Hartingsveld, A
Meerkerk, C
Wildenbeest, Gs
Mutsaers, Ja
Jansen, Cl
van Vonderen MG
van Houte DP
Dijkstra, K
Faber, S
Weel, J
Kootstra, Gj
Delsing, Ce
van der Burgvan de Plas, M
Heins, H
Lucas, E
Brinkman, K
Frissen, Ph
Blok, Wl
Schouten, We
Bosma, As
Brouwer, Cj
Geerders, Gf
Hoeksema, K
Kleene, Mj
van der Meché IB
Toonen, Aj
Wijnands, S
van Ogtrop ML
Koopmans, Pp
Keuter, M
van der Ven AJ
ter Hofstede HJ
Dofferhoff, As
van Crevel, R
Albers, M
Bosch, Me
Grintjes-Huisman, Kj
Zomer, Bj
Stelma, Ff
Burger, D
Richter, C
van der Berg JP
Gisolf, Eh
Beest, G
van Bentum PH
Langebeek, N
Tiemessen, R
Swanink, Cm
Veenstra, J
Lettinga, Kd
Spelbrink, M
Sulman, H
Witte, E
Peerbooms, Pg
Mulder, Jw
Vrouenraets, Sm
Lauw, Fn
van Broekhuizen MC
Paap, H
Vlasblom, Dj
Oudmaijer Sanders, E
Smits, Ph
Rosingh, Aw
Verhagen, Dw
Geilings, J
van Kasteren ME
Brouwer, Ae
de Kruijf-van de Wiel BA
Kuipers, M
Santegoets, Rm
van der Ven, B
Marcelis, Jh
Buiting, Ag
Kabel, Pj
Bierman, Wf
Sprenger, Hg
Scholvinck, Eh
van Assen, S
Wilting, Kr
Stienstra, Y
de Groot-de Jonge, H
van der Meulen PA
de Weerd DA
Niesters, Hg
Riezebos-Brilman, A
van Leer-Buter CC
Hoepelman, Ai
Schneider, Mm
Mudrikova, T
Ellerbroek, Pm
Oosterheert, Jj
Arends, Je
Barth, Re
Wassenberg, Mw
van Elst-Laurijssen DH
Laan, Lm
van Oers-Hazelzet EE
Patist, J
Vervoort, S
Nieuwenhuis, He
Frauenfelder, R
Schuurman, R
Verduyn-Lunel, F
Wensing, Am
Peters, Ej
van Agtmael MA
Perenboom, Rm
Bomers, M
de Vocht, J
Elsenburg, Lj
Pettersson, Am
Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Cm
Ang, Cw
Geelen, Sp
Wolfs, Tf
Bont, Lj
Nauta, N
Bezemer, Do
van Sighem AI
Hillebregt, M
Kimmel, V
Tong, Y
Lascaris, B
van den Boogaard, R
Hoekstra, P
de Lang, A
Berkhout, M
Grivell, S
Jansen, A
de Groot, L
van den Akker, M
Bergsma, D
Lodewijk, C
Meijering, R
Peeck, B
Raethke, M
Ree, C
Regtop, R
Ruijs, Y
Schoorl, M
Tuijn, E
Veenenberg, L
Woudstra, T
Bakker, Y
de Jong, A
Broekhoven, M
Claessen, E
Rademaker, Mj
Munjishvili, L
Kruijne, E
Tuk, B
Bouchet, S
Breilh, D
Chêne, G
Dupon, M
Fleury, H
Gaborieau, V
Lacoste, D
Malvy, D
Mercié, P
Neau, D
Pellegrin, I
Pellegrin, Jl
Tchamgoué, S
Fagard, C
Lawson-Ayayi, S
Richert, L
Thiébaut, R
Wittkop, L
André, K
Bernard, N
Caunègre, L
Cazanave, C
Ceccaldi, J
Chossat, I
Courtault, C
Dauchy, Fa
De Witte, S
Dondia, D
Dupont, A
Duffau, P
Dutronc, H
Farbos, S
Faure, I
Gerard, Y
Greib, C
Hessamfar-Joseph, M
Imbert, Y
Lataste, P
Lazaro, E
Marie, J
Mechain, M
Meraud, Jp
Monlun, E
Ochoa, A
Pillot-Debelleix, M
Pistone, T
Raymond, I
Receveur, Mc
Rispal, P
Sorin, L
Valette, C
Vandenhende, Ma
Vareil, Mo
Viallard, Jf
Wille, H
Wirth, G
Moreau, Jf
Lafon, Me
Reigadas, S
Trimoulet, P
Haramburu, F
Miremont-Salamé, G
Blaizeau, Mj
Crespel, I
Decoin, M
Delveaux, S
Diarra, F
D'Ivernois, C
Hanappier, C
Leleux, O
Le Marec, F
Lenaud, E
Mourali, J
Pougetoux, A
Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, B
Tsaranazy, A
Valdes, A
Conte, V
Louis, I
Palmer, G
Sapparrart, V
Touchard, D
Petoumenos, K
Bendall, C
Moore, R
Edwards, S
Hoy, J
Watson, K
Roth, N
Nicholson, J
Bloch, M
Franic, T
Baker, D
Vale, R
Carr, A
Cooper, D
Chuah, J
Ngieng, M
Nolan, D
Skett, J
Calvo, G
Mateu, S
Domingo, P
Sambeat, Ma
Gatell, J
Del Cacho, E
Cadafalch, J
Fuster, M
Codina, C
Sirera, G
Vaqué, A
De Wit, S
Clumeck, N
Necsoi, C
Gennotte, Af
Gerard, M
Kabeya, K
Konopnicki, D
Libois, A
Martin, C
Payen, Mc
Semaille, P
Van, Y
Neaton, J
Bartsch, G
El-Sadr, Wm
Krum, E
Thompson, G
Wentworth, D
Luskin-Hawk, R
Telzak, E
Abrams, Di
Cohn, D
Markowitz, N
Arduino, R
Mushatt, D
Friedland, G
Perez, G
Tedaldi, E
Fisher, E
Gordin, F
Crane, Lr
Sampson, J
Baxter, J
Losso, M
Kundro, M
Vetter, N
Zangerle, R
Karpov, I
Vassilenko, A
Mitsura, Vm
Paduto, D
Florence, E
Vandekerckhove, L
Hadziosmanovic, V
Kostov, K
Begovac, J
Machala, L
Jilich, D
Sedlacek, D
Kronborg, G
Benfield, T
Gerstoft, J
Katzenstein, T
Hansen, Ab
Pedersen, C
Møller, Nf
Ostergaard, L
Dragsted, Ub
Nielsen, Ln
Zilmer, K
Smidt, J
Ristola, M
Aho, I
Katlama, C
Viard, Jp
Girard, Pm
Cotte, L
Duvivier, C
Rockstroh, J
Schmidt, R
van Lunzen, J
Degen, O
Stellbrink, Hj
Stefan, C
Bogner, J
Chkhartishvili, N
Kosmidis, J
Gargalianos, P
Xylomenos, G
Lourida, P
Sambatakou, H
Banhegyi, D
Gottfredsson, M
Mulcahy, F
Yust, I
Turner, D
Burke, M
Shahar, E
Hassoun, G
Elinav, H
Haouzi, M
Sthoeger, Zm
D'Arminio Monforte, A
Esposito, R
Mazeu, I
Mussini, C
Mazzotta, F
Gabbuti, A
Vullo, V
Lichtner, M
Zaccarelli, M
Antinori, A
Acinapura, R
D'Offizi, G
Lazzarin, A
Castagna, A
Gianotti, N
Galli, M
Ridolfo, A
Rozentale, B
Uzdaviniene, V
Matulionyte, R
Staub, T
Hemmer, R
Ormaasen, V
Maeland, A
Bruun, J
Knysz, B
Gasiorowski, J
Inglot, M
Horban, A
Bakowska, E
Grzeszczuk, A
Flisiak, R
Parczewski, M
Pynka, M
Maciejewska, K
Beniowski, M
Mularska, E
Smiatacz, T
Gensing, M
Jablonowska, E
Malolepsza, E
Wojcik, K
Mozer-Lisewska, I
Doroana, M
Caldeira, L
Mansinho, K
Maltez, F
Radoi, R
Oprea, C
Rakhmanova, A
Trofimora, T
Khromova, I
Kuzovatova, E
Jevtovic, D
Shunnar, A
Staneková, D
Tomazic, J
Moreno, S
Rodriguez, J
Clotet, B
Jou, A
Paredes, R
Tural, C
Puig, J
Bravo, I
Gatell, Jm
Miró, Jm
Gutierrez, M
Mateo, G
Laporte, Jm
Blaxhult, A
Flamholc, L
Falconer, K
Thalme, A
Sonnerborg, A
Ledergerber, B
Cavassini, M
Calmy, A
Furrer, H
Battegay, M
Elzi, L
Schmid, P
Kravchenko, E
Chentsova, N
Frolov, V
Kutsyna, G
Baskakov, I
Servitskiy, S
Kuznetsova, A
Kyselyova, G
Gazzard, B
Johnson, Am
Simons, E
Johnson, Ma
Orkin, C
Weber, J
Scullard, G
Fisher, M
Leen, C
Lundgren, J
Grarup, J
Cozzi-Lepri, A
Thiebaut, R
Peters, L
Fischer, Ah
Grønborg Laut, K
Larsen, Jf
Podlekareva, D
Grint, D
Shepherd, L
Schultze, A
Morfeldt, L
Thulin, G
Åkerlund, B
Koppel, K
Karlsson, A
Håkangård, C
Moroni, M
Angarano, G
Armignacco, O
Castelli, F
Cauda, R
Di Perri, G
Iardino, R
Ippolito, G
Perno, Cf
von Schloesser, F
Viale, P
Ceccherini-Silberstein, F
Girardi, E
Lo Caputo, S
Puoti, M
Andreoni, M
Ammassari, A
Balotta, C
Bonfanti, P
Bonora, S
Borderi, M
Capobianchi, R
Cingolani, A
Cinque, P
De Luca, A
Di Biagio, A
Gori, A
Guaraldi, G
Lapadula, G
Madeddu, G
Maggiolo, F
Marchetti, G
Marcotullio, S
Monno, L
Quiros Roldan, E
Rusconi, S
Cicconi, P
Formenti, T
Galli, L
Lorenzini, P
Giacometti, A
Costantini, A
Santoro, C
Suardi, C
Vanino, E
Verucchi, G
Minardi, C
Quirino, T
Abeli, C
Manconi, Pe
Piano, P
Vecchiet, J
Falasca, K
Sighinolfi, L
Segala, D
Cassola, G
Viscoli, G
Alessandrini, A
Piscopo, R
Mazzarello, G
Mastroianni, C
Belvisi, V
Castelli, A
Rizzardini, G
Ridolfo, Al
Piolini, R
Salpietro, S
Carenzi, L
Moioli, Mc
Puzzolante, C
Abrescia, N
Chirianni, A
Guida, Mg
Onofrio, M
Baldelli, F
Francisci, D
Parruti, G
Ursini, T
Magnani, G
Ursitti, Ma
D'Avino, A
Gallo, L
Nicastri, E
Capozzi, M
Libertone, R
Tebano, G
Cattelan, A
Mura, Ms
Caramello, P
Orofino, Gc
Sciandra, M
Pellizzer, G
Manfrin, V
Castelli, Ap
Dollet, K
Caissotti, C
Dellamonica, P
Bernard, E
Cua, E
De Salvador-Guillouet, F
Durant, J
Ferrando, S
Dunais, B
Mondain-Miton, V
Naqvi, A
Perbost, I
Prouvost-Keller, B
Pillet, S
Pugliese, P
Risso, K
Roger, Pm
Aubert, V
Bernasconi, E
Böni, J
Bucher, Hc
Burton-Jeangros, C
Dollenmaier, G
Egger, M
Fehr, J
Fellay, J
Gorgievski, M
Günthard, H
Haerry, D
Hasse, B
Hirsch, Hh
Hoffmann, M
Hösli, I
Kahlert, C
Kaiser, L
Keiser, O
Klimkait, T
Kouyos, R
Kovari, H
Martinetti, G
Martinez de Tejada, B
Metzner, K
Müller, N
Nadal, D
Nicca, D
Pantaleo, G
Rauch, A
Regenass, S
Rudin, C
Schöni-Affolter, F
Schüpbach, J
Speck, R
Tarr, P
Telenti, A
Trkola, A
Vernazza, P
Yerly, S.
University College of London [London] (UCL)
Rigshospitalet [Copenhagen]
Copenhagen University Hospital
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes (CHU Nîmes)
Aide à la Décision pour une Médecine Personnalisé - Laboratoire de Biostatistique, Epidémiologie et Recherche Clinique - EA 2415 (AIDMP)
Université Montpellier 1 (UM1)-Université de Montpellier (UM)
Epidémiologie et Biostatistique [Bordeaux]
Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2-Institut de Santé Publique, d'Épidémiologie et de Développement (ISPED)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
CHU Bordeaux [Bordeaux]
Chemical Biology
Internal Medicine
Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
A:, Lundgren
Ross, M
Fux, Ca
Reiss, P
Moranne, O
Morlat., P
Monforte, Ad
Kirk, O
Ryom, L
for the Data Collection on Adverse events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D), Study
Lazzarin, A
Castagna, A
Other departments
AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity
APH - Amsterdam Public Health
Global Health
Infectious diseases
Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Rheumatology / Immunology
General Internal Medicine
Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine
Graduate School
Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases
Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev
MUMC+: DA MMI Staf (9)
MUMC+: MA Alg Interne Geneeskunde (9)
MUMC+: DA MMI Infectieserologie (9)
RS: FHML non-thematic output
Mocroft, A
Lundgren, J
Fux, C
Morlat, P
Monforte, A
Gori, A
Source :
Lancet HIV, Lancet HIV, Elsevier, 2016, 3 (1), pp.e23-e32. ⟨10.1016/S2352-3018(15)00211-8⟩, LANCET HIV, The Lancet HIV, 3(1). Elsevier, Europe PubMed Central, The Lancet HIV, 3(1), e23-32. Elsevier Ltd., Mocroft, A, Lundgren, J D, Ross, M, Fux, C A, Reiss, P, Moranne, O, Morlat, P, Monforte, A DA, Kirk, O, Ryom, L, Data Collection on Adverse events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study & Pedersen, C 2016, ' Cumulative and current exposure to potentially nephrotoxic antiretrovirals and development of chronic kidney disease in HIV-positive individuals with a normal baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate : a prospective international cohort study ', The Lancet HIV, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. e23-e32 ., Lancet HIV, 3(1), e23-e32. Elsevier Limited, The lancet HIV, 3(1), E23-E32. Elsevier Limited, The Lancet HIV, 3, 1, pp. e23-32, The Lancet HIV, 3(1), E23-E32. ELSEVIER INC, The Lancet HIV, 3, e23-32
Publication Year :
Publisher :
HAL CCSD, 2016.


BACKGROUND: Whether or not the association between some antiretrovirals used in HIV infection and chronic kidney disease is cumulative is a controversial topic, especially in patients with initially normal renal function. In this study, we aimed to investigate the association between duration of exposure to antiretrovirals and the development of chronic kidney disease in people with initially normal renal function, as measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).METHODS: In this prospective international cohort study, HIV-positive adult participants (aged ≥16 years) from the D:A:D study (based in Europe, the USA, and Australia) with first eGFR greater than 90 mL/min per 1·73 m(2) were followed from baseline (first eGFR measurement after Jan 1, 2004) until the occurrence of one of the following: chronic kidney disease; last eGFR measurement; Feb 1, 2014; or final visit plus 6 months (whichever occurred first). Chronic kidney disease was defined as confirmed (>3 months apart) eGFR lower than 60 mL/min per 1·73 m(2). The primary outcome was the occurrence of chronic kidney disease. Poisson regression was used to estimate the incidence rate of chronic kidney disease associated with cumulative exposure to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, ritonavir-boosted atazanavir, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir, other ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors, or abacavir.FINDINGS: Between Jan 1, 2004, and July 26, 2013, 23,905 eligible individuals from the D:A:D study were included. Participants had a median baseline eGFR of 110 mL/min per 1·73 m(2) (IQR 100-125), a median age of 39 years (33-45), and median CD4 cell count of 441 cells per mm(3) (294-628). During a median follow-up of 7·2 years (IQR 5·1-8·9), 285 (1%) of 23,905 people developed chronic kidney disease (incidence 1·76 per 1000 person-years of follow-up [95% CI 1·56-1·97]). After adjustment, we recorded a significant increase in chronic kidney disease associated with each additional year of exposure to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (adjusted incidence rate ratio 1·14 [95% CI 1·10-1·19], pINTERPRETATION: In people with normal renal function, the annual incidence of chronic kidney disease increased for up to 6 years of exposure to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, ritonavir-boosted atazanavir, or ritonavir-boosted lopinavir therapy. Although the absolute number of new cases of chronic kidney disease was modest, treatment with these antiretrovirals might result in an increasing and cumulative risk of chronic kidney disease. Patients on potentially nephrotoxic antiretrovirals or at high risk of chronic kidney disease should be closely monitored.FUNDING: The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Oversight Committee.


Language :
24054704 and 23523018
Database :
Journal :
Lancet HIV, Lancet HIV, Elsevier, 2016, 3 (1), pp.e23-e32. ⟨10.1016/S2352-3018(15)00211-8⟩, LANCET HIV, The Lancet HIV, 3(1). Elsevier, Europe PubMed Central, The Lancet HIV, 3(1), e23-32. Elsevier Ltd., Mocroft, A, Lundgren, J D, Ross, M, Fux, C A, Reiss, P, Moranne, O, Morlat, P, Monforte, A DA, Kirk, O, Ryom, L, Data Collection on Adverse events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study & Pedersen, C 2016, ' Cumulative and current exposure to potentially nephrotoxic antiretrovirals and development of chronic kidney disease in HIV-positive individuals with a normal baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate : a prospective international cohort study ', The Lancet HIV, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. e23-e32 ., Lancet HIV, 3(1), e23-e32. Elsevier Limited, The lancet HIV, 3(1), E23-E32. Elsevier Limited, The Lancet HIV, 3, 1, pp. e23-32, The Lancet HIV, 3(1), E23-E32. ELSEVIER INC, The Lancet HIV, 3, e23-32
Accession number :