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Parena (Parena) picipes Shi & Liang 2023, sp. nov

Authors :
Shi, Hongliang
Liang, Hongbin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2023.


[30] Parena (Parena) picipes sp. nov. Habitus: Figs 62A, 62B. Male genitalia: Fig. 63. Gonocoxites of ovipositor: Fig. 11O. Type locality. Borneo, Sabah, Trus Madi forest Reserve, N5.4430, E116.4512, 1182 m. Type material. Holotype (IZAS, Fig. 62A): male, body length= 8.5 mm, board mounted, " Borneo: Sabah, Keningau / district, Jungle Girl Camp / N5.4430, E116.4512; 1182 m / Shi H.L. & Liu Y. Lgt. light trap / Ins. Zoo. CAS. 2016.IV.28 N", "HOLOTYPE / Parena (Parena) / picipes sp. nov. / des. Shi H.L. 2022" [red label] . Paratypes (IZAS): 3 males, 5 females, same data as the holotype, with different date from 2016.IV.24 to 2016.V.2 . Diagnostic characters. Dorsum reddish brown, elytra with black lateral stripes, without metallic lustre, elytra lateral margins black; legs with apical third of femora and entire tibiae black; postgenae without suborbital setae; median lobe of aedeagus stout, right margin weakly sinuate before apex, apical lamella narrow, LL 1.5 times LW, apex slightly bent dorsally. Comparisons. P. picipes sp. n. is distinguishable by its black tibiae among all Parena species with elytral lateral stripes. It is most similar to P. nigrolineata and P. amamiooshimensis, but different in the black color of tibiae, femoral apices, and elytra lateral margins. The new species also has the male genitalia very different from the other two species. Compared to P. nigrolineata, the new species is different in the median lobe stouter (AL/AW 4.4–4.6, versus 5.3–6.0 in P. nigrolineata) and apical lamella much narrower (LL 1.5 times LW, versus LL slightly greater than LW in P. nigrolineata). Compared to P. amamiooshimensis, the new species is different in median lobe less stout and apical lamella much narrower. Description. Body length 8.5–9.3 mm; body median-sized in the genus, subconvex. Color. Dorsum mostly reddish brown, elytra with black lateral stripes, without trace of metallic lustre; mouthparts yellowish brown, inner margin of mandibles black; antennae bicolor with sharp contrast, antennomeres 1–2 brown, antennomere 3 brown to piceous; the rests black to pitchy brown; pronotum reddish brown, lateral margins slightly darkened; elytra with lateral black stripes, sixth to ninth intervals and elytra lateral margins completely black, median red patch usually widest to fifth striae, lateral stripes widely continuous at apex, reaching interval 2 or 3 at base; venter reddish brown, mesosternal process dark brown; legs with apical third of femora and entire tibiae black, tarsomeres dark brown. Head with sparse fine punctures on vertex; frons with V-shaped depression; eyes large and strongly prominent; tempora short, abruptly narrowed behind eyes, length of tempora plus neck-constriction approximately one-third of diameter of eye; postgenae without suborbital setae. Antennae barely reaching pronotal base. Labrum nearly quadrate, apex nearly straight; mandibles short and wide; mentum with a pair of minute median setae, barely visible in some specimens, lateral lobes short and wide, inner margins strongly oblique, outer margins completely rounded, epilobes wide. Pronotum rounded-hexagon, PW/PL = 1.34–1.40, usually slightly wider than head, PW/HW = 1.00–1.09, widest at anterior third, lateral explanations slightly wide; lateral margins fully rounded at anterior half and then strongly narrowed to base with shallow sinuation before posterior angles; posterior angles obtuse, rounded at apex; anterior margin nearly straight at middle; posterior margin gradually oblique at sides; disc convex, usually with very fine transverse wrinkles. Elytra weakly convex, slightly dilated to apex. Striae shallowly incised, with rows of fine punctures; intervals slightly convex, with sparse fine punctures about half dense as interval punctures. Disc with very faint depressions near basal third of intervals 3 to 6, lateral sides slightly depressed near anterior third. Elytral basal pore present on base of first stria; interval 3 with three discal setigerous pores: first one on level of scutellar apex, adjacent to stria 3; second one slightly before middle, adjacent to stria 3; third one on apical eighth, adjacent to stria 2; interval 9 with 21–23 umbilicular pores. Apical truncation indistinct, evenly rounded, sutural angles indistinct. Venter. Apex of abdominal sternite VII very shallowly emarginate in males, straight in females, with two setae on each side in both sexes. Males with biseriate adhesive setae on apical half of mesotarsomere 1 ventrally, and almost full length of mesotarsomeres 2–3. Male genitalia (Fig. 63). Median lobe of aedeagus slightly stout (AL/AW = 4.4–4.6); in lateral view, ventral margin almost straight near middle, apical lamella slightly bent to dorsum; in dorsal view, right margin slightly sinuate before apex, apical lamella narrow, LL 1.5 times LW, slightly narrowed to apex, apex rounded. Endophallus with distinct flared basal expansion of primary sclerite; flagellum extending to the base of apical orifice; apical sclerite narrowly V-shaped, well chitinized, basal core distinct, ovate, heavily chitinized; squamate sheath heavily scaled, basal sheath larger than apical sheath; squamate sac heavily scaled and well divided, near middle of median lobe, dorsal-right to squamate sheath; proximal and distal sacs laterally compressed, forming a pair of file-like pieces in dorsal view, distal sac slightly smaller and closer to apex than proximal one. Female genitalia. Gonocoxite II (Fig. 11O) of ovipositor nearly quadrate, slightly wider than length, apex slightly concave, slightly pointed near inner apical angle, with three ensiform setae on inner apical angle, two on outer apical angle. Distribution (Map 10, green). Only known from the type locality in N. Boreno. Etymology. The scientific name of the new species is derived from Latin meaning black legs. The black-colored tibiae is one of the most important diagnostic character of the new species.<br />Published as part of Shi, Hongliang & Liang, Hongbin, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the genus Parena Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini, Metallicina), pp. 1-144 in Zootaxa 5286 (1) on pages 104-106, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5286.1.1,


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