The North Atlantic Floor - The Floors of the Oceans—I. The North Atlantic. B. C. Heezen, M. Thorp M. Ewing, 122 + xiii, 30 plates, 49 figs., 1 physiographic diagram, cloth, 10 × 6·5 in., Geol. Soc. Amer., 1959, §4.50
J. D. H. Wiseman. “The North Atlantic Floor - The Floors of the Oceans—I. The North Atlantic. B. C. Heezen, M. Thorp M. Ewing, 122 + Xiii, 30 Plates, 49 Figs., 1 Physiographic Diagram, Cloth, 10 × 6·5 in., Geol. Soc. Amer., 1959, §4.50.” Journal of Navigation, vol. 13, July 1960, pp. 360–62. EBSCOhost,
J. D. H. Wiseman. (1960). The North Atlantic Floor - The Floors of the Oceans—I. The North Atlantic. B. C. Heezen, M. Thorp M. Ewing, 122 + xiii, 30 plates, 49 figs., 1 physiographic diagram, cloth, 10 × 6·5 in., Geol. Soc. Amer., 1959, §4.50. Journal of Navigation, 13, 360–362.
J. D. H. Wiseman. 1960. “The North Atlantic Floor - The Floors of the Oceans—I. The North Atlantic. B. C. Heezen, M. Thorp M. Ewing, 122 + Xiii, 30 Plates, 49 Figs., 1 Physiographic Diagram, Cloth, 10 × 6·5 in., Geol. Soc. Amer., 1959, §4.50.” Journal of Navigation 13 (July): 360–62. doi:10.1017/s0373463300033786.