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A 3-Slope Theorem for the infinite relaxation in the plane

Authors :
Marco Molinaro
Gérard Cornuéjols
Source :
Mathematical Programming. 142:83-105
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2012.


In this paper we consider the infinite relaxation of the corner polyhedron with 2 rows. For the 1-row case, Gomory and Johnson proved in their seminal paper a sufficient condition for a minimal function to be extreme, the celebrated 2-Slope Theorem. Despite increased interest in understanding the multiple row setting, no generalization of this theorem was known for this case. We present an extension of the 2-Slope Theorem for the case of 2 rows by showing that minimal 3-slope functions satisfying an additional regularity condition are facets (and hence extreme). Moreover, we show that this regularity condition is necessary, unveiling a structure which is only present in the multi-row setting.


14364646 and 00255610
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Mathematical Programming
Accession number :